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Harley rocked back and forth on the cement floor of her small room. "Happy birthday." She mumbles, over and over. Batman listened outside the heavy metal door for a moment before opening it, stepping inside with her. "What are you on about Quinn?" He questions. "Happy birthday!" She shrieks, followed by a psychotic laugh. "Happy birthday?" He questions. "Happy birthday!" She confirms. Batman looks at his wrist, as if to be glancing at a watch. "Not my birthday." He says quietly. Harley giggles and rolls onto her knees. "Not you b-man, Lucy!" She says loudly. "Hey! Keep her quiet!" Boomerang growls from outside the door. "Lucy? Your daughter?" Batman questions. "Happy birthday!" She croaks, followed yet again by a loud fit of laughter. "You've been here five months." Batman whispers to himself. "She's turning one today." He looks at Harley with a saddened look. "Happy birthday!" She cries. Batman kneels next to her. "Yeah, yeah happy birthday Harley. Let's go see June, okay? We're
Gonna go say happy birthday to June." He says as he lifts her from her kneeling position.

Boomerang growls as Batman pulls Harley from her room. "Are you fuckin insane mate? Why are you letting her-" "happy birthday!" Harley screams at boomerang. "What in the hell?" He says with a flustered look. "The babies are one today boomer, Why don't you go get Dylan, and let her see her mom for a moment." He suggests. "Now I know you're insane. You know what she'll do if we-" "go get Dylan." Batman growls.

Boomerang glares at him for a moment, before turning to follow his orders. Harley giggles to herself. "Alright kid, lets go see June okay?" He says pulling her towards June's room.

June stands nervously in the small room, identical to Harley's. "W-what's going on?" She questions. "Happy birthday!" Harley shrieks. June looks to Batman for explanation. "It's Lucy and Dylan's birthday. We're going to let you see her." He says softly. June's eyes brighten and she crashes into Batman, hugging him tightly. "Thank you." She whispers.
Harley watches June play with Dylan, a smile on her face. "Superman will be back soon. Times up." He says. June looks at Batman, holding Dylan tightly. He knees next to her, whispering in her ear. June looks at Harley, a terrified look in her eyes. Harley giggles to herself again.

Superman walks into the building, a low scream coming from his throat. "Are you fucked in the head bat?!" He yells. June looks at Harley and Harley nods, silently telling June what she wanted to hear, before June muttered the one thing that could save her. "Enchantress." "No!" Superman screams as he dives for her, but it was too late. June and the baby were gone. Safe. Harley erupts into a psychotic fit of laughter. "Fuck you, kryptonian scum!" She laughs. Superman growls and strikes Harley hard across the face. "I want everyone out looking for them, you stay with her bat." He orders before they take off.

Harley wipes the blood from her face. "They won't find them." Harley says calmly. "Nice acting." Batman compliments. "Thanks for helping." Harley says lightly. "I'm doing my best Quinn." He says before turning to walk away. "Why are you helping me?" Harley questions as she stands. "You may be a criminal, but you're also a mother." Batman answers. "Stay put." He says as he walks away.

Harley looks at the many scars on her arms and runs her fingers along them.
She thought about how big Lucy must be, 5 months away from her only child. 5 months missed of her life. She wondered how many more she would miss, or if she'd ever see her again.
Tears began to sting her eyes as she thought about June and Dylan finally escaping this place.

Harley laid on the floor of her room, her ear against the vent. "Harley I can't do that I can't-" "you can. You're going to take her and you're going to leave." Harley hissed. "Harley I can't leave you here." June protests. "You can. And you are. You're doing this for the safety of your child." Harley says shakily. "They'll never let me see her." June says. "Leave that to me." Harley mumbles as she pulls her knees to her chest. "You get some sleep June. You don't want to be tired tomorrow." Harley says softly.

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