The first punch

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The joker lifted his head off of his desk and let out a pained groan as he rubbed the back of his aching neck. He had fallen asleep in his office the passed few nights, and was really taking a toll on his back. He stood up and glanced at the clock on the wall. "Fuck." He mumbles as he sees the time. "Harley's gonna be pissed." He says with a sigh as he opens the door, stepping into the hall way. He quickly jumps back as his foot lands in a cold wet substance. "What the fuck?" He growls as he examines the blue stain on his foot. "Harley!" He screams through the halls. Harley peeks her head out of the bedroom, her hair saturated in fresh dye. She raises her eyebrows. "Oops?" She says sweetly. "Sorry puddin." She smiles. The joker smirks. "You're dead Harls." He says as he sprints towards her, earning an excited shriek from her as she flies towards the stairs laughing before the jokers arms snake around her, pinning her to the wall. "Got ya." He growls as his teeth dig into her neck.
The joker pulls his pants back on and helps Harley into her clothes. "Go take a shower and make yourself look nice darling. We've got a business meeting tonight." He says as he pushes her hair out of her face. "With who?" She questions. "He didn't say." She says. "So bring your bat. It could be a trap." He mumbles as he grabs her face in his hands, kissing her hard on the lips before heading down the stairs.

Diablo was passed out on the couch, Deadshot feeding Lucy in the kitchen. The joker smiled and kissed her forehead before pulling a bottle of water from the fridge. "Thanks for doing that." He says before taking a gulp. "No problem." Deadshot says as he spoons another bite of mush into her mouth.

Diablo stumbles into the kitchen and sits down in one of the chairs. "Listen boys. I'm going to need help. Diablo I'm gonna need you to stay here with Lucy and tree tonight. If anything happens you burn the place down and get her out of here. Bullet, you're coming with Harley and I to the club. Someone set up a meeting but it was anonymous." The joker says as he leans against the counter. "Something doesn't seem right about that." Diablo says lightly. The joker stares at him. "That's why you're staying with her and he's coming with us flame." He rolls his eyes. "It could be the league. Or it could be a cautious client. Either way, we're playing things safe." He says as he heads for the door. "Tell Harley to feed the damn hyenas when she's done." He mumbles as he exits the room.

Diablo looks at Deadshot and shakes his head. "Don't feel right man." He says. Deadshot nods. "Just do what he says. You know what he's capable of." Deadshot says as the Lamborghini roars in the garage. Harley prances into the kitchen in a pair of sweat pants and a baggy shirt. "Hyenas." Diablo mumbles to her. "Aw man! Come on it's not my turn!" She shrieks. "Don't care." He smirks. She groans and pulls a few raw steaks from the fridge and stomps out the back door.

"Don't know who's more dramatic YOU or your mom." Deadshot laughs as he feeds Lucy the last bite of her food.
The joker swings his cane around in his hand lightly as he waits for Harley. "Come on darling!" He growls, annoyed with her need to take forever. "Coming puddin!" She calls down the stairs. He smirks as he hears her heels clicking on the floor upstairs.

Deadshot put a few hand guns in his suit pockets and nodded at the joker. "All set." He says as he straightens his suit in the long mirror on the wall. "Perfect." The joker praises, before turning his eyes to the stairs, where Harley twirled around for him in a black and red dress with a pair of black heels.

" The joker praises, before turning his eyes to the stairs, where Harley twirled around for him in a black and red dress with a pair of black heels

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He smirks at her. "Perfect darling. Simple" He growls as he wraps his arms around her waist pulling her against him. "Red is your color my dear." He purrs into her ear making her smirk.

Deadshot rolls his eyes. "Come on kids." He laughs. The joker laces his hand in Harleys before taking Lucy from Diablo and kissing her on the head. "You be bad for uncle flame alright babe?" He says to her. "Puddin!" Harley rolls her eyes. "You be a good girl Lucy." She says as she kisses her cheek.

