Black and blue

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The jokers eyes peered into Harleens as he rocked back and forth on the cold metal chair across the table from her. His gaze was like a panthers, dangerous but hypnotizing. Harleen often couldn't make herself look away. She got caught up in the intensity of his eyes, the paleness of his skin. The jokers low growl snapped Harleen out of her trance. "I promised you I'd do whatever I could to get you out of here." Harleen says softly. "That's a dangerous promise Doc." The jokers voice gave her chills. "Are you ready for this? Are you ready for my life?" His voice was smooth, wrapping around Harleens mind like a snake. "I'm ready for anything with you." She whispers.
Harley watched her tears hit the concrete floor, and slowly evaporate as she thought about that moment. She loved him from the beginning. She had always loved him, everything he was, and all that came along with him. She had known it was dangerous. He was dangerous.

It had been two months since killer croc had taken the joker away from the warehouse, no word from him. Harley knew he was either dead under Gotham city, or safe with Lucy and Diablo. Either way, he wasn't coming back. The thought hurt Harley's chest. She was going to die here. Superman has tried beating the jokers location out of her, but she was as clueless as he was to his whereabouts. So she just took it. What else could she do? She was a fighter but she was powerless compared to Superman.

"You okay?" June's voice floods into the room through the small vent. Harley didn't feel like talking. She rarely did. She appreciated June's company, but she missed the joker. She missed the baby.

"I'm fine." Harley says back, numbness had taken over her tone.

"That one sounded rough." June says sadly, referring to the beating Harley had received just moments earlier. "Puddins given me worse for dropping a glass." Harley says coldly. June stayed silent. Must have gotten the hint.

Harley laid on her side, pulling her knees to her chest. Her fingers began to trace over duplicates of the jokers tattoos she had scratched into the pavement with a rock. "I miss you." She whispers as tears steadily fall down her cheeks.
Harley's screams filled the warehouse as superman beat deadshot. "Stop!" She screams as he strikes him again. "Tell me where the joker is and I'll stop." Superman says simply as his fist connects to deadshots jaw. "I don't know he is I told you that!"  Deadshot spit blood onto the ground and shook his head. "I'm going to kill you." Deadshot mumbles to Superman.

Superman laughs loudly before striking him again. "Kill me!" Harley screams. Batman steps in front of Harley, blocking Supermans gaze. "That's enough." Batman warns. "Nobody is killing anybody. That wasn't the deal." Harley silently thanked batman for stopping supermans cruel fist from hitting deadshot.

Batman looked sadly down at Harley. "I'm sorry." He mumbles before lifting her, carrying her back to the small cement room, leaving her in the dark.
Boomerang sat on the floor across the small room. Harley glared at him as he stared back at her. "Har-" "shut the fuck UP." She growls. "Harley please just-" "I said shut up!" She screams.

Boomerang groans in frustration and pulls out his gun. "I could kill you." He says as he stands, yanking Harley upward pinning her against the wall with his body. He presses his gun against her head. "I could kill you." He says again, but softer. "Then kill me." She growls. Boomerang shakes with rage before crashing his lips to Harley's. Harley's eyes widen before he pulls away. "I know you felt something." He whispers. "Do it again." She mumbles. Boomerang leans forward, his lips hovering above Harley's. Harley lets out a soft moan before quickly biting hard on boomerangs mouth, drawing blood. He lets out a sharp scream and pulls away. "I felt something all right. Fucking disgust." She growls.

Boomerangs fists slam into Harley's body, causing her to scream, but she fights back. She thrashed against him, her fists connecting with his skin, his, with hers. Suddenly the heavy door to the small room swung open, and Harley felt boomerangs weight pulled off her. Batman easily throwing him from the room. "You're a fucking idiot." He says through clenched teeth.

Batman turns his attention to Harley. "You okay?" He asks. "Fuck off." She warns. Batman nods and leaves Harley alone in the silence of the room once again, but this time it wasn't so silent. A familiar voice, nearly the same as her own, minus the Brooklyn accent filled the room. "Good going."the voice taunts. "Oh fuck off harleen." Harley mumbles to herself. "You need to use your head. Use all the training you have to get yourself out of this. Take what you know they want, and use it." The voice was loud and clear. "I said FUCK OFF!" Harley screams as tears pour from her face. "I don't want this I DONT WANT THIS!" She screams as she bashes her head against the concrete wall, knocking herself unconscious.
Batman wipes the blood off of Harley's bruised forehead. She mumbled softly as she began to regain consciousness. "Harley just stay quiet. You're stable but you hurt yourself pretty bad." Batmans raspy voice fills her head but she doesn't register what he's saying. Instead she lets out a sharp scream and tries to sit up.

Batman easily pushes her back down on the metal table. "Harley-stop." He warns. Harley's screams filled the warehouse, causing Superman to enter. "Can you keep her big mouth shut?" He scolds. Batman placed his hand over her mouth. "Quiet." He whispers. Harley glares up at him, her teeth sinking into his fingers.

"God damn it!" He growls. "Something bad is about to happen but you keep your fucking mouth shut. I need to talk to you but-" "Harley!" Harley looks up towards the voice, her eyes widening in horror as boomerang drags a bloody Diablo into the warehouse. "No!" She screams. Her head spun as she attempted to stand, quickly falling to the ground. "Where's the baby where's the baby?!" Harley's voice was painful to listen to. Deadshot shook his head as he listened from a small room across the large building.

"I'm so sorry Harley I'm so fucking sorry." Diablo cries before boomerang tosses him to the ground. "I'm going to kill him. And you're going to watch." The Aussie hisses towards Harley. Her vision blurs as she tries to stand again, another failed attempt. "I'm going to kill you. I'll kill you." She whispers before falling back into an unconscious state. Batman catches her limp body before she hits the ground. "Funs over. Put him in with deadshot." Batman says as he carries Harley back towards her room.

Batman placed her gently on the floor and shook his head. "I hope you can hear me Quinn. She's safe." He mumbles before he stands. "She's safe."
Authors note: I had no fucking idea what to do with this chapter but I'm posting it anyway. I know it sucks and I'm not happy with it but I needed to put something up. Filler chapter. I have good plans for the next few though. Sorry for the wait :(

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