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*Two years later*

Harley's eyes fluttered open as she felt the jokers cold finger tips tracing her skin. He moved his hand up and down her bare stomach, causing small goosebumps to rise from to the surface of her porcelain skin. His faded green hair sat messily on his head that rested comfortably on his hand, his elbow next to Harley's head on their expansive pillow. She found herself staring at him for awhile, as she often did. Getting lost in all that he was, taking in each of his features as if it was the first time, as if it was the last time. It didn't matter how much he touched her, how much they fucked, she couldn't get enough of him. He was like a drug to her, and she knew that's why he had always been so toxic. Their whole relationship was toxic, that's all it every was, all it would ever be.

The joker looked down at Harley's face, she looked deep in thought, confusion plastered on her face. He didn't break the silence hanging in the large bedroom. He left her to her thoughts as his hand moved from her skin, and instead to his own as he wiped the sleep from his eyes.

"Are you getting up?" She asked him softly. He gave a simple nod and crawled out of their large bed, pulling on a pair of loose grey sweat pants that were laying on the floor. He pushed his hair back and looked at himself in the mirror. He shook his head in disapproval. "Something wrong J?" Harley questioned. "Yeah. I look like a-" "daddy?" The couple listens as the near 4 year old toddler softly knocked on the heavy door. The joker pulled the large door open, and Lucy made her way inside. "Morning Papa." She says with a sweet smile. Her mother's smile.

Harley holds out her arms and the young girl happily runs to her mother, giving her a strong hug. "How'd you sleep my little monster?" Harley questions. Lucy shrugs her shoulders. "Mama Tree snores like a bear." The child whines. The joker smirks and joins his family on the bed.

"You've gotta be used to it by now Luc." He says as he kisses her cheek. "I don't think so." The child says with a giggle. "Run downstairs and tell uncle bullet to get breakfast started pumpkin. Daddy has something to take care of." Lucy nods and exits the room, the sound of her feet on the floor slowly fading.

The joker turned to Harley as she slipped out of bed, her naked body exposed to both him, and the cold air of their bedroom. He was obsessed with her. Every inch of her skin was perfection. His eyes focused on the circular scar of the bullet wound he had given her. As much as he apologized for what he had done, he didn't regret it. Harley was his, and his only.

Harley pulled on some leggings and an oversized hoodie from her closet. She tied her hair up and put on her glasses. The joker let out a soft growl. "I don't like when you do that Harley." He said harshly. "Do what?" She mumbled as she headed for the door. "When you look like her." He says back. Harley rolls her eyes. "Me? I'm still the same person. I'm more Harleen that I ever was." She says through clenched teeth. "Maybe I should push you into a chemical bath again." He says harshly.

Harley instantly pushes him hard. "Fuck you." She hisses before exiting the room. "And for your information jack ass, you didn't push me. I jumped." Harley slams the door behind her as she walks away from him.

He rolls his eyes and carries on getting ready for the day. These fights were normal. They'd continue through out the day, and then the pair would work it out by having angry sex at the end of the night. It has become a cycle. A toxic cycle.


Lucy sat at the large kitchen table eating her breakfast. "Make sure you eat your sausage little lady, need your proteins." Deadshot said from the stove, his back turned in her direction. "Okay uncle bullet!" Lucy says happily as she picks up a sausage link from her plate, breaking it in half before tossing it to the hyenas. Lucy had never been fond of meat, she was always coming up with ways to get rid of it, but the hyenas enjoyed it.

Harley made her way into the kitchen, patting Bonnie on the head as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Tree still sleeping?" She asked. Deadshot nodded. "Yeah he's on the floor in little ladies room." He answers with a chuckle.

Harley shrugged her shoulders and sat opposite her daughter at the large oak table. "Fighting again?" Deadshot questions as he sets a plate in front of her. Harley pushes the plate away in disgust. "Not hungry." She mumbles. Lucy looks curiously at her mother. "I'm okay baby." Harley says with a reassuring smile.

The joker enters the room as he slides his hand gun into the waste band of his pants. Harley glares at him and he pretends not to notice. "You really have to be packing in your own house?" Deadshot questions him. "Fuck off." The joker growls. "I've got shit to get done and I don't need either of you up my ass about a fucking gun." He adds. Harley rolls her eyes. "Grow up." She mumbles. Within a second the joker pulls Harley up, pinning her against the wall with the gun to her temple.

Deadshot reacts quickly by scooping Lucy into his arms, taking her from the room.

"Do it" she hisses at him. "Don't think I won't." He growls back. "Do it!" She screams through clenched teeth. The joker stares at her, his breathing labored as he bites her neck, earning a purr from his lover. "Enough of this. I don't have time to fuck you right now." He says as he pulls the gun from her head. "Daddy's got things to do." Harley rolls her eyes. "Weak." She mumbles as she watches the joker exit the house, listening to the engine of the Lamborghini roar to life.

Deadshot renters the room. "I don't like that shit Harley. One of these days he's gonna get too cared away and blow your brains out." He comments. Harley shrugs her shoulders. "He made me, he can end me if he wants to." She says softly. Deadshot shakes his head. "You know that isn't true." He says harshly. She dismisses him and bends down to pet her hyenas. "I don't want to talk about it anymore okay?" She whispers.

Deadshot sighs and changes the subject. "You ever notice he's been having a lot more things to take care of lately?" He questions. Harley looks up and him curiously. "What do you mean?" She asks. He shrugs. "He just leaves...everyday, and he's never taking any of his guys with him. Don't you think if he was really doing some sort of business that he'd take protection? He's not a stupid guy Harley he's not gonna risk doing anything that's going to put him back in the loony bin without some protection on his person." Deadshots words get Harley thinking. "You think he's cheating?" She questions. Deadshot gives her a look of sympathy. "I don't know Harley. I really don't know."

Harley storms out of the room, hyenas trotting behind her as Deadshot takes a deep breath.
Harley sat in the large California king bed, a book in her hands as the joker entered the room. He didn't seem to notice her, as his mind was on other things as he set his gun on his dresser. "Busy day?" Harley questions, pulling him from his thoughts. "You could say that." He mumbles as he pulls his shirt off. "Not in the mood." She hisses as he makes his way towards the bed. The joker rolls his eyes and pulls his pants off, slipping under the covers.
"Where do you go?" She growls. "What?" He questions. "Where have you been going everyday?" "I have things-" "yeah you have things to fucking do but what?" She interrupts.

The joker looked pained, almost sad. "I can't explain everything right now princess.. I'm just doing what I need to do to keep you guys safe." He says softly. "Safe from what?" She hisses. The joker lays his head on the pillow and stares at the ceiling. "Superman." He says softly. "But we haven't seen anything of him in years." She states. "He's closer than you think he is." The joker says as he pulls her body to his. "I need you to trust me. I have a plan." He mumbled as he presses his cold lips to her pale skin.

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