Diablo takes Lucy into his arms and nods. "Be safe guys. Come home." He says softly. "We'll be back Diablo don't go getting all emotional." The joker huffs as he heads for the door, pulling Harley with him.

Deadshot waves at Diablo. "You keep her safe man. See you soon." He says as he follows the joker and Harley into the garage.

"I'll keep her safe." Diablo whispers as he sets Lucy in her play pen.
The joker holds Harley's hand and taps his foot impatiently as he waits for the client. "This is bullshit." He growls through clenched teeth. "Stay calm mister J, don't lose your..sanity." She says with a smirk. "Oh darling I lost my sanity when I met you." He purrs as he pulls her onto his lap, kissing her hard. "Get a room." Deadshot huffs as he looks away.

"Boss." One of the jokers men says. "He's coming up." He nods as he walks away. "Later Harley." He mumbles as he pushes her off his lap. Harley rolls her eyes and fixes her dress. "Oh hell no." Deadshot says bluntly as the client comes into view. "Oh hell no." He says again, as Captain Boomerang sits across the table from the joker and Harley. "Oh hell-" "no." The joker finishes his sentence. "Good to see ya mate. Harley-" he takes her hand and kisses it. "Always a pleasure." He says with a smile. Harley glares at him, unable to think of anything to say.

The joker pulled out his gun and shot him between the eyes, but to their surprise, boomerang still stood. "Fuck." Boomerang says plainly as blood dripped down his face. He grabbed a napkin from the table and pulled the bullet from his flesh, handing it back to the joker. "Nice try mate, wanna give it another go?" He asks. "Waiter let me get a whiskey, no ice? Thanks mate." He says as a man walks by. "How are you alive?" The joker screams across the table. Boomerang smirks as the waiter sets a glass in front of him. "Same way you're alive my friend." He answers. "June!?" Harley squeals. "Bingo princess." He says as he takes a sip of the drink. "June Moones working for the league. She knows how to handle herself. Too bad Rick didn't." He laughs. "Was a fighter though. But, he's had it coming since Belle-Rev, hasn't her darlin?" Boomerang rambles. "The baby?" The joker growls. "What baby?" He smirks. Harley shakes her head. "You're a fucking monster Boomerang!" She cries. "Maybe." He says. "Maybe I am a monster Kid. But I'll never be anything close to that man." He says as he stands. "Now I've got a proposition for you mate. You can either take it, or die. You, Harley, the baby, the boys. All of you. So id listen up if I were you." Boomerang says tossing back the rest of his drink.

The joker shakes with rage as he threatens his family. "You give us the baby. And you two turn yourselves in. You take a nice long trip to Arkham,
And then Gotham gets turned over to Bats. Diablo and Deadshot go to black gate, because they're not insane. By definition anyway." He says looking at Deadshot. "Not happening." The joker hisses. "Oh mate. You thought you had a choice?" He laughs as Harley lets out a sharp scream as Wonder Woman emerges from the shadows, taking Deadshot down. "You fucking bastard!" The joker screams as he lunges for boomerang. "Puddin no!" Harley screams as boomerang draws a gun, shooting him in the stomach.

Harley screams and drops to the floor next to him. "I'll kill you boomerang you fucking hear me! I'll rip you apart!" She cries as she pushes against the joker wound, causing him to groan. "Hmm. Will you?" Boomerang says with a shrug. "Get them to the warehouse." He says as he turns away. "But first." He says before punching Harley hard in the face, knocking her out. "Alright then boys, pack em up!" He says with a laugh.

Wonder Woman shakes her head. "None of that was necessary." She says. "They killed me. Twice." He grumbles before exiting the balcony. She watches as Batman lifts Harley up and shakes his head. "She was a good kid before she met him." He says to wonder Woman. "What a shame." She mumbles. "She'll be back at Arkham soon. And you'll get Gotham back." She assures him. Batman nods. "Yeah." He says as he watches superman carry the jokers limp body out of the club, disappearing into the dark of night.

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