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The night the twins were born, Warren came to visit. He brought Vienna and her daughter along with them and they seemed like the happiest couple ever. Vienna was also pretty big, four months pregnant at the time.

My dad went back to Afghanistan and died by a mishap with explosives. My mother hosted his funeral a year after his death. I don't blame her though, they were in real love and he kind of just died all of a sudden. I had to hold everything in though, I didn't want a negative energy around my babies at all.

Beth pursued her interior designer career and now she's one of the most popular designers in the state of California.

Now, two years later, Collin and I are preparing to get married. When my father died, James and Sophia stepped in and helped me through it while Collin took the twins out.

Sophia looks at me through the mirror, her white skin glows as she pushes a diamond clip through my hair.

"Your mother texted and said she should be here soon, she's stuck in traffic," I nod and smile at her. My blonde hair is up in a beautiful bun and the added clip is beautiful.

"How're the twins?" I ask, shutting my eye as my makeup artist does my eyeshadow.

"They're running around here somewhere," I hear Sophia say as she fixes my hair.

"Great," I laugh, grabbing a bottle of water from the vanity and waterfalling it, "What about the reception hall?"

"The food is being prepped and they're just now putting the centerpieces on the tables."

"I feel like you're my assistant for the day," She scrolls on my iPad, telling me exactly what's going on when it's going on. This wedding isn't exactly big, it's just a gathering of both our families and friends on the beach, Whitmore again.

After the wedding, Collin and I are gonna honeymoon in California, just so we can test the waters out there and see if it's really for us. If so, Collin's gonna apply for UCLA again and see if they'll accept him a second time and I'll apply for online school at UC Irvine. We have everything planned to a T and I'm honestly so excited for it.

James walks in, a nice tux fitted to perfection, "Care, everyone's ready, so whenever you are," He's stepped in as the role of my father, walking me down the aisle. He and Sophia have been the sweetest to me and they've helped me out so much in the past two years.

"Yeah give us like five minutes and she'll be out," Sophia says, clasping a necklace I got for my 20th birthday around my neck, "Okay, you already know, you don't wear the heels until the reception."

I nod my head and stand up from my seat, I'm ready to get married. I take a long deep breath and close my eyes.

"You're not getting cold feet are you?" Sophia asks me, rubbing my back softly.

"Of course not, this dress is a little tight around my lung area, but it's fine. Go out there, I'll be at the lodge in a sec," Sophia nods and gives me a hug before leaving the dressing room. I look at myself in the mirror, a breathtaking sight really. I don't even look like me. I take my bouquet of flowers off the vanity and leave the room.

I make my way through the hallways and find James, waiting at the exit that looks right onto the beach, "Are you ready?" His dark hair and even darker beard make him look like a dad. He's just not my dad. Everyone is out there, my three bride's maids, Collin's groom's men, the flower girls, and my two boys who took the role of ring bearers.

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