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1:30 comes pretty quick and next thing I know I'm walking down the hallway to the teacher's lounge. I turn the corner and bump into someone.

"Woah, pregnant girl here, let's try to keep the crashing into each other at a minimum." I look up and recognize Dylan's face.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." His hair and clothes are messed up, hickeys litter his neck.

"What have you been up to?" I ask, moving his collar to show more of the red marks on his chest.

"Uh," He runs his fingers through his hair and looks behind him, "I uh." It takes him a minute to think of an answer. "I was late for school this morning, which is why I didn't show up in first period and uh..."

"Never mind," I say as I start to walk away, "Just forget I asked. I have somewhere to be," I tuck my hair behind my ear and start to pick up my pace as I walk down the hallway.

"Caroline wait!" Dylan calls but doesn't particularly come and get me. I keep walking down the hall and come up to the lounge.

I open the door and see that Collin and Mr. Santiago are sitting down and discussing random things.

Mr. Santiago raises his eyebrows questioningly, staring me down as I approach, "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine." I take the written speech from my folder and put it on the table.

"You're not doing a great job at hiding it," Collin says as he marks things on his speech.

"I didn't ask you." My tone has anger clear in it and I silently curse myself, "I'm fine, can we just get this over with?"

"Okay. Well, I wrote this speech while you two were together so we're going to have to change a few things." Mr. Santiago says, giving me a red pen.

"Yeah I saw some of that," Collin says, crossing things out on the paper. I do the same with things I see.

Collin has helped me through this so much. He's been here for me and I can't ask for a better person to go through this with.

I wish that were true. I roll my eyes at some of the things said but after my thorough edit, it fits what I'd think is pretty good.

"I think mine is done," I say, sliding the paper over to Mr. Santiago. He reads over it and nods, agreeing that it's good.

Collin puts down his pen and gives his paper to him, "You know, calling you Mr. Santiago is getting a little tiring, can I give you a nickname?"

"You can call me Mr. S. That's pretty much it." He replies, marking another thing on the paper and writing something else.

A voice comes on over the speakers before I can respond, "All students, please head to the theater at this time. The assembly will begin in fifteen minutes."

I look at the time and see that the time is close to two o'clock. "I guess we should head to the theater then." Mr. Santiago says as he stands up. I stand with the help of the table and follow right behind him to the door.

As we're walking through I feel a hand on my side and my heart nearly drops out of my ass. "Collin," I whisper, "Stop." As an indication of him ignoring me, his hand moves upwards. My cheeks are hot and embarrassment is not what I'm feeling at the moment. I push his hand away before he touches my boob and causes a title wave of sexual feelings to erupt from me.

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