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The joker gently ran his finger along Harleens cheek. She shuttered lightly, as she often did when the clown even looked at her. "Tell me doctor." He mumbles as he sits next to her on the bed. "What are you afraid of?" He growls, his hand wraps around her throat and his lips press against her exposed skin, pushing her down into a laying position.

A gasp escapes her lips and goosebumps form on her skin. "I-I'm afraid of everything." She says breathlessly. The jokers teeth pull on her skin, growls coming from his throat. "Are you scared?" He questions. "Terrified." She says honestly.

The jokers hand travels down her body, pulling upwards on her shirt, exposing her stomach to him. He lightly drags his fingers over the sensitive skin of her hips, earning a soft moan from the blonde Doctor.

The joker smiles wildly. The thrill of having a new toy. "Tell me." He says with a smirk. Her breathing comes heavily. The jokers eyes burn into hers as she looks up at him.

His hand grips her throat again, rougher this time. "Tell daddy what you want." He growls. Harleen reaches for him. "Kiss me." She says desperately.

The joker crashes his lips against hers, kissing her urgently. He's wanted this for months. Every day he'd stare at the beautiful women from across a cold metal table, watching the way her lips moved as she talked. He wanted to protect her. Nobody was going to take that away from him.

"You're mine." He growls against her lips. "Yours." She says lightly.

Tears fall from the jokers eyes as he remembers the first night he brought Harleen home. The first kiss they shared. His hands trembled before he sent a fist crashing through the living room window.

Deadshot jumps from the couch, glancing at him. "Jesus Christ J! We aren't gonna have any nice things left if you don't stop punching everything!" He says shaking his head.

Tree rushes in, taking the jokers hand. "Don't fucking touch me." He growls, pushing passed him. Tree sighs as Deadshot watches him. "We'll go get something to clean the glass up." He mumbles, watching the joker climb the stairs.
Harley violently threw up into a garbage bin next to the bed. Clark watched her carefully, a smile on his face. "There's not much time left now Harley." He says. "Go to hell Clark!" She hisses as she gags.

Clark rolls his eyes. "I'm going to be a father." He says softly. Harley laughs loudly. "You wouldn't be a father to this baby even if you wanted to. You're stealing her." She says roughly. "She's mine and you know it!" He screams, making Harley flinch.

Clark sighs and runs his Hand through his hair. "Can you just... Stop being so difficult?" He asks. "I'll be dead soon." She says harshly. He glares at her and nods. "You're right." He says bluntly. "You'll be dead." He heads for the door, not looking back at her.

Harley looked at the ceiling, laying on her back. The baby kicked a few times, the feeling making her sick. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath as tears tried to force out of them.
Batman watched as Wonder Woman studied a batarang. "Pretty sharp." She says bluntly. Batman nods. "Yeah, they are." He says softly. She looks at him and then up at the monitors. "Clark?" She questions. Batman spins and watches as Clark rings the doorbell to Wayne Manor. "Alfred can you-" "got it!" He calls back. "Go." He says to Wonder Woman, who quickly takes off before Clark enters the bat cave.

"Bruce!" He laughs. "It's been a while my friend, where have you been?" Clark questions as he hugs him quickly. "Working." Batman says lightly. "You?" He questions. "Baby preparations, you know." He says with a smirk. Batman feels himself get dizzy. "I see." He says simply.

"Though our generous Doner seems to be deteriorating quite fast." He says, his fingers brushing against a gun on batmans desk. "But she only has a while longer." He looks up at batman now, a sick smirk on his face. "The baby will be here within the week." Clark says with a chuckle.

Batmans face turns pale. "Clark.. You shouldn't be doing this. We both know it's wrong." He says, watching as Clarks face hardens. "Wrong?" He growls. "What's wrong is allowing two murderes to have a metahuman child." He screams. Batman studies him. "You're killing Harley." He says simply. "You're killing Harley, kidnapping their child, and pushing the joker to suicide. Assisted suicide." Batman says, his tone harsh.

Clark glares at batman as he takes in a deep breath. "This is for the best." He says. "The baby is a metahu-" "the baby isn't a metahuman." A voice calls out. Wonder Woman steps out of the shadows. "I paid Harley a visit." She lifts herself onto batmans desk and Clarks face turns white.

"You're slowly killing her, and her child. To get back at the joker for what he did to you." She says.

Batman trembles with anger. "You're killing Quinn and an innocent child?!" He yells. Clark shakes his head. "The joker ruined my relationship with Lois-" "I don't care what he did! You're killing her!" Batman screams as he slams his fist against the desk.

Suddenly superman takes off, bursting threw the glass of the bat cave. "Do you want me to go after him?" Wonder Woman questions. Batman shakes his head. "No." He says lightly. "But don't let him harm her any farther. We need to get her out of there." He says.

"Alfred, get the clown on the phone." He says as he exits the bat cave.

Wonder Woman puts her hand on her stomach and shakes lightly. "That poor girl." She trembles.

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