House wife

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The jokers eyes burned into Harley's as she tried her best to guess what he was thinking. "I just.. want to figure you out." Her voice was sweet, innocent. The corners of the jokers lips turned upwards in a terrifying grin, showing his metal capped teeth. "You wanna know the best thing about being a psychopath is, doc?" He mumbles. Harley said nothing, taking in his words. The joker stood, the chains that secured him to the asylum chair dropping, in a loud thud. Harley felt herself start to panic as he made his way around the table, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger. He stared coldly down at her as she trembled. "You think you're helping us, but in reality-" he lets out an insane laugh. "You're falling in love."
Harley's screams filled the empty dark hallways of the oversized house. Diablo sat up from his bed sliding into a pair of grey sweatpants before jogging into Harley's room, shaking her from her nightmare. Tears poured from her eyes as she looked around the dark room. "Fuck!" She shouts as she sits up. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She whispers. Diablo sits next to her on the large bed shaking his head. "Don't be sorry." He says softly. "Did I wake Lucy?" She questions. "I don't think so." He answers. Harley nods, making her way across the room. "You dream of him a lot." Diablo says blankly. "How do you know it's about him?" She questions harshly. "Because he's the only person who's ever been able to get under your skin and control your life." Diablo says truthfully. She didn't reply. Diablo stands, walking towards the door. "Get dressed." He says. "What?" She says with a laugh. "It's 4 in the mo-" "get dressed." Diablo says again, walking towards the nursery.
Harley bounced up and down outside the car, waiting for Diablo. "It's fucking freezing." She mumbles to herself. The garage door pulls open and Diablo helped Lucy down the stairs. She was new to walking, but unlike other babies, once she started, she wasn't going to stop. "Mama!" The two year old giggles as she holds onto diablos fingers, slowly but surely stumbling over to where Harley stood. "Look at you!" Harley coos as she crouches with her arms extended. A huge smile on Lucy's face as she allows Harley to pick her up. Harley plants a kiss on her cheek and opens the door the the car, strapping her into her seat, Diablo handing her a stuffed animal to keep her occupied.

Harley slips into the passenger side of the car, looking at Diablo who revs the engine, pulling out of the garage. "So, where the fuck are we going?" She questions. He shrugs. "We're just going." He says calmly.

It had been almost a year since Harley left. Almost a year since she's seen him. A year since Lucy had seen her father. She was saying basic words, walking, the time she needed him. But Harley had kept her promise. "You'll never see us again." Or, atleast a year. Diablo had taken such good care of them, dealing with Harley's nightmares, and her breakdowns. They had kept out of Gotham, out of crime, and as far as she knew, the Joker had too. Ivy would have had her baby by now, and he hadn't come looking for Harley or Lucy. Out of sight out of mind.

Diablo elbowed Harley. "Hey, you're too deep in thought Har. Talk or something." He laughs. She smiles and shakes her head. "It's early." She mumbles. "This used to be late." He says. "Huh?" She questions, looking over at his face, dimly lit from the lights on the consul. "You know how often we'd all be up this late? Shooting someone or, robbing some place. This wasn't early, it was late." He says. Harley shrugs. "That was then, and this is now. We aren't criminals anymore." She sighs. Diablo laughs. "You've killed people, I've killed people. The title of criminal just doesn't disappear Harley and you know that." He says, pulling onto a back road. "I wish it did." She mumbles. "You don't. You miss the dangerous life." He points out. "Sometimes." She admits. "But I can't afford to be dangerous." She adds. He nods. Looking at the road.

Diablo turns onto another road, driving for a few miles before pulling over. "Alright, grab Luc and her lion." He says. "What?" She laughs. "Hurry up we're gonna miss it!" He laughs and steps out of the car, popping the trunk. Harley shakes her head and grabs Lucy, "hold onto the lion tight so you don't drop him!" She says. Lucy throws the lion on the ground and looks at it. Harley shakes her head and sets Lucy down, picking it up.

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