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I meet with Dylan after homeroom. We both have Mr. Santiago together and from what I know, neither Collin nor I have been going to meet and talk to Mr. Santiago since last Friday.

"We're off to Psychology right?" Dylan asks as we slowly walk towards class.

"Yeah, it's Mr. Santiago." My vague answer didn't seem to bother him. We just keep walking on down the corridor.

"Caroline! I need to speak with you after class," Is the first thing I hear when I walk into his classroom.

"Okay, I'll stay behind," I reply and sit down at my seat. Dylan sits in his across the classroom and then the lesson starts.

By the end of class, I am enriched in the topic of mental illnesses. The bell rings and everyone clears out. Mr. Santiago shuts the classroom door and then takes a seat in front of me.

"I've heard some kids whispering about you and Collin. Are you two broken up?"

"Yeah," I admit, "It just happened this morning, how can people already be talking about this?"

He ignores my question and asks me one, "Is this going to be a problem for this project? We need the both of you on board to continue into the next stages of this." I raise an eyebrow to egg him on, "Once you get around five or so months, which is pretty much now, you're gonna need to start doing public speeches. You and Collin will be talking to the students at assemblies, pep rallies, other high schools and maybe if I can get enough signatures from the adults around town, community meetings."

My eyes bulge out of my head, "I have to do all that?!"

"If you want the credits for this project, yes. You and Collin will both speak prepared speeches written by yourselves," I can put my true feelings on paper, this isn't difficult.

"Okay. But, I just don't want to talk to Collin. He can be there, speak on his behalf, but I'm not going to act like I'm in love with him." Mr. Santiago nods knowingly.

"That's fine, no communicating amongst the two of you needed. If I see Collin before lunch I'll speak to him also." He stands up from the seat and pats my shoulder, "Now get to class before you're late."


"Hey!" I turn to see Tessa running down the hallway.

"What's up?" I ask and adjust my backpack. We continue our walk down the hallway and open the door to the cafeteria.

"It smells like hormones and sadness in here," Tessa comments, "Anyway, back to business, Warren and I are going camping next weekend and we want to know if you want to come with? You can bring Dylan if you want."

"Uhh, where are we going?" Tessa and I both take a seat at a table and she takes out a snack she obviously stole from my pantry.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that Warren's parents own a cabin up in the mountains." She winks at me and takes a bit off of her granola bar, "Just us." Tessa pops the piece into her mouth and chews happily.

"I'll see," Is all I say, she raises an eyebrow and then adverts her eyes to one of the entrances of the cafeteria. I look just to see Collin and his group of bone-headed friends. We make eye contact but our gaze is lost when Liliya grabs his face and kisses him.

I look away and in another entrance, Dylan and Warren walk in. I had a feeling they'd be good friends. They both were raised in Australia.

Tessa calls them over and they immediately come over to sit with us. Dylan pulls up a chair next to me and Warren sits in a chair next to Tessa.

"How's your guys' day been?" Warren asks while looking between Tessa and me.

"Good," Tessa says as she takes another piece of her snack. Warren nods and looks over to me, expecting an answer.

"It's been fine."

"Warren, you wanna get lunch?" Dylan speaks up and Warren accepts his offer. They both get up and get in the lunch line.

"Why don't you get with Dylan? He's so sweet!" Tessa gushes while she watches the two get lunch.

"Tessa. I'm not sure if you heard but Collin and I officially broke up this morning! I can't start dating already."

Tess rolls her eyes and slyly points behind me, "Collin's moved on already. He doesn't care, which means you can move on."

"I'm not Collin, I don't hop from one person to another."

"You and Dylan basically started dating the day he visited you." Tessa sits up straight and adjusts her hair. I then realize the boys are coming back and I sit up straight too.

We sit there quietly while the two boys eat their food like animals. Dylan sets his fork down and wipes his mouth with the paper towel that he grabbed earlier.

"So, Caroline, Warren was telling me about going on a trip up to the mountains? Are you going to go?" Dylan pushes his plate away and rests his elbows on the table. I shrug my shoulders, "I think I'm gonna go. Getting away from this town for a few days is good enough for me." He nods and drapes his arm around my shoulders.

"I think you should go, the stress of this," Tessa motions around the room, "Is too much for two pregnant women."

"Yeah," I rub my eye, "Sounds like a plan." The bell rings and we all start to stand from our seats. I adjust my backpack and pull down my shirt.

"We'll see you later!" Tessa calls as she and Warren walk toward the north exit.

I look up and Dylan and nudge him. "Let's go, we walk the same way."

We both slowly but surely make it to class. My English teacher opens the door and begins to let the students in.

"I'll see you later." I give Dylan a quick side hug and then we part ways. He continues his walk down a couple door and then enters his English class.

I finally go in, set my backpack next to my seat, and sit down.

I look off to my right and Collin and his girlfriend, Liliya, are sitting in the back corner. She looks down at my stomach and her eyes grow furious. I turn away and look back at the board.

That girl has got some major issues.

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