*Sequel part 1*

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Lucy's point of view

"I can't say I'm surprised. I spent my entire life obsessing over what I thought was a fantasy world, only to find out I've been a part of it this whole time. I was the daughter of the joker. The man who made a skilled psychiatrist fall head over heals for a mad man, and then become mad herself to be with him. It was a lot to process, it still is. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't function. My whole reality has crumbled down around me and everyone expects me to continue living as if nothing's changed. He may be my father, but I don't know him... and I don't think I want to."
March 12th 2047

I quickly wrote the date on my journal before returning it to its spot on the large oak shelf in the corner of my room. Writing had become my sanctuary the last few months. The papers the only thing that will listen, but never judge.

I let out a large sigh as I opened my curtains to greet the day, sunlight began to wrap around Gotham city. I wasn't ready to see him again. Part of me wishes he'd stop trying. Bruce tells me he just wants to be in my life but, I don't think I want this for myself. I could just keep living as Lucy Klein, orphaned niece to billionaire Bruce Wayne. Or Batman.. or whoever he is.

I pull on a pair of jeans and an oversized hoodie, tying my hair into a loose bun before walking down the large staircase to the unnecessarily large kitchen. "Morning Lu." Bruce says with a pathetic attempt at an "everything's okay!" Smile. "Hey." I mumble as I grab a mug and head to the coffee pot. "Sleep well?" He questions. "Yeah." I sat awkwardly. "Good!" He says with a bit too much fake pep. "Listen, this is weird. Can you stop acting like my whole fucking world hasn't flipped upside down?" I groan as I sit across from him.

He lets out a sigh of defeat as he sips from his coffee mug. "I'm sorry Lu. I really am. I promised your parents I'd keep you safe, and I did my best. It's just.." He trails off. "You don't know how to keep me safe from them." I finish his sentence for him. He nods in agreement. "I didn't think we'd ever have to deal with this. The joker and I have played this cat and mice game for years, he dies..not really dead.. I die..not dead." He says as he stares at the floor. "I wish I was dead." I mumble under my breath.

Bruce glares at me before getting up from his seat at the head of the long table. "Can you just please promise you'll try? Just try and get to know him." He pleads. "No." I growl. He shakes his head in disappointment. "Go to school, please." He says with a defeated tone. "Are you kidding me?" I question. "You expect me to just return to my fuckin life? You want me to just go to school? I'm not ever going back to school this is a tragedy!" I say a bit too overdramatized for Bruce's taste. "Alfred will drive you." He says as he exits the kitchen.

I roll my eyes and grab my bag from the closet before prancing to the large garage where I find Alfred waiting for me. "Good morning" He says with a smile. "Morning al." I say plainly as I hop into the passenger seat. He starts the car and begins the drive to my school on the outer part of Gotham city. "You don't have to be so awkward Alfred, I know you know what's happening." I say looking over at him. "I'm aware of what's happened, yes." He admits. "I just don't think it's my place to give an opinion, that's all." I look at him curiously. "And, what is your opinion?" I ask. "Nice try." He says with a smile as he enters the parking lot.

I roll my eyes as Alfred shifts the car into park. I really didn't have the energy to be dealing with school, or really anything today. I just wanted to sleep, and pretend none of this was happening. "Have a great day Miss Lucy." Alfred says with a warm smile as I step out into the cool morning air. "See ya." I say casually before closing the door, and heading towards the entrance to my prison for the day.
I sat at my wooden desk in my last period class, staring at the wall. I hadn't been able to focus on anything all day. I just wanted to be home, but home didn't even feel like home anymore.

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