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Waking up on a Friday morning is like waking up on Christmas Day. After school Warren, Tessa, Dylan, and I are all going to drive up to Warren's parent's cabin.

I have my bags packed and with my backpack on my back, I roll them down the stairs with me.

"Love you guys!" I yell before opening the front door and closing it behind me. I throw the bags into the back of my mom's car and open the door to the drivers side. I slip off my backpack and throw it into the backseat.

Before I get into the car my mom runs outside and is quick to give me a hug. "Be safe and make sure you bring snacks with you."

"Okay mom, I will. I have to go before I'm late to school." She nods and steps back. I get in and start the van.

I pick up Dylan first, then Tessa and Warren.

On our way to school, Dylan blasted his music which made us all want to end our lives.

"I can tell no one is enjoying this. But what's the problem? Jazz is awesome!" Dylan turns around to look at Tess and Warren.

"Not everyone in the world loves Jazz music!" Tessa groans.

"Fine, I'll change it." Dylan mumbles as he changes the radio to greatest hits. I pull into the parking lot of the school and see that my normal parking spot was taken by a blue Jeep.

"Who in the hell gets a blue Jeep?" Warren asks in disgust.

"I don't know but whoever they are, they have zero taste." Tessa replies as I reverse into a parking spot.


The school day seems to go as slow as possible, like time was trying to torture me.

"Staring at the clock won't make it go any faster Caroline." Mr. Stanley, my Art teacher says as he walks by my desk.

"I know, I just have things to do today." I smile up at him and continue my portrait of my partner.

"Well, be patient and the day will go by in a blink of an eye." I blink on purpose and see I'm still in Art class. "I didn't mean literally." He laughs and continues his monitoring of the class.

After another twenty minutes the bell rings and I pack up my supplies.

"Before anyone escapes I have an assignment to give you that's due next Tuesday! Take a paper from my desk and I recommend you get started the second you get free time!" I shoulder my backpack and as I walk by his desk I take a pink paper.

Without reading it, I put it in my binder and then hug it to my chest. I walk to my next class, AP Biology, and after that hour of torture lunch rolls around.

"Hey! So, how's your day been?" Tessa's preppy personality makes me want to shoot my self.

"Painfully slow. But I have to go and talk to Mr. Santiago, so I'll see you after." I hug her and take off to his class. I open the door and see that him and Collin are already talking.

"As long as you're fully on board then good." After saying that the two finally acknowledge my presence.

"Caroline." Mr. Santiago nods at me but it felt different. His posture was tense and I feel like he knows something I don't.

I look at Collin and I could see it in his face. The look of guilt.

I take a seat next to Mr. Santiago and rest my elbows on the table. "You told him?" I ask quietly, the question was directed toward Collin but I wasn't looking at him.

"Yes, I told him." He even sounded guilty!


"I had to! The whole point of this project was to make people aware of teenage pregnancy but now, plot twist! The girl who's supposed to be fake pregnant is actually pregnant!" Collin practically yells at me, which causes Mr. Santiago to shush him.

"Classes are still going on around us." He says lightly.

"What is your problem?" I ask in a criticizing manner.

"Are you kidding me? What's my problem?! You're my problem. First of all, you're pregnant with my child and you won't even speak to me, second you run off with a random dude from Australia, and then you make me look like an dead beat in front of the entire school! And you're asking me what my problem is."

"Well, 'first of all," I say mockingly, "I'm pregnant with our child and I'm not speaking to you because all you do is blame me! You blamed me for getting pregnant yet you were the one who obviously didn't wrap your dick properly!"

"Language!" Mr. Santiago is obviously trying to hide a laugh and is failing at keep it together.

"Second, he's not a 'random dude from Australia' he's been my best friend since I was a child and he's been there for me way more than you ever have! And yes, I did make you look like a dead beat, because you are! It's obviously that the second this child is born you're going to run away and not help me take care of him or her." I stand up from my seat and then say, "By the way, if you're still with your bimbo girlfriend by the time this baby is born, there is no way I'll let you see it. I will do everything in my power to keep him or her away from you."

I take my leave and make my way to the cafeteria. As I enter the room I immediately see Tessa in her bright yellow sundress. I walk up to the table and sit down next to her.

Warren's sitting next to her as always and Dylan was sitting across from Warren as they talk about some new video game.

"Hey, you look upset." She looks at me with a worried expression but I wave her off.

"I'm fine, just a little stressed." I take a fry from her tray and bite it.

"Well all stressors will be gone once we make it to the cabin." I nod and smile at her, the thought of a tranquil weekend with my friends sounds like something I really need.

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