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The joker stared ahead at the long road to their home. It seemed endless. A drive he had made thousands of times at deathly speeds. This time was different. The joker had never driven the Lamborghini below 80mph, but he was barely pushing 40. He occasionally glanced over at Harley, who had fallen asleep in the passenger seat of the expensive car. The joker growled as tears threatened to pour from his eyes again. Not now.

The joker slowly pulled into the large garage and shut the engine off. He sat still for a moment, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. He listened to her breathe, calm and even. His hands stay gripped tightly to the steering wheel as he thought of what to say, what to do to make things okay for her, but he thought of nothing.

Light flooded into the garage as tree opened the door leading into the kitchen. The joker squinted at him and opened the door to the shiny Lamborghini, closing it quietly after he stepped out. "She asleep?" Tree questions as he stares at him. J nods. "She's out." He confirms. Tree lets out a sit sigh of relief. "You want me to get her?" He asks. The joker shakes his head. "No." He says lightly, walking around to the passenger side of the car. "Boss, you shouldn't be lift-" the joker lifted Harley from her seat, her body limp in his arms. "Get the door." J hisses as he walks towards him. Tree holds the door open for them, and the joker enters the house heading for the stairs.

Tree closed the door to the garage and locked the deadbolt before sitting at the kitchen table. Ace prances into the room and heads towards the stairs before tree scoops him into his arms. "Give her time little buddy. She's going to need it." He says lightly as the cat begins to purr.
The jokers eyes were fixated on her as she slept in the large bed he's come used to being empty. He hadn't slept in it since she was gone. 5 months on the couch, and his body was paying for it.
Harley's breathing suddenly became rapid and intense, causing the joker to stiffen. Harley's ear piercing screams filled the mansion as she thrashed around in the bed. The joker flew to her side, shaking her violently. "Harley!" He screams, snapping her out of her sleep. Tears were already streaming from her eyes as she panted, looking frantically around the room before her eyes settled on his. Her face scrunched up and she choked on a sob as she reached for him. He carefully laid on the bed, pulling her close to him. Their bodies were plastered together, no space between them, but to them it still felt too far.

"I-I'm sorry." Harley cries against his chest. The jokers grip on her tightened and he held his breath as he attempted to keep himself from joining her in crying. "I'm sorry." She repeats, her fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt. Once again he said nothing, staring blankly at the ceiling as he felt himself fall apart inside. "Say something!" Harley yelped as she looked up at him, desperate to hear his voice.

The jokers hand lightly cupped the back of her head, gently pulling it down to rest against the skin of his chest, but he said nothing. He closed his eyes and took minutes soaking in the feeling of her body on every inch of his. Before too long, He felt Harley's shaky fingers tracing the ink on his skin, and for the first time that night, sound poured from the jokers throat in the form of sobs. He pulled her ontop of him, his arms wrapped tightly around her. She buried her face into his neck and her warm breath made goosebumps form on his pale skin. "I love you." He whispers as his hands loosen. "Don't let go." She replies shakily.

He stared up at her, his eyes dark and intense. He rolled her next to him, his arms still tight around her as she settled into him. "Rest now." He says lightly. Her fingers once again began to trace the tattoos on his chest, the joker watching her as her eyes eventually grew heavy, and her hand stopped moving, resting ontop of his chest.
Harley's eyes flew open as she woke from a nightmare. She panted heavily and the jokers arms tightened around her. "I'm here." He says in the dark. It was the third time that night. "I-I'm sorry Puddin." She mumbles. "I'm keeping you awake." The joker somehow finds her lips in the dark, and kisses her softly. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I'm okay Harley. Just close your eyes and sleep." He says gently. As if that was easy for her. She closed her eyes and let herself drift into sleep again. The joker sat quiet and still, letting the darkness of the room swallow them as he listened to her breathing. He knew when her breathing became uneven that she was having a nightmare, and would wake up. He hadn't slept. How could he after what she's gone through? He took a deep breath and let his eyes close, unconsciousness eventually claiming him too.
The joker held Harley in his arms as she slept. He stared at the window and watched the sun creep over the tree tops. Eventually Harley began to stir in his arms. He looked at her as her eyes slowly opened and for the first time, she smiled. He smiled too. "Hey." She mumbles. He smirks and lightly hisses her forehead. "Hey." He replies as she sits up, pushing her hair out of her face. Her hair had gone completely blonde, the once vibrant red and blue dye now faded out. "What do you want to do?" He questions as she looks around the room. "Shower." She says with a yawn. The joker nods and stands up, holding his hand out for her. She lightly takes it and he leads her to the large bathroom off their bathroom. The tile was cold against her feet and it shocked her. The joker quickly turned as he feels her tug on his hand. "It's okay, it's just col-" before she finishes her sentence the joker scoops her into his arms, setting her on the counter, before moving to start the shower for her. He knew she loved her showers hot, hot enough to make him uncomfortable when they showered together, but he never rejected her requests.

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