Goodbye, old friend

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The sun set in Gotham city, wrapping ace chemical plant in darkness. Tree sat on the ground with his head in his hands. "Where's daddy?" Lucy whines as she sits closely next to the large man. "He's working princess." Tree mumbles, patting the child's head. He sucked in a deep breath and listens to the sirens in the distance. "Do you think something went wrong?" Deadshot questions. Tree shrugs his shoulders. "We don't have a plan B." He says softly, looking down at the infamous couples young daughter. "Maybe I should go find out if they made it out." Deadshot says in a serious tone. "No need." A voice calls from the darkness. Clark Kent emerges from the shadows. "I saw them being zipped into body bags by the town police." He says with a smirk as he approaches the men. Tree takes Lucy into his arms. "Where's daddy?" She questions again. Deadshot grabs the child and disappears into the chemical plant.

Clark lets out a groan. "You're still on this? You're only harming the child. She had no chance with parents like that. They're criminals." He says harshly. "Kidnapping makes you a criminal." Tree says through clenched teeth. "So does murder." Clark replies smoothly. In a swift motion he stands in front of tree. "But, unfortunately you must do what you have to...for the greater good." Clark says with a sigh before quickly snapping Tree's neck, and letting the giant fall lifeless to the ground. "Nothing personal." He mumbles as he steps over Trees body, and into Ace chemicals.

Clark looks around the plant and up onto the balcony above the chemical Vats. "Good thing I'm not afraid of heights." He says to Deadshot as he climbs up the metal stairs. "You don't need to do this. You're supposed to be one of the good guys." Deadshot says, holding Lucy close to him. Clark rolls his eyes as he stands before him. "That's why I'm doing it. I'm taking the child, giving her a chance, a life. Away from all of this." Deadshot looks at his watch. "Damn, looks like it's already half passed never going to fucking happen." He says with a shrug.  "I'll kill you, just as easy as I killed your friend out there. Do yourself a favor bullet boy. Let's avoid anymore death for the child. After all, her parents are dead." Clark says as he looks at Lucy.

"Did he just say we were dead puddin?" Clark whips around to see Harley and the joker walk onto the platform. "You know, it's not very polite to assume someone's death." The joker says with a shake of his head. "Hello darling" he smiles at his daughter. "What is this?" Clark asks. "I saw your bodies." He growls. "Hm, Harley he saw our bodies." The joker says. "Nope, you saw your secretary and dentists bodies. WITH, extremely well done makeup by yours trusty." Harley says with a smirk.

Clark stares at them cruelly. "I take the child, or all three of you die." He says blankly. "Hm." The joker takes Lucy from Deadshot. "Hard choice you know. Lucy what do you think?" The joker says with a twisted laugh. "You see Clark, you can kill me. You can kill Harley, you can kill my daughter. But that makes you no better than me. You've become what you hate so much. You've become a monster Clark." The jokers words wrapped around Clark like a snake. "So even if you end my life, I'll always live in your conscious. I'll be there to tear you apart, piece by piece. Every time you do something heroic you have to live with the guilt of death." The joker lets out a blood boiling laugh and his hand intertwines with Harley's. Lucy in his other hand.

"I'm just not that generous Clark. You can save the day, but you don't get my family." The clown says harshly.

A toothy grin slowly crawls across his face. "I win." He hisses as he falls backwards, pulling Harley and Lucy off the platform with him, sending the three of them into a free fall towards the chemical vats below.

As quickly as it happened, Batman crashes through the window, catching Lucy nearly a millisecond before she hits the boiling chemicals. As fast as he appeared, he was gone with the child. The joker and Harley Quinn disappeared into the boiling chemicals.

Clark stared blankly into the cloudy liquid. "He wins." Deadshot says softly, making his way off the platform. He steps outside and kneels next to trees lifeless body. "They loved you, you know." He sits down next to him. "You've done so much for him. He's put you through so much shit man. I don't know how you stayed." He lets out a chuckle. "Not that he let you really have a choice. I'm sure he would have killed you if you tried to leave really were a good friend." Deadshot shook his head. "Till the very end man. You died for him. For them." Deadshot let a few tears fall from his eyes. "It worked out. Lucy will be safe with Bruce. She can live a normal life. She won't have to deal with all the shit her mom did. She just gets to be a kid now. I know that's what you wanted....I just hope she doesn't remember all of this. All the death.. all the wreckage. She doesn't deserve that." He lets out a shaky breath. "I'll see you on the other side buddy. Goodbye for now." Deadshot moves to his feet, taking one last glance at the man that had lived, and died for the Joker. "I'm sorry." He whispers. He lingers for a moment before slipping off into the darkness, with no one left.

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