A not so normal family

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Tree looked out the large window in Harley's living room as she slept on the couch. The jokers men were keeping their distance, but there wasn't a chance in hell they were letting any of them leave without the joker knowing.
The hyenas slept on the ground next to Harley, as if they could sense something was wrong.

Diablo quietly entered the room, Lucy in his arms. "Hey." He mumbles. Tree nodded in his direction, silently greeting him. The hyenas lift their heads as they hear diablos voice. "Come on rats, chow time." He says heading towards the kitchen, the animals leaving Harley's side to follow him.

Tree sits down in a wooden rocking chair in the corner of the room, deep in his own head.
Diablo worked on making breakfast, Lucy sat happily in her high chair at the table, munching on a cup of dry cereal. Harley slowly limped into the kitchen. Diablo quickly rushed to her side to aid her. "I can fucking handle it." She huffed under her breath as she pulled a chair out, falling into it. Diablo raised his arms in defense. "Who pissed in your cornflakes?" He questions. "Oh you're fucking hilarious." She mumbles. Diablo chuckles, putting some scrambled eggs onto a plate. "I'm guessing you didn't sleep well then?" He says as more of a comment than a question. "Other than being shot, and punched by someone id die for, I can't image why I wouldn't be able to sleep." Harley says rolling her eyes. Diablo looked at her. "Someone you'd die for?" He questions. "Someone I would have... when things were different." She corrects, staring at the wall. Diablo shook his head. "You know I don't fucking get you. You have a fucking normal life now Harley, yet you still consider yourself part of his." His tone was harsh. "Love does fucked up things to you diablo. You know that." She says back. "Yeah, I killed my wife and kids. But I owned that shit. My cards, are on the table. Your cards are in the fucking closet Harley. You are too blinded to realize how fucked up he is." Diablo was angry. "I know he's fucked up. I got myself out." She responds. "And now you're right back in." He hisses, tossing a frying pan into the sink. "I've got shit to do." He mumbles grabbing the car keys, slamming the door to the garage behind him.

Harley let out a sigh as Lucy began to cry in response to the loud noises of diablos tantrum. Tree slowly entered the room. "Well that was something." He says with a laugh. "He's just mad." She says pulling Lucy from her high chair. "God she's gotten so big." He says with a smile, looking at the toddler. "She looks so much like-" "I know." Harley says. "I'm just hoping she acts more like me." She adds. Tree shakes his head. "The old you maybe." He says, moving to the stove. "You want pancakes? Looks like flame boy ruined your breakfast." Tree pulls a few things from the fridge, throwing ingredients into a bowl before Harley has time to answer.

"Tell me what I should do." Harley whispers. "I can't tell you that Harley girl. That's all up to you." Tree says, his back to her. "You've got to have an opinion... you have to think something of the situation." Harley put Lucy on the floor. "Go play with your toys baby girl." She says with a smile as the toddler wanders into the other room. "Go watch her." Harley says, the hyenas following after the kid.

"I think you're doing well." Tree says. "But?" Harley questions. "He's fucked Harley. Worse than he's ever been." Tree turns to look at her now, his face worried. "You.. changed him. I've seen him put a gun to his temple more times than I can count Harley." Tree says. "Suicide?" She mumbles. "I don't think so... more of a...revenge. If he had to live without you, you had to live without him." Tree says with a sigh.

Harley shook her head. "That's selfish." She whispers. "He's selfish. You know that." Tree says with a shrug. "I just wish we were normal... I just wish... he could be normal." She says softly. "You signed up for this Harley. You knew what you were getting yourself into. You knew that from the beginning." He says as he places a plate in front of her. She nods. "I know. I just didn't know how deep I'd dig myself." Suddenly a loud intense pounding comes from the front door. "Take Lucy and get upstairs, now." Tree orders, rushing into the front room. "Bonnie, Clyde take Lucy!" Harley shouts. The hyenas rush off with Lucy, giving Harley some peace of mind as she limps to the front room.

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