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Harley's wrists bled as she tugged against the chains. "Fuck you." She mumbled under her breath. She let herself fall flat against the bed, giving up on trying to break free. Even if she did, the door was locked. She couldn't fight against superman, he couldn't be killed without kryptanite, which she had none of nor ever seen.

She listened as foot steps grew louder towards the door. Lois walks in with a smile on her face, quickly turning into a frown when she noticed the blood running down her arms. "Oh Harley you can't do that!" She shrieks, rushing over. "We'll have to find some other wag of restraining you." She says with a sigh.

Harley leans up, spitting in her face. "Bite me Lois." She says angrily. In a flash, Clark is in the door, striking Harley's face. Lois holds him back. "No need." She says lightly, wiping herself off. "Clean her off Clark." She says, turning away and exiting the room.

Clark sighs. "I didn't want to hit you again Harley but you just don't learn." He frowns down at her and Harley glares back. "One day, someone will kill you. And the country will lose their false god." She says with a cold tone.

Superman smiles. "You're not going to be here much longer." He says as he places a hand on Harley's stomach, less than a month had gone by since Clark had told her she had two months left. Her stomach resembled that of a woman who was 7 months pregnant. The child grew at an astonishing rate, every day making Harley weaker and weaker. Her cheeks were sunken in and her eyes housed dark black circles, she was weak, and tired often.

"She'll be here soon, and you'll be gone." Superman says with a chuckle.
Harley's eyes burned into his for a moment before she turned her head away from him. She felt the chains being lifted from her arms. "I suppose you're not strong enough to fight back anymore. No sense in these." He says, tossing them aside as he cleans the blood from her arms. Harley's eyes burned as she squeezed them tightly together, she longed to see him when she closed her eyes, but all she saw was darkness.
"It's been three fucking weeks since you've told me you knew where she was bat, where is she?!" The joker screams, his pistol shaking with his hand.

Batman continues to type on his computer. "I know where she is, but we're waiting." Batman says calmly. "We don't have time to wait you stupid bat! She's going to die! If she's not already dead!" His voice travels threw the bat cave, echoing off the walls.

"She's not dead." He assures him. The joker falls to his knees, breathing heavily. "Bring me to her." He says desperately. Batman stares at him. "Not yet. We're waiting." He says again, causing a frustrated scream to come from the joker.

"Master Bruce, bat signal." Alfred says. Batman nods and stands. "Alfred take him home." He says pointing at the joker as he gets into the batmobile, speeding out of the cave.

Alfred helps to Joker to his feet. "I don't like you, sir." Alfred mumbles. The joker grins, showing off his grills. "Oh but we could have so much fun together old man!" He says with a laugh. Alfred shakes his head in disapproval. "I'm only helping because that's what master Wayne wants." He scowls at the joker.

The joker hums. "No need old man, I think I'll just.. Take the bus." He smirks, heading towards the elevator.
The joker pressed his gun to the bank tellers temble, his hand caressing his cheek. "Hmmmmm, I think you know what I want Jim boy, so let's get on those codes. Or else I'll have to hurt ya." He says with a sick smirk, the man shaking in his arms. "I-I'll write it down." He says shakily. "Yes you will." The joker says as he leaned forward, allowing him to write on the desk.

A women holds her toddler in her arms as she lays on the ground. The little girl screams and thrashes in her mothers arms, losing her grip.

The joker jumps as the little girl approached him, crying and reaching up for him. The joker stares down at her, her mother screaming. "Please! Please don't hurt her!" She sobs.

The joker stuffs his gun in his jacket pocket, bending down to pick up the small child. He smiles sweetly at her. "Shhhh, no tears little one." He says, his thumb softly wiping the tears from her cheeks as she settles.

The joker grabs a piece of candy from the bank tellers desk, and walks to the girls mother. He sets her down and hands her the candy. "All better." He says with a smile, his hand ruffling her hair. "Get out." He says to the girls mother.

She quickly grabs her and exits the bank. "I said get out!" He screams to the rest of the Gotham residents in the bank, causing them to flee.

He growls lightly. "Oh Jim boy! Let's get those codes!" He says loudly, turning back to the bank teller.
"He, picked her up and brought her to me." The woman says as she talks to the news anchor. "He was gentle with her, and he let all of us go." She says. "I don't agree with what he was doing, but nobody war harmed." She says with a shrug. "Well then, you heard it here! The joker robs Gotham city bank with no casualties." The reporter says.

Bruce sits back in his chair. "Master Wayne?" Alfred questions, curious as to what he's thinking. "It was the child." He says. "He wants a kid." He says standing up. "The clown wants a kid?" Alfred questions again. Bruce nods. "He has a kid. A kid he thinks he's going to lose." He says as he runs his hand across his desk.

Alfred stays silent for a moment. "So he's learned to love?" Alfred states. Batman smiles lightly. "He learned to love when he was put in Arkham. A little blonde psychiatrist by the name of Harleen Quinzel taught him." Batman says. "Well that sounds an awful lot like Harley Quinn." Alfred mumbles. Batman shoots him a look.

"How do we get her back? You're strong master Wayne but you're no superman." Alfred says. "He's not, but I am." A voice chimes. Wonderwoman emerges from the door way.

Batman rolls his eyes. "It took you long enough. I said before he committed any crimes." He says roughly. She shrugs her shoulders. "Had to let him have some fun." She says with a laugh. "So tell me bat," she says sitting across the desk from him. "What's the plan?"

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