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Hey guys! So quick note :D

I did something that is super complicated but I added a new part at the beginning of the story.

So, there is a new chapter one, but the old chapter 1 is now chapter 2 and the old chapter 2 is now chapter 3 and so on. So, just go read that if you want but yes! Thank you for reading (:

ALSO! I have just uploaded a new book; The Mystery Girl and Insecure Boy. I hope you all will give that story a chance, it would mean the world to me <3


I unsteadily walk down the hallway as the bell for class rings. Everyone watches me as I walk, the atmosphere of the entire school is pitiful. Like extremely pathetic.

"I guess people have heard." Collin comes up from behind me and nearly scares the shit out of me.

"Yeah." I sigh, walking into Mr. Santiago's class. I turn and Collin stands in the doorway.

"I'll see you at lunch." He says, backing up and walking away. I walk to my seat and sit down.

"Caroline, I have to speak with you after class about a few things." I nod and he gets up to shut the classroom door.

"I know today is a grieving day. We lost one of our students here at West Brook and I'm sorry but we still have things to cover in Psychology. Today's will be about the grieving process." I turn my head and look to see Dylan sitting not far away from me. He looks up and makes eye contact with me, something I wish he hadn't done.

His brown eyes look sad but not as torn as Warren's. Warren is indefinitely broken. He mouths 'I'm sorry' before I turn back around.

The class ends sooner than I expected and everyone leaves in a hurry to get to their next one.

"So Caroline, what'd you find out at your appointment?" Mr. Santiago asks, leaning on his desk.

"I'm not sure why they didn't figure this out before but I'm having identical twins." I say, packing up my stuff.

"Identical twins? That's cool."

"I have the pictures, do you want to see?" I ask, taking the envelope out and setting the ultrasound photos on the desk in front of me. He walks over and picks up one.

"Wow, they're bigger."

"I know right? Their heartbeats were amazing too!" I gush just as the late bell rings.

"You know I'm always late to Math." I sigh, picking up the pictures and putting them back. Mr. Santiago drops the one he had in and I seal the package.

"I'll call." He says, picking up the classroom phone. I nod and slip on my backpack.

"I'll see you after school." I leave the classroom and make my way to Mrs. Sanders class. The class I used to have with Tessa.


I sit down at a lunch table outside and wait for Collin. He promised he'd eat lunch with me today.

Warren comes walking -or stumbling really-towards me.

"Hey Care," he sits down and puts both of his elbows on the table, his eyes are bloodshot and I get the feeling that he's been crying, "You know, I thought I was gonna come to school today and not have to deal with anymore of this Tessa stuff. But guess what? Every time I turn a corner someone is either giving me pity looks or telling me they're sorry. People I don't even know!" He's different, he's definitely acting different.

"Are you, are you high?" I ask, standing up and sniffing his shirt. The foul smell reeks from his clothes and I nearly puke. "Warren! You can't come to school stoned!" I take my seat back at the opposite side of the table.

"You get to come to school pregnant, that's such double-standard!"

"That's different and you know it."

"I have a right Caroline, my girlfriend and baby died in a crash. I need something to take the edge off and it just so happens that smoking a joint like twenty times a day is what helps."

"I never said you couldn't smoke it, I said not come to school after you've smoked it. You can get suspended for that!" Warren slowly shakes his head and then starts to tap him fingers on the table, "Have you considered talking to Anna? I'm not saying you have to move on from Tessa but you need to have some sort of new foundation other than the weed."

"She dropped me the second she heard that I was the one who got Tessa pregnant." He replies, closing his eyes.

"So? Just go talk to her, who knows what can come out of it," I feel a hand on my back and Collin sits down next to me.

After looking at Warren for a spilt-second he says, "He's gone isn't he?" A laugh escapes from his lips and when I look at him, he sits up straight and clears his throat, "Totally not funny." He claims, adjusting his leather jacket.

"I have like two-hundred dollars worth at home. Benefits of having rich parents, am I right?" I roll my eyes and take the bag of Taco Bell. I open it and take out a burrito.

"I'm starving," I say, taking a bite out of the thing.

"You can say that again!" Warren exclaims, stuffing his hand in the bag and pulling out a burrito for himself.

"Do you want a bite?" I ask Collin, he nods and takes a big chunk out of my burrito. "Hey! I said bite it, not swallow it whole!"

"Right, I forgot the meaning to bite for a second." He says with his mouth full. I gag and look down at my now, almost gone burrito.

"Hey Collin!" A guy from the soccer team, Jacob, approaches us and sits down next to Warren.

"What's up?"

"Some of the guys and I are going to play a match tomorrow after school. You down?" Collin looks at me as if he's asking me if he can go.

I nod and he says, "Yeah sure, I'll see you then." Jacob smiles and pats his shoulder.

"See you later bro, cool seeing you too Caroline." He leaves us and rejoins his group of friends who conveniently have Liliya and her friends hanging all over them.

I look at Collin and he stares at them, a certain look in his eye that I feel like I know.

"You don't have to ditch your friends to hang out with me. We're not dating." I laugh, finishing the food I had left.

"I know we're not dating, but they're a bunch of shallow jerks anyway. I don't want to hang out with them."

"You know, you were once a shallow jerk. Now that I've been spending more time with you, I think you're not who I thought you were." Warren says, already on his third burrito.

"Oh really?" Collin asks, looking at me. "Was I a shallow jerk?"

"Yes." I say simply, picking up the trash on the table and walking it over to the trash can.

"Thanks for sparing my feelings Caroline!" Collin shouts as I walk away from the lunch table. "We have this next class together!"

I wave without turning around and enter the school building. I make my way to my English class and when I get there Mr. Florence greets me with a sweet hello.

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