A new patient

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The red hood made his way up the stairs of the chemical plant. A sadistic smirk on his face as the bat came into view. "Nice of you to join the party." Batman says, in his familiar raspy voice. "Wouldn't miss it for the world!" The red hood calls back as he makes his way onto the platform. The bat stares down at the chemicals bubbling below them. "Care for a swim bat?" The red hood laughs. Batman turns to face him. "Can't swim." He says seriously. The red hood chuckles "lighten up!" He walks to the edge of the platform. "Take a joke." He says laughing to himself. "The jokes on you." Batman says. With a swift movement the bat kicks the red hood off the platform, plunging him into the chemicals below. "Nothing personal." He says to himself, before exiting the chemical plant.

The building was quiet, and still. Suddenly the Red hood breaks the suffice of the chemicals, gasping for breath as he swims to the side, pulling himself over the edge. His body collapses onto the ground and he groans. "I'll get that fucking bat." He growls to himself. He stands, and slowly makes his way to a metal table at the other end of the room. His reflection had changed, his skin white as porcelain, his blue eyes intense. A sick smirk creeps onto his face. "The jokes on you." He says calmly, as he exits the chemical plant.
"Gotham city is under attack, the third bank this week being robbed early this morning." The news anchor stands next to the Gotham City Bank, Harleen Quinzel shook her head at the television. "That's awful." She says softly to herself, reaching over and petting her cat Ace. "Local authorities believe there is more than one individual behind the robberies, and have called out the big gun, to help put an end to this." The news anchor says, the camera focusing on the damage to the building. "They're putting the bat in a bank robbery case?" Harleen laughs to herself. "I used to think that guy was cool. Ya know? " Ace gets up and jumps off the couch, exiting the room. She rolls her eyes and turns off the television before grabbing her bag and ID card from her kitchen table. "Don't wait up!" She calls as she leaves, closing the door behind her.
Arkham asylum, home to some of Gothams most infamous nut jobs. Harleen walks into work, smiling at her boss. "Good morning Doctor Quinzel! Have a fantastic day! And remember, we help-" Harleen cuts him off "we treat, we rehabilitate, and return them to the street." She rolls her eyes. "Have a good day Mister Simmons!" She says as she strolls to her office, sitting down at her desk. She takes out the files of patients she was due to have sessions with that day. "Knock knock Quinzel." Officer Corey smiles from the doorway. "Goodmorning Officer, what can I do for you?" Harleen seemed alittle annoyed. "Got a new one for ya. He's the one behind all this bank stuff. Bet you'd never guess." He laughs. "Who is it?" She seems more interested in what the officer had to say. "I'll let that be a surprise." He smirks and gives her a blank file. "He's in room 2." He leaves her. Harleen grabs a pen and the blank file, and quickly walked to the session room, the guard opening the door for her, shutting it after she's entered. He sat hunched over the table, a straight jacket tightly around him, held to the chair by chains. Doctor Quinzel dropped her pen. "Well well well, if they would have told me you worked here, I would have turned myself in!" A menacing laugh fills the room, a laugh not many people had heard, but a laugh everyone knew. The joker. A smirk crawls onto his lips. "Cat got your tongue doctor?" He's staring at her now. Harleen bends down, and shakily picks up her pen. "I-I'm Doctor Quinzel." She says softly as she approaches the table, sitting opposite him. "I'd introduce myself, Doctor Quinzel...but judging by your lack of being able to hold your writing utensil, I'd assume you already know who I am." He stares at her, following her every move with his eyes. "Everyone knows who you are." She says softly, not making eye contact with him. "Not a very good doctor huh Quinzel? Thought they would have taught you to look at the people you were treating." He hisses. Harleen looks at him angrily. "Shouldn't you be in jail?" She spits. The joker smirks and laughs loudly. "There it is Doctor." He smiles. Harleen puts her head in her hands. "Good lord." She mumbles. "The lord is good isn't he doctor? Mysterious, and always playing pranks on his children." The joker speaks. Harleen grabs the blank file from her bag and begins to write. "So you have a god factor?" She says, annoyance present in her usually sweet voice. The joker frowns. "Oh no, not at all. Gods never done anything for me." His eyes follow the pen as it writes. "What are you writing?" He asks. "Nothing, so why did they put you in the asylum rather than the jail?" She looks up at him. He begins to rock back and forth in his seat. "Couldn't you tell doctor?! IM INSANE!" His head falls back as he laughs loudly. Something about the clown interested the doctor. The door opens and an officer steps in. "Doc we've gotta put him through processing, you finished?" The guard says, looking at the clown. "Yeah, I can finish this up in my office." She slips the file back inside her bag. "Oh Doctor, we're done so soon?" Joker says, looking up at her. "I suppose we are." She says back, heading towards the door. "Have a lovely day!" He calls after her, a laugh following his words.
Harleen moves a spoon around in her coffee cup in the break room. Officer Corey walks in and chuckles. "Long day?" He sits down across the table. "God you have no idea. You could have told me it was the joker! The joker? Seriously?" She lets her head slam against the table. "Im gonna need to be committed after this." She whines. The officer laughs and pats her back. "Come on Quinzel, you know Simmons wouldn't have assigned you this case if he didn't think you could do it. You're the best psychiatrist the asylum has. If anyone can help that freak, it's you." He smiles at her and she looks at him. "You're only saying that because you don't have to work with him." She huffs. The officer stands and laughs. "Damn straight!" He says before walking to his locker. "Almost done for the day, you'll be alright." He reassured her. She finishes the warm coffee and heads towards the door. "See you tomorrow Harleen!" Corey calls after her. "See ya!" She calls back as she walks back towards her office. "Doctor Quinzel." A familiar voice says. The doctor turns to see the joker sitting in a holding cell in the main corridor. "Not enough room." He answers her silent confusion. "Turns out, there's a lot of psychos in Gotham." He smirks at her. "Trust me, I know." She says, clearly irritated. "Ooo, frustration. You shouldn't be so vulnerable doctor." The joker walks up to the bars. "Vulnerability leads to downfall." He smirks and laughs. "Yeah yeah." She rolls her eyes. "Have a good night doctor." He says as she walks away from his cell. She doesn't answer him, and she returns to her office, pulling out his file. "The joker." She say softly.
"Daily sessions?" Mister Simmons looks at Harleen. "He's been here for three weeks, and I've only had three sessions with him mister Simmons, if there's any hope for him we need to be persistent." She speaks calmly. "He's a criminal Harleen, there's no hope for him. There's no hope for any of these guys. ESPECIALLY, The joker." He sips his coffee. "With all due respect Mister Simmons, I think you're wrong. He's willing to work with me, half of the patients here just sit and stare, the joker engages in conversations, and he opens up, BUT, I can't get anything out of him when I only spend 30 minutes a week with him. I think these daily sessions will really help him." Harleens heart raced, something about the joker had made her a very nervous person. The doctors boss sighs. "I'll think about it. But you need to get to your session with him now, you've got more to see after him." He says. Harleen smiles. "Thank you mister Simmons." She exits the room and makes her way to the session room, Corey smiles and opens the door for her. She smiles kindly. "Good morning Harleen." He says. "Morning." She says as she enters the room. The clowns eyes following her as she makes her way to the table. "Harleen?" He says lightly. "Y-yeah. It's my first name." She says sitting down across from him. "How lovely. Do your friends call you Harley?" The joker seems unusually calm. "Oh, I don't have many friends." She says softly, looking at her hands. "Well, Harley. You've got one now." He says to her. Her cheeks blush and a slight smile creeps onto his face, before the two continue on with their normal weekly session.

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