*Sequel part 2*

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It had been three days since the joker vanished, and that's the last anyone had seen or heard from him, but in his absence, he brought rain. Rain had poured down on Gotham city for three days straight. I sat cross legged, and soaked on my balcony as I watched lightning strike somewhere in the distance. I didn't want to think about anything, I wanted all of this to stop. I wish I had never found out who my parents were. I had a great life, Bruce was so good to me. I had great friends, I went to a great school, got good grades, but none of that seemed to matter. It all seemed so insignificant.

I let out a sigh and I tied my wet hair into a bun before pulling my knees to my chest. I wanted so much to sleep, for a few years. I wanted everything to disappear.

Suddenly Bruce's voice startled me. "You're going to get sick sitting in the rain like that." He mumbled. I turned my head to see him standing in the door way. I shrugged my shoulders in response. "So you've gone mute?" He questioned with a slightly raised eyebrow. "I just don't feel like talking." Annoyance present in my tone. "I get it kiddo. If my parents suddenly turned up after being dead for all these years I wouldn't feel much like talking either." Bruce sat down next to me. "Yeah well, I wish he had stayed dead." I mumble. Bruce shakes his head. "I know this isn't at all how you planned to find out about who your parents were...or are. It's confusing. Trust me I hate that guy." Bruce chuckled a bit. "But you...you and your mother changed him. He was almost normal." He said lightly. I gave him a strange look. "Normal?" I say In disbelief. "I did say almost." Bruce laughed. "The joker and I had gone at it for years before Harleen. You think he's bad now? You should have seen him before her." Bruce frowned. "Harley was a good person, who got wrapped up with a bad one. But love changes people. In her case for the worst. In his, for the better." I didn't know how to reply, so I didn't. I let him talk.

"Luc, I know you aren't handling this well. I understand, but I can't see you shut down like this. If you don't want this life, then I'll do anything to keep you from it, but you'll always be their daughter. You can't change that." Bruce leaned forward and kissed the top of my head. "I love you Lucy, I really do." He gave his best shot at a smile before standing up. "It's all going to work itself out kid." He extended his hand for me and I let him pull me up. "Okay." I whispered before escaping the rain.

I grabbed a few tissues from the coffee table and shoved them up my nose before returning to my laying position on the large leather couch. "Master Bruce did tell you to get out of the rain the other night." Alfred said from the recliner across the room. I rolled my eyes and flipped through the channels on the large flat screen television. "Have you thought any more about returning to scho-" "I'm not going back Alfred." I growl. He raises his hands in defense. "Then we'll talk no more of it." He says as he grabs the newspaper from the table.

I decided to just take some time off from everything, to wrap my head around all the shit that was falling into my lap. I couldn't focus on anything, let alone school.

I let out a loud dramatic sigh and throw the remote onto the couch, leaving the channel on the local news. "Alfred, do you think Bruce would have become Batman if it wasn't for his parents?" I ask. "No." He says honestly. "The whole reason he wanted to fight crime was to stop what happened to his parents from happening to anyone else." I nod my head. "Maybe I should fight crime." I say with a shrug.

Bruce lets out a laugh as he enters the living room, sitting next to me on the couch. "You complain about having to walk to the end of the drive way to get the mail. Fighting crime is all exercise Lu." Bruce says. I roll my eyes. "I love getting the mail!" I defend myself. "Yes, where there's a package for you." Bruce says playfully. I shake my head and decide it was a fight I wouldn't win.

Alfred flipped through the newspaper and Bruce read through some boring papers for Wayne Enterprises. I pulled out my phone and deleted some unopened texts from friends asking where I'd been. I just didn't feel like explaining everything to any of them right now. I can't expect them to understand when I don't understand any of it myself.

"Master Bruce!" Alfred suddenly says with urgency. "Jesus Christ Alfred!" Bruce says. "Sir!" He says pointing towards the television. Bruce quickly turns the sound up. A reporter was standing in front of the gates of Arkham asylum.

"We're here in front of Arkham Asylum with the facility psychiatrist to talk about the influx of patients being committed. Doctor, tell me why you think that is?" The reporter says. The camera pans over to a beautiful pale woman with white hair, and she begins to talk. "Oh my god." Bruce says seriously. "What?" I question. "What's going on? Who is she?" I ask. Bruce doesn't break his gaze at the screen as he mumbles two simple words. "Your mother."

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