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The morning sun glares through my curtains. After Collin's mini breakdown we went downstairs to discover his mother and father had left the second my dad and him got back from the store.

My mom said it didn't bother any of our family members. Actually, nobody even knew what happened.

I sit up in my bed and stretch my limbs. My hands immediately find their way to the bulging tummy on my body.

Is it possible I can be having twins? Last night, I fell into a hole while looking at pictures of regular pregnancies and twin pregnancies. I even compared my stomach to them but I couldn't tell the difference.

I check the time on my phone and it seems I've woken up even later than I usually do. Ten in the morning is something new for me, I really can't remember the last time I've slept this long.

I throw the comforter off my body and walk into the bathroom. I feel like today is going to be a lazy day. I don't really feel like doing anything and Collin told me last night he has some things to take care of for the apartment so I'm ultimately alone today.

I turn on a warm shower and take my time with everything. I take my time getting dressed into a gray t-shirt, black cardigan, and blue jeans. I even take my time going down the stairs.

Nobody is home, Mom is at work, Dad is out somewhere and Collin, like I said, is gone. I sigh and sit down on the couch. I hate being home alone, it's so boring. I flip through tv shows and can't find anything entertaining to watch.

This day really isn't going to be a lazy day. I pick my keys up from the coffee table and before going outside, slip on some sandals. I get into the car and start it.

I have no idea where I'm going to go but I have to go somewhere.

I drive around town, looking at stores as I pass by them. Should I go shopping? As I pass by a BabiesRUs I see a sign out front. I turn into the parking lot and pull up to the sign.

First time parent classes! Starting at 15 dollars a wk. Contact Hailey at

I type her email in the notes on my phone and decide when I get home to email her. Before I put my phone down, it buzzes uncontrollably in my hand. The caller ID is Collin's so I slide the answer button.

"Hey," I say, waiting for him to say something.

"Hey Care, I'm at the furniture store and I need your input on the bed we should get."

"We're sharing?" I ask, parking the car in the lot.

"Uh yeah, you can't sleep in the baby's room." He says, I get out and lock the car.

"My mom told me that sleep number beds are good for new parents."

"I think they have that," he pauses as I walk into the store. I grab a cart and begin pushing it throughout the store. "Yeah, they have the newest sleep number. Looks pretty nice." I hear him let out a long sigh, "And feels pretty nice."

"Get it then and since you're out, come to BabiesRUs with me. I'm shopping for toys and gender neutral clothes."

"You mean like yellow and green things?" He asks.

"Yeah, like duck and turtle outfits."

"That sounds adorable, I'll meet you in twenty. I still have to buy a couch."

"We can wait on the couch," I say, taking a toy piano off the shelf.

"You sure? I have enough money to get the bed, couch, and dining table."

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