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Batman watched as Harley struggled to break from the restrains. "It's no use." He says coldly. "You're going to stay here. And you're going to watch." He says as he makes his way to the joker. "No!" Harley screams. The joker looks at her. "Be brave Harley." He says to her, before turning his attention to the bat. "Do your worst bats." The joker says with a wild laugh. Batman plunges a dagger into the jokers chest, opening his scars. Harley screams loudly, thrashing around desperate to get to him. The jokers body falls to the ground and batman laughs wildly.

"Harley!" Diablo shakes her awake, she pants heavily, tears falling from her pale blue eyes. "Just a bad dream kiddo calm down!" He says, pulling her N for a hug. "I-I'm sorry." She cries. Diablo pats her head. "Don't be, I understand." He says softly.

Harley had nightmares ever since the enchantress brought them back. She didn't want to sleep anymore. It terrified her. The joker was so busy hunting down batman, and he wouldn't let her go with him. She never knew if he was hurt, or dead. He found it hard to look at Harley. Something in him changed towards her. He was distant. Colder than he had been before they had their lives taken away. She didn't like it.

Deadshot handed her a cup of coffee. She smiles tiredly up at him. "Thanks." She mumbles. Tree strolls into the room and the hyenas follow behind him. "He's home Harley." Tree says. She shrugs her shoulders. "So what?" She mumbles. Tree looks down at her sadly, but decides not to argue with her.
"Harley?" The joker yells from somewhere through the house. Harley sits on the couch, not answering. "Harley!" He yells again. Deadshot watches as she sips her coffee. "HARLEY!" The joker screams, the sound of him stomping down the stairs scares Diablo, causing him to move from her side, to deadshots.

The joker storms into the room. "Are you fucking deaf?" He growls. "Possibly. Maybe my hearing hasn't fully been restored, since I was brought back from the dead or whatever." She says sarcastically, taking a another sip of her coffee. The jokers blood boils. "Harley.." He orders. "I don't want to." She says sternly.

The joker storms over to her, grabbing the mug throwing it against the wall. Deadshot jumps as it hits close to his head. "Hey!" Harley shrieks. The joker grabs her hair and drags her towards the stairs. Diablo opens his mouth but deadshot stops him, shaking his head.

The joker throws Harley on the bed and stares at her. "Why are you acting like a child?" He says through clenched teeth. Harley looks up at him with tears falling from her eyes. "Why're you a different person?!" She shrieks. "What? Dying made you realize you can do better than a crazy former psychiatrist, who LOST HER LIFE FOR YOU?!" She cries. "What are you gone all the time fucking some girls at the club?!" She shrieks, pushing him hard.

The joker looks at her shocked as she pushes him. "Maybe you should have just let me stay dead! Maybe then you'd be happy huh mister J?" She screams, falling to her knees as she sobs. The joker looks down at her, a frown on his face. He didn't know how to help her.

"Harley.." He says softly. "You can't even fucking deny it!!" She screams. "Harley..I.." The joker shakes his head. "You should have left me!" She cries.

Tree opens the door, looking at Harley, then The joker. He shakes his head and walks over, scooping Harley into his arms. "Nice." He says harshly to the joker. Harley cries roughly into trees chest. "Real nice." He says heading for the door.

The joker slams it shut and screams loudly. "Fuck up..fuck up..FUCK UP!" He screams as he throws the things on the desk to the floor.
Harley sleeps in trees lap, deadshot shakes his head. "So is he cheating?" He questions. Tree shrugs his shoulders. "He hadn't told me where he's been going. I have no idea." Tree mumbles. Diablo sighs. "Poor kid.. I can't imagine what it's like." He says sadly.

Suddenly Harley wakes up with a loud scream, instantly beginning to cry. Tree holds her tightly. "Just a dream Harley.. Just a dream." He whispers.

The joker runs into the room with a gun. He calms down when he sees Harley is okay.

He sets the gun down and walks to her. "Still having nightmares?" He asks softly. Harley glares at him. "Like you care!" She cries. The joker lightly grips her face. "Harley come talk to me." He whispers. "Don't touch me!" She screams.

The joker growls and scoops her out of trees arms, carrying her towards the stairs as she screamed at him. "Put me down!"

The boys watch as they disappear up the stairs and the door slams to the bedroom. Diablo sighs. "Should we do something?" He asks. Tree shakes his head. "Nope." He says lightly.
The joker sets Harley on the bed. "Harley you need to listen to me!" He shouts. She shakes her head. "Why?! So you can tell me you're done with me?" She cries. "Harley I'm not done with you!" He screams, taking her face in his hands. "I'm not cheating on you, I've never slept with anyone other that you, since I met you. I'm not kicking you out." He says. Harley looks at him. "You won't even look at me anymore.. You don't touch me, you're hardly here to sleep in the same bed anymore." She cries.

The joker sits next to her and holds her tight. "I've been spending time with Rick and June.." He says softly. "W-why?" She mumbles. "Because...because June can..June can." He mumbles. "June can what?" She questions. "I want to make you happy Harley.. Happier than before.. I promise to always be the best I can be. To protect you, to keep you safe.. And I want to.. I want to make you the mother of my children Harley girl.." He says suddenly. Harley stares at him. "And June.. Can help.." He mumbles.

Harley sighs and kisses his cheek. "I don't want that." She says honestly. "Puddin.. You make me happier than anything ever has. You're all I want mister J. You don't want a baby.. It wouldn't be the best thing for us." She says softly.

The joker turns pale, and puts his hand over Harley's stomach. "I-I wish you would have told me that before.." He says. Harley glares at him. "Y-you mean.." She whispers. He nods. "Last night.." He says softly. Harley takes his hand and looks into his eyes. "We're gonna have a baby?" She whispers. The joker smiles lightly. "We're gonna have a baby.." He confirms. A smile slips onto Harley's face and her lips press to his. "I love you Harley girl."

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