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Three Months Later

My back aches as I walk down the hallway. Thirty weeks with twins is a hell of a lot harder than I thought it'd be. I look disgusting, I feel disgusting. Everything is just sucky. I don't get enough sleep, the twin's kicks are unbearable. They're not feeling cute anymore.

"I want this pregnancy to be over with!" I shout as I walk into the teacher's lounge where Mr. Santiago and Mrs. Gideon sit, holding hands.

"How are you feeing Caroline?" Mrs. Gideon asks as I sit down in a chair.

"Everything hurts. I'm thanking god I only have eight weeks left of carrying them," Collin walks in, backpack in hand.

"There's my favorite person," He kisses my cheek and pulls a chair up next to me. I feel a strong pain shoot through the top of my stomach and I groan in pain.

"Is it Alpha or Bruno?" Collin asks, taking my hand.

"Alpha and you need to stop addressing our children in code names."

"I don't like saying Baby A and Baby B, it's stupid," I lean back in the chair and rub my stomach.

"Can I get a wheelchair?" I ask looking over at Mr. Santiago who's clearly lost in Mrs. Gideon's eyes. About two months ago, Mr. Santiago asked Mrs. Gideon on a date and apparently it went well. They're together a lot in between classes, it's pretty cute honestly.

"Have you had any fake contractions today?" Collin asks, moving my hand away from my stomach and lightly massages it with his.

"They're called Braxton Hicks, Collin," I say quietly, pinching the bridge of my nose. I've been really moody lately too, "Yes, I was in the nurses office for three hours today because of them. This fucking sucks," I groan, looking into his green eyes. I can tell he's worried about me, always.

"You can get a wheelchair from the nurses office," Mr. Santiago finally responds, giving Collin a key to the nurses room. Collin stands with the key in hand and leaves the lounge.

"So guys, are you gonna have any kids?" I ask, looking over at my two teachers who are obviously in love.

"Kids? We've only been together for two months Caroline," Mrs. Gideon says hysterically.

Mr. Santiago shrugs, "I wouldn't mind having children, as long as Lola is okay with it."

"I'm not saying I don't want kids, just not in this particular moment. Especially since you're looking like you're hating it."

I shake my head, "I'm having twins, so I'm sure the pain is magnified a little, but it's not horrible, it's just like... it's painful," Collin comes in with the wheelchair and I sigh in relief, with full support of the table, I stand up from the chair I'm in and sit down in the wheelchair, "But the pain is worth it."

"I understand," She smiles as the bell rings for lunch to be over, "I'll see you all later," She gives Mr. Santiago a quick kiss and then opens the door to leave, "Don't forget, we have a public outing at six o'clock tonight at the school board meeting!"

"I got to go too, I'll wheel you to class?" Collin asks as he picks up his backpack. I nod and he gets behind me before pushing me out of the lounge. We go down the hallway and talk to a couple people on the way. He rolls me into Or English class and Mr. Florence gives me a look.

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