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"When's your next baby appointment thing?" Collin asks as I come off the last step. I changed into a t-shirt and pants the second we got inside.

"It's a prenatal appointment dummy. I'm not sure though, Tessa and I were supposed to go together but I'm going to reschedule mine." I sit down next to him on the couch and turn on the TV.

"Right, well I want to go." I nod and rub my stomach, "You're getting fat."

I gasp and slap his shoulder, "You don't tell that to the woman carrying your child!"

"I was joking!" He laughs, scooting away from me, "I'd like to keep the bruises to a minimum. Thank you."

"Not possible if you want to hang out with me."

The front door opens and I look to see my dad approaching the living room. I stand up and greet him before he comes in.

"Hey, daddy!" I say loudly, "Why are you home so early?"

"I'm here to pack up my stuff darling, they're stationing me in Afghanistan for a little while."

"You're leaving?" I ask, my heart drops to my stomach and tears well up in my eyes. "How long will you be gone?"

He sighs and pulls me into a hug, "I'm going to be gone for six months. But I promise I'll come home okay?"

"Dad! I don't want you to go," I hug him tighter, not wanting to let go.

"I have to baby girl, but it's okay. I'll be here right when the baby comes alright?"

"When are you leaving?"

"Sunday, they're gracious enough to let me stay home for thanksgiving."

"Fine," I let go of him and wipe my eyes. "Does mom know?"

"No she doesn't, but I'm going to tell her the minute she gets home." I nod and turn around.

"My friend Collin is here," I say as I walk into the living room.

"You mean Collin as in the father of my grandchild Collin?"

"Yes Dad, that's Collin." I look up at him, "I promise we're just friends." Collin sits on the couch still, his facial expression beyond unreadable.

"Thank you for serving our country, sir." He says, standing up and shaking my father's hand.

"It's not a problem, Collin." My Dad looks over to me, "I have to go upstairs, no funny business."

"Okay, dad." I give him another hug before he leaves us alone.

"You didn't tell me your dad was a part of the United States Army!"

"Why would that come up in a conversation?" I ask, walking into the kitchen.

"I don't know, maybe because he's a brave soldier!" I shrug and take out leftovers, "Besides, everyone thinks you don't have a dad."

"Well, I do, want some?" I change the subject and grab two plates from the cupboard.

"Yeah, sure." He says, sitting down at the dinner table. I prepare the food in the microwave and slide his plate over to him.

"Your parents know about me right?" I ask, taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes into my mouth.

"Uh, not particularly. They know I had a girlfriend for a few weeks that wasn't Liliya."

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