The man of steel

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Captain boomerang tossed back a beer as he watched Harley pick up the glass on the floor. "Fuck." She mumbles as she cuts herself. "You okay darlin?" Boomerang questions. "I'm fine." She says roughly, wiping the blood from her fingers onto her baggy shirt he assumed was the jokers.

Deadshot walked hesitantly into the room. "You need help Har-" "no." She says roughly, glaring at him. Deadshot makes a face at boomerang and boomerang shrugs his shoulders. "Dunno mate." He says softly.

"What's got you down princess?" Boomerang asks, kneeling on the ground next to her as she brushed the broken glass into a tray. "I said nothing was wrong." She says. "J not letting you go with him tonight?" Deadshot questions, raising an eyebrows. "No! And it's not fair! I should get to go!" She huffs. Boomerang smirks. "You're such a child Harley." He chimes. "Atleast I'm not an alcoholic." She says, storming out of the room. Boomerang sighs and looks to Deadshot. "That's true." Deadshot teases.
The joker walks into the bedroom, wearing a pair of loose grey sweatpants, sweaty from his work out. He runs his hand through his hair, not noticing Harley laying on the bed.

Harley watches him, smiling softly to herself as he pulls out a pistol, setting it on the dresser. "Do you really need that?" Harley chimes, the joker quickly grabs the pistol aiming at her. "Harley!" He growls. "You gonna kill me mister J?" She smirks. "Don't do that!" He says putting the gun down.

Harley frowns and reaches for him. "Come here puddin!" She whines. The joker shakes his head. "Not now princess, there's work to be done." He says sternly. She groans. "Please?" She says sweetly. The joker smirks and gives in to her, laying down in the bed pulling her close.

Harley smiles and relaxes against his body. The jokers fingers gently run down her bare back. "Don't go." She says softly. The joker sighs. "Simple bank robbery Harley." He says bluntly. "Then let me go!" She says looking up at him.

He stares down at her. "Why don't we all go?" He says sarcastically. "Okay!" She shrieks, running out the door. "Harley I was just-" he sighs and drags his hand down his face. "That girls gonna be the death of me." He groans.
The joker opens the safe in the bank on the outside of Gotham city. He smiles to himself. Suddenly a large bang causes him to whip around. Harley looks up at him from the ground. "They must have just waxed these." She says, running her hand along the floor. The joker smirks and helps her up, making sure she's not harmed.

Boomerang stuffs cash into a duffle bag, tossing it to Deadshot. "Diablo, give these to the men standing outside the back door, tell them to load it." The joker orders, handing him the bags. Diablo nods and exits the safe.

Harley grabs a few stacks and tosses them to Deadshot. "Pocket money." She smirks. The joker grabs Harley's hands and pins her against the wall. "I didn't tell you to do that, did I?" He growls. "No sir." She says quietly. Captain boomerang tenses and instantly rips the joker off of her.

The joker glares at him, a crooked smirk on his face. "You've got balls kangaroo." He says roughly. Harley grabs the jokers arm. "Not here." She says softly. The joker rips his arm out of her grip, his eyes locked on boomerang. "Don't touch her like that mate, she's fuckin pregnant." Boomerang hisses. "That's my child, not your concern." The joker growls, his hand gripping his pistol.

Boomerangs laugh fills the vault. "That's not your kid in there mate, that's not even hers! Who knows if it's even a kid!" Boomerang says harshly.

Harley's face hardens, and she feels her eyes start to sting. The joker pins boomerang to the wall, his hand around his neck. "Don't talk about my child that way." He growls.

Suddenly Diablo rushes into the room, shaking. "B-boss I know the guys that are out there aren't the ones I'm supposed to give the money to." He says out of breath. "What are you talking about?" The joker growls, letting boomerang go. "B-b-bat-" suddenly the roof caves in and Harley screams.

The joker quickly grabs her and looks at the man standing in the middle of the wreckage. "Superman?" Deadshot says with a laugh.

Batman walks into the safe, taking his place next to superman. "Well well well, looky here Harley! An alien dressed as a man, and a man dressed as a bat!" The joker laughs loudly. Harley nervously looks at the pair.

Superman stares at her curiously, stepping towards her. The jokers arms wrap tightly around her, his face hardening.

Superman kneels in front of her, looking into her eyes. He pushes his hand flat against her stomach. "It's not like you." He says lightly. Harley looks at him. "W-what do you.. What are you talking about?" She questions.

Superman looks confused. "She's like me." He says with a soft tone. The joker looks at Harley, then to the large man in front of her. "An alien?" Deadshot says suddenly. Batman glares at him. "A metahuman." He corrects.

Harley watches as superman stares at her. "It's a girl?" The joker says softly. Superman nods. "A girl." He says with a smile. He stands up and placed a soft hand on Harley's cheek. Harley flinches and looks away from him.

Superman frowns and backs away from her. "Leave the money, and we won't hurt you." Batman says roughly. Diablo drops the bags. "No problem." He says shakily.

The joker stares at Harley, who looks at the ground. Superman keeps his eyes on her as well, truly intrigued by her. "Go home." Batman orders. The joker glares at him, but for Harley's sake, he listens.

Harley looks at superman, making eye contact before she turns and heads for the door, the joker right behind her.

"Tell me how that child had Kryptonian cells." Superman questions. "The enchantress." Batman says lightly. "She must be making an army." Batman walks towards the door and superman shakes his head. "Then we must make our own." He murmurs, following batman.
Kinda a shorter chapter, I might update again tonight. I start school tomorrow so updates may be coming slower, and not everyday. Don't forget to vote!

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