Christmas in gotham city

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Harley watched as Tree wrapped a few toys on the living room floor. He had gone crazy buying gifts for Lucy. It made Harley angry. Everyone else got to be around her, except her. A few days had passed since she found out about Ivy. She decided to stay, but she never felt such distance from the joker. He still wouldn't let her see her daughter, so to Harley, Christmas was pointless. "Come on kiddo, don't look so blue. Help me wrap would ya?" Tree asks. Harley gives him a glare. "You can't stay made forever Harls." He chuckles. "Watch me." She mumbles under her breath as she runs her fingers through Ace's fur. "We can sing Christmas carols." Tree suggests. "I'll shoot you, don't think I won't." The joker growls as he walks into the room. Harley rolls her eyes. "Then sing extra loud." She mumbles, testing the joker. He rolls his eyes in response as he walks to the kitchen. "You know what I want for Christmas Puddin?" She calls. "Hmm?" He questions from the kitchen. "My kid and a faithful.." she pauses. "A faithful what?" He calls. "I said ol faithful." She says lightly, thinking to herself about how she didn't know what her and the joker were. "The geyser?" The joker smirks. "Yeah okay the geyser!" She says with annoyance in her tone. "So you want to go to Yellowstone, to see a geyser?" He teaser. "Not just any geyser, Ol faithful." Tree says through a though. Harley puts her head in her heads. "Ugh." She groans.

The joker sits next to her on the couch, ace walking across Harley's lap to greet him. "Traitor." She says to him. The joker scoops ace into his arms. "My little killer." He says with a smirk. "You got another cat in the closet?" She says angrily. "Harley just let this go." He growls. Tree senses the growing frustration between the pair. "Alright.. well I think it's about time I start dinner, don't you? Harley, why don't you come cut the onions." He suggests. "Yeah, so I can have an excuse to cry." She says dramatically. The joker smirks. "You're a child." He laughs. "Fuck off." She mumbles as she storms into the kitchen.
Tree prepares food as Harley sits on the counter. She gave up on helping a few minutes in, as she often did. She enjoyed trees company, though she was still angry at him for not telling her about what the joker had done. She watched as he peeled potatoes and set them aside. "Tree?" She questions. He nods his head and continues peeling. "Hmm?" He answers. "What do I do?" She says softly. Tree continues peeling potatoes, not looking at her. "What do you feel?" He says casually. She looks at him for a moment. "What do I feel?" She asks. He nods. "Tell me what you're feeling, right now." He says. She thinks for a minute, before answering. "I feel like I've had my heart cut out.. ran over by a bus, stitched up, and put back in my chest." Tree nods. "Now, how do you feel about him?" He asks. "I'm angry.. but I love him." She whispers. Tree sets his knife down and looks up at her. "Remember who we're talking about Harley. The joker. The joker. If he wanted you gone, you'd be gone." He says. Harley shrugs. "Maybe I'll go." She replies. Tree laughs. "After everything you've been through, If this was going to make you leave, you would have left when you walked out. You turned right back around and slept with him." Tree says. Harley didn't reply. He was right. Tree was always right. And brutally honest. She knew she could always go to him when nobody else would tell her straight up.

Harley slips her body off the counter and wraps her arms around tree, kissing his cheek. "Thank you." She mumbles before turning away. "Call him down for dinner in a bit, got it?" Tree says. Harley nods. "Got it." She replies before heading for the stairs.
Harley sat with her back against the wall outside the jokers office. She had been there for almost an hour, listening to him walk around, occasionally talking to himself, or punching a wall. Something about the way he acted when he was alone calmed her down. She wanted to kiss him. To touch his skin, but she couldn't. She knew she'd forgive him. Even though she didn't want to.

Harley's suddenly snapped out of her mind by the sound of the joker screaming loudly from inside the office. Harley instantly stood up, walking in. Blood dropped from his knuckles and he panted, staring at her. His eyes were dark, intense as they didn't break contact with her own. Harley held her breath as she looked at him. Her eyes fell to his hands, bloody from the contact with the walls. "Look at me." He says sternly. She does. The jokers breathing picks up and he moves to her, pinning her back against the door, his body on hers, his forehead touched her own as he stared into her eyes, his hands holding her wrists.

