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Tessa finally comes downstairs after a few hours of being up there.

"Hey," She says as she sits next to me at the table.

"What's up?" I ask, setting down my world history paper.

"I'm a little bummed. I feel horrible for straight up rejecting Warren but I'm not ready for that. I'm not even ready for this," She looks down at her stomach and mumbles, "I don't think our relationship will ever be the same again."

"You don't know that," She rolls her eyes and puts her head in her hands, "Sure, he's upset now but if you tell him you seriously aren't ready then maybe he'll understand."

"And what if he doesn't Care? Then what am I going to do?"

"Then you'll guys have to come up with a compromise. You're having a baby together and I don't think he wants to be deprived of being in his only child's life."

"Yeah," Tess stands up and walks over to one of the cupboards. She opens the cherry wood cabinet and takes out a glass, "Do you want some juice?"

"Please?" I look up at her as she takes another one off the shelf and puts it down on the counter.

Tessa opens the refrigerator and takes out some pink lemonade, orange juice, and pineapple juice. She mixes them together and hand me the cup, "Try it."

I put the glass to my lips and take a sip. The pineapple juice makes it taste a little weird but overall it's not horrible.

I slide my drawing and essays into my folder and put it back in my bag. I stand up from my seat and pick up my backpack.

The front door opens and Dylan comes in, "Hey guys," He shuts the door and joins us in the kitchen.

"Where's Warren?" Tessa asks, taking a drink of her concoction.

"He said he's gonna stay in the guest house tonight."

"The guest house?" I repeat and he nods, "Since when was there a guest house?"

"There's always been one, it's across the way." Dylan says, moving the curtain away from the window to point at the house that was surely across the way.

"Wow, okay then." I finish the juice and set it down in the sink. "I think I'm going to go get ready for bed, but I'll see you guys," I point at them both, "Later."

I walk out of the kitchen after hearing a goodnight from both of them. I run up the stairs and enter the bedroom I've been staying in.

My foot shuts the door behind me and I throw my bag on the floor. I change into shorts and a tank top before putting my hair up in a bun.

I crawl into bed and force myself to go to bed.


"Hey, wake up." I open one of my eyes and Tessa is there, shaking me awake. "We're leaving in a few hours so get ready." I nod and sit up tiredly. Tess throws off the comforter and pulls me up off the bed. "I know you're gonna lay back down if I leave. Go take a shower and get ready." She pushes me into the bathroom and shuts the door.

A towel and clothes are already laid out on the counter and I roll my eyes at Tess and her already mothering self.

I take a long shower due to me falling asleep a few times. When I get out I wrap myself in the towel and grab my dirty clothes in one hand and the clean ones in the other.

I open the bathroom door and see that Tessa is gone. I set the clothes down separately and quickly dry myself off. Just as I finish getting dressed, a knock sounds at the door.

"Come in!" I say as I brush out my hair. The door slowly opens and Warren is standing there, looking more broken than he did yesterday.

"Hey Care," His voice breaks and he clears his throat, "Sorry. I just needed someone to talk to. Dylan is being really weird this morning and Tessa isn't talking to me."

"Oh, okay. You can come and sit while I pack up." He nods and shuts the door. Warren sits down on the bed and watches as I fold up my clothes and throw them into the duffle bag.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I was being dramatic, I should've just took it like a man."

"Warren, stop apologizing to me. You have nothing to be sorry for. You loved her, you proposed and she said no. I understand it broke your heart, it's okay to cry." I sit down next to him and start rubbing his back, "Honestly, you're a great guy Warren, I just don't think she's ready for that kind of commitment."

"Yeah, right." He says, laughing hysterically. "She probably hates me, she doesn't want to be with me at all."

"Warren, relax. You guys are having a child together, she can't hate you."

"Says you! You supposedly 'hate' Collin but we all know you still have feelings for him." Warren stand up and paces. "I'm just going to stay here." He mumbles before opening and slamming the bedroom door.

I sit on the bed, confused. What in the actual hell just happened?

I brush the weird encounter off and zip up my duffle. I pick it up and sling it over my shoulder.

I take one last look at the room before grabbing my backpack and leaving the room.

Tessa, Dylan and I meet at the car and we throw all of our stuff into the back.

Tessa and Dylan stand awkwardly near the sidewalk and I give them a weird look.

"Are you guys ready to go?" I ask, grabbing the keys from my pocket and opening the door the drivers seat.

"Uhh, yeah." Dylan says, opening the back door and sitting behind the passenger.

"So you didn't even question Warren when he said he wanted to stay here?" Tessa asks as she gets in the car.

"No, I mean it's his house and he's going through something. He just needs time to himself."

Tessa scoffs, "He's being dramatic,but whatever. Let's go, I wanna get home as soon as possible."

"Jeez okay, everyone is being so pushy today." I say as I start and put the car in drive.

I drive onto the short dirt road, turn around, and head toward the town. As I turn onto the freeway, I feel like leaving Warren behind wasn't a good idea but I can't turn around now.

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