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This book needs to be edited so if you find inconsistencies, grammatical errors, or anything else wrong... please don't stop reading pweaaseee.


"Are you ever going to talk to him?" Tessa asks me, glancing over at Collin before turning her head back to me.

"No! I'm never going to talk to him, not unless he talks to me first," I stand my ground and cross my arms.

"Why's that?" He's never going to notice you unless you talk to him," I roll my eyes but deep inside I know she's right. Collin and his friends are kicking a soccer ball in the quad and they're looking pretty hot. Temperature wise of course.

You see, Collin Bronze has been the love of my life since elementary school. His cool brown hair and chocolate eyes just seemed so perfect to me then and still do now. Every girl loves him, he's captain of the soccer team so why wouldn't they?

I sigh in defeat but Tessa doesn't let this go, "Caroline, why don't you just walk up to him, say hi, twirl that beautiful blonde hair of yours and show him what he's missing!" I roll my eyes and carefully place my glass artifact into my backpack.

"Because Tessa," I shut my locker for dramatic effect, "I'm not Liliya." (Lil-lee-YAH)

She grabs my arms and pleads, "Please Care, please! If Warren has the balls to talk to Anna you have to have the balls to talk to Collin!" I shush her as the school bell rings.

"I'm not talking to him Tess," I stuff my books in my bag and zip it up, "I'll see you in Math class," I give her a hug and we both go our separate ways. I walk into my homeroom where my teacher, Mrs. Gideon, sits in her seat grading her student's work.

"Good morning Caroline!" She greets me with a smile and I automatically return the gesture.

The students begin to pile in after me and once the late bell rings the morning announcements begin. Through all of that, the class talks amongst themselves. I sit in my seat, finishing an assignment for Art class. I don't know or speak to many people in this class, there really is no point if we're in here for fifteen minutes a day.

The monotone voice of our principle is soon replaced by an energetic one. The entire class goes silent as Collin's voice comes through the intercom, "Students of West Brook High, I, Collin Bronze am happy to be speaking to you from the office of our wonderful principal, Mr. Hancock." He's such a suck-ass, but a really cute suck-ass, "As the captain of the West Brook soccer team, I say that dreams are less than a mile away. Recently, I've been accepted to five D1 colleges." The entire class erupts in cheers, I can even hear the classrooms next door cheering.

"Collin is such an inspiration!" Hannah, the girl behind me gushes, "I can't believe I even get the privilege to have the same History class as him."

"I know right? I sat with him at lunch once, he was so sweet and gave me his juice box!" What are these girls? Preschoolers? Since when was a juice box a big deal?

"I even heard he resuscitated a baby before! It fell into a pool and he saved the little guy," All the girls around me 'awww' in sync. I revert my attention back to the announcements where Collin is still talking.

"With that, I leave you with a quote from the very respected Martin Luther King Jr.," He pauses and then says, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at moments of challenge and controversy." The class gives him an around of applause before his voice is replaced with the overwhelmingly monotone voice of our principal.

"Thank you for that Mr. Bronze, now everyone may return back to their homeroom duties, enjoy the rest of your day."

I begin putting my things away just as Mrs. Gideon walks up to my desk, "Caroline, can you do me a big favor and take this container of files to the front office? It's for Ms. Debby," I nod and put my backpack on before grabbing the container from my desk.

I leave the classroom and make my way down the hallway. I go to turn the corner when I ram right into somebody. My body flies back and the container disappears from my grasp. Then, the sound I've been trying to avoid all week happens. I hear glass shatter and my heart falls out of my chest.

I don't move a muscle, I just stay on the ground, staring at the ceiling. Weeks of work, ruined in a split second.

"Hey, are you okay?" An all too familiar voice questions me, "Do you need help getting up? I'm so sorry."

Collin's face comes into view and I feel my heart stop. I'm dead. In this moment, I'm a nonliving person.

"Here, C'mon," Collin grabs my arm and pulls me off the ground like it was the easiest thing in the world.

The floor is covered in now unorganized files and I can hear the clanging of the broken glass in my backpack. So far, my morning has been amazing. Just amazing.

"I'm sorry," Collin gets on one knee and starts picking up the files from the floor. I take off my backpack, open it up, and see the glass that's now littering the bottom of my bag, "Did I break something? Oh shit," He peers into my backpack and sees what I'm seeing, "I can buy you another one of those if you need me to."

"It was handmade," I finally say something and it's about an art piece, I'm such an idiot, "I have to get these to the office, but I'll see you around," I pick up the rest of the files and throw them on top of the other ones. Homeroom ends in six minutes and the office is at least two away.

I walk away but Collin's voice stops me, "Hey! I never caught your name?"

"It's Caroline," I state loudly so he can hear me from where I am. After my encounter with Collin, I drop off the files in the front office and venture my way back to homeroom just before the bell rings.

"Care!" I turn at the sound of Warren's voice and he's running down the hallway to catch up with me, "What's up? I didn't see you or Tessa this morning."

"We were by the quad." As we walk down the hallway together, I still hear the clanging of the glass in my backpack. There's really nothing I can do about it now other than dump it out all over the gym floor and have the cheerleaders step on them.

"You mean you were gawking at Collin," I sense the resentment bleeding from his tone of voice. I smile slightly at his irritation and we continue our long walk to the elective side of the school.

"So, how's been mission 'get with Anna'?" I ask, referring to the blue-haired girl Warren's been in love with for the last year.

"She's still friendzoning me. She's always talking about how she always hates how guys play her but she won't realize that I'm a guy too! It hurts my feelings when she assumes," We turn a corner and once the late bell rings, I sigh.

"Mr. Santiago is gonna be pissed that you're late." Warren says, picking up his pace, "You're lucky I have study hall."

"I don't get why this school is so big, why can't they just put all the classes in the same one. Like elementary."

"Maybe because they don't like us," Warren suggests, shrugging his shoulders.

I shrug too and once we make it to my psychology class, Warren gives me a hug.

"I'll see you later Caroline," He walks backward and then turns fully around to walk to the library. I open the classroom door and everyone and their mother look up from their pieces of paper as I walk to my seat.

Mr. Santiago looks at me with a stern face,"This is your first time being late Caroline, I'll let you off with a warning," I nod and take out a pencil from the front pocket of my backpack,"We're in the middle of a quiz, so if you could come get one and participate." I stand from my seat, take a quiz from him, and sit back down. My eyes scan the paper and it's all questions about social experiments. I've seen videos like that online. Like the one where the guy dresses like he's homeless and does something to see how the people around him react vs when he dresses like a rich guy. Society is pretty messed up for that.

I answer each written question honestly and then turn my paper over when I'm done.

Mr. Santiago goes through the class and picks up every quiz before bringing them back to his desk.

"Now, take out your notes," He says writing today's lesson on the board, "We're learning about the process of the human mind."

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