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After I drop off Tessa and Dylan at their houses, I finally make it home. I hop out of the car and take my duffle bag and backpack from the trunk.

Before I could even approach the front door my mom opens it and greets me.

"Hey, honey! I just finished dinner so go grab a plate." She takes my bags from my hands and takes off upstairs with them.

She's being really weird. I walk into the kitchen and my dad sits there already eating his dinner.

"Care, how was your weekend?"

"It was pretty eventful," I say as I grab a plate, I put a small portion of everything and sit down, "Warren proposed to Tessa and she turned him down."

"Really? I thought they made a really great couple." My mom interrupts, sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, it was really like a soap opera," I scoop up some beans and tilt my spoon just to watch them fall back onto the plate.

"Well, are things ruined with them?" My dad takes a bite of his food and then sits back in his seat, waiting for my answer.

"I don't know, maybe?"

"Best of luck to them then," He says as he gets up to put his plate in the sink.

I finish my dinner with light conversation and then head up to my room. I open the door and it takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the new items that are now taking up extra space.

A rocking chair sits in the corner of the room, obviously built by my dad and then a small crib lies beside my bed.

"Mom!" I shout as I sit on my bed. She peeks into my room, a smile evident on her face.

"Yes, honey?"

"I appreciate this, but you do know I'm only four months pregnant right? This stomach has a few levels of fakeness," I say, referring to the strap on belly.

"I know, but it's never too early for baby essentials."

"Ma, the crib is gonna have dust on it by the time it comes." I laugh, running my fingers through my blanket.

"It's alright, I'll dust it every day." She says, resting her hand on my doorknob.

"Okay." I laugh again and lay down, "I'm beat."

"Get some rest Caroline. I'll wake you up in the morning."

"Thanks, mom," She gives me a hug and leaves my bedroom.

I take off the belly and put on sweats, a tight fitting t-shirt, and a pair of socks before climbing under my covers. I toss and turn throughout the night but I finally fall asleep after a couple of hours.


The next day comes too quick and I wish it would stay away. My mom wakes me up around 6 AM and it takes me less than an hour to get ready.

I dress in tights, a floral sundress, and matching flats. I put on my backpack and head downstairs to the kitchen.

"Goodmorning!" My Mother chirps as I throw two pieces of bread into the toaster.

"Good morning ma." The bread pop up and I butter them before they lose warmth. "Tessa's going to pick me up today."

"Alright, don't go anywhere after school. We have to talk about what we're doing for thanksgiving this year."

I nod and take a bite out of my toast. I finish them in a couple of minutes and head out the front door after saying goodbye.

I wait outside for a few minutes before I see Tessa's car coming down the street. "Get in loser! We're going to school!" She yells out the window, I roll my eyes and open the passenger door.

"You're not allowed to say that. You're not blonde." I joke, taking off my backpack.

"Don't be mean to my brunetteness." She runs her fingers through her hair and puts her car in reverse.

We have twenty minutes to spare before school starts so we stop by a local cafe and I buy citrus tea for the both of us. When Tessa pulls into the school parking lot, there are five minutes until the warning bell for class rings.

I open the door to the car and grab my backpack from the floor. I adjust everything before slinging my backpack over the shoulder and following Tessa into the school building.

As we walk down the main hall, I look out at the quad. Boys are tossing around a football, girls are ogling over them, the natural before school activities basically.

A couple of turns later, we make it to my homeroom.

"I'll see you later?" Tessa asks and I nod. She walks away and the door opens when the warning bell rings. I walk in and sit down at my desk, waiting for the ten-minute class to be over.

Announcements are being said and everyone, even Mrs. Gideon, is about to fall asleep. The bell rings and all of the students pile out of the classroom. I am the last to leave and Mrs. Gideon stops me.

"Hey, how's the pregnancy coming? I see you're getting a pretty big bump here."

"I'm doing well, I actually have an appointment on Saturday to check up on the progression."

"That's awesome that you're doing well." I smile at her, "I better let you go, don't want you to be late for your next class." I nod and walk out of the classroom.

I make my way to Mr. Santiago's class and take my seat.

"Caroline, we have to speak after class." He says as he hands me a quiz.

"Okay," I reply, looking over the paper. All of it is made up of what we learned last week. I sigh and take a pencil out.

Class passes by slowly, just as slowly as my test taking. A few kids finish before me and they get to talking about the new "power couple" Collin and Liliya.

"Hey, Caroline," I turn around at the sound of my name and a kid that sits behind me leans towards me, "Are you jealous of Liliya? I mean, you're Collin's baby mama yet he runs off to be with his ex."

I roll my eyes and turn around. I finish the test by guessing and take the quiz up to Mr. Santiago. Anger is one of my prominent feelings at the moment and I feel if I don't get out of this classroom, I'm going to have a meltdown.

"I'm about to rip someone's head off. Nobody told me hormones are like this." I whisper, "I need to leave for a few minutes, please."

"Fine, you have eight minutes." He says, giving me a bathroom pass and shooing me from the room.

I walk over to the door and open it quietly. Once I close the door, I let out a frustrated groan.

People don't know how to mind their own business these days. I sit down outside of the classroom and rest my head in my hands. Eight minutes of peace and quiet seems like something I've needed for a couple of days. If this is the only time I can get it, then I'll take it.


Sorry for any errors! I haven't had time to look over it, but thank you for reading <3

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