Harley's breathing picked up, along with her heart as she pushed against him. "Stay." He growls. "P-Puddin you're scaring me." She whispers. The joker moved his hand, gently pushing her chin to the side, allowing his teeth to bite her neck, a shocked gasp coming from Harley as he does. "Stop!" She shrieks, pushing him away. He stares blankly at her, gripping her face in his hands. "I am in love with you." He says. Harley shakes her head "d-" "don't say anything..I don't want you to say anything I just want you to know that. I'd do anything for you." He says softly, his lips connecting to hers for a second before he pulls away.

She wanted to tell him to kiss her again. But she didn't. "Let me see." She whispers, taking his hand. He growls and yanks it away. "I'm fine." He mumbles. "People who are fine, don't punch walls." She says looking up at him. "That your professional opinion, doctor?" He teases. "Come on." She says softly, pulling him towards the door. "Not now princess. Daddy's got business." He says. His eyes travel down her body. "Get dressed kitten." He purrs. "Big night in Gotham."
"Merry Christmas Gotham!" The mayor says through a microphone. Every year Wayne enterprises hosts a Christmas Eve party, all of Gothams high society citizens attend. This included Poison Ivy, just as Ivy of course. She looked around the room, a handsome young man on her arm. "Why do you look so nervous?" He questions. "Something just feels.. off." She mumbles. Bruce Wayne pushes passed her. "Sorry Miss." he says, no sincerity in his tone as he continued his way through the crowd of dancers. "Hmm." She mumbles. Through the crowd something catches her eye. Her eyes widen as she makes her way to a television at the opposite end of the room.

On the screen, a news report of Gotham city bank being robbed. "He's behind this." She thinks to herself. "Well shit." The man says with a laugh. "This is why I don't trust banks." He adds. "Could you go get me some punch?" She asks. He nods and leaves her, allowing her to slip away.
The jokers purple Lamborghini speeds in and out of traffic, Harley sitting in the passenger side. "Come on baby, not even a Christmas robbery going to make you feel better?" He questions. She shrugs. "This isn't easy for me." She says. He nods. "I know." He mumbles, taking a sudden sharp turn, heading out of town. She looks at him curiously. "Where are we going?" She asks. He shrugs. "Away." He says.
Harley is suddenly woken by the jokers soft lips on hers. She groans and turns her head, giggling when he blows on her neck. "Come on Harley girl." He says lightly. Harley opens her eyes and looks at him, then out the window, not recognizing where they were. There was a large hill directly in front of the car. "Come on." He says opening his door. "But.. I'm wearing heels." She mumbles as he opens hers, helping her out before he begins to walk up the hill, holding her hand in his own. The moonlight made his skin look paler than normal, hers too. She liked it. The joker smirked as he caught her staring at him. "Like what you see?" He teases.
She smirks as they reach the top of the hill, overlooking Arkham asylum.

"Arkham?" She questions. He nods, sitting down in the grass, pulling her down. "Harley." He says lightly. She looks up at him. "There-" he points at the old building. "Is where i first laid eyes on you. I remember thinking 'this girls going to be so easily manipulated!' And.. you were." He says. She looks offended. "B-but that's not my point!" He says. "My point is, you never gave up on me. Even after you knew what I was. You still wanted this. This life, this hectic, dangerous life of mine." He says, Harley nodding. "I know that I fucked up.. Ivy was just.. me feeling sorry for myself. Harley I never wanted anything as much as I want you. I want you to be mine, always. If I can't have you nobody can, and nobody ever will." He growls. "I'm not going anywhere." She says softly. "Promise me?" He says, his eyes burning into hers. "I promise." She confirms. He takes her face into his hands and kisses her passionately. "I love you." He mumbles. "I love you." She says back to him as he stands. "Come on. I want to give you your Christmas gift." He says with a smile.
The joker keeps his hands over Harley's eyes as he leads her. "Come on Puddin I can't see!" The joker laughs. "That's the point!" She groans and he sits her down. "Okay ready?" He asks. "Yes." She says with an annoyed tone. The joker takes his hands off her face, and deadshot stands in front of her, Lucy in his arms. Harley lets out a loud shriek, taking her from him. "Hi baby!" She says excitedly. Lucy giggles and looks up at her. Harley wipes her face. "I'm sorry! I'm crying!" She says with a huge smile. The joker smiles as he watches them. Harley sits on the floor with her, as tree hands her presents. "Come on let's unwrap them!" She says, helping the toddler.

Deadshot nods at the joker. "Good call man." He says. The joker nods. "I'm not losing her."

Outside in the guard tower, Ivy watches the happy family through the window, a sick smirk on her face. "It's a merry Christmas indeed." She mumbles.

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