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****12 years later****

Lucy flipped through the pages of one of the many comic books in her collection as she sat cross legged on her large bed. A soft knock sounded at her door. Alfred opened it a crack "Miss Lucy?" He chimed. "Yeah alfred come in!" She says happily as she turns the page. Alfred lets out a sigh. "Master Bruce won't be happy if he sees you reading that nonsense again." He says as he begins collecting the half empty water glasses scattered around the teens room. Lucy rolls her eyes. "Uncle Bruce's bark is worse than his bite, and besides this super hero stuff is so interesting. Batman, Superman, all these villains. Doesn't it interest you at all alfred?" She questions, closing the comic book before sliding it under her bed. "Just a bunch of fiction Miss Lucy. Don't dilly dally for much longer, Master Bruce's charity auction starts in an hour and he'll expect you to be some what punctual." Alfred laughs before exiting the room, shutting the door behind him.

Lucy let's out a sigh before walking across her room to her large closet. "She bends down and scoops up a large long haired cat. "What should I wear Casper?" She coos to the cat as she strokes his fur. The cat purrs in her arms as she looks over the many dresses in her closet. She pulls a black dress from its hanger and shrugs. "Good enough for me." She mumbles before tossing it onto her bed, setting the cat down.
Wayne manor was alive and full of Gotham Cities finest. Bruce Wayne made his rounds, saying hello to all of his guests. Lucy rolled her eyes as he gossiped about things she didn't care about. "And this is my niece, Lucy." Bruce says with a smile to an older couple. "Well hello Lucy, I'm Dawn Wilder." The woman says with a smile. "I bet you love living with your uncle, he's quite the man." Her husband says with a chuckle. "Oh but I'm sure she misses her parent." Dawn says with a frown. Lucy shrugs. "I don't know who my parents are. They abandoned me when I was little and my quite a man of an uncle refuses to tell me anything about them." Lucy says sarcastically. "That's enough Lucy." Bruce says sternly. "Why don't you go see if Alfred needs any help wi-" "yeah yeah I'm going." She mumbles, already walking away from the group.

Alfred hands Lucy a glass of champagne and she smiles. "Aren't you worried what Bruce will think?" She questions. He shrugs "what Master Bruce doesn't know, won't kill him." He says with a chuckle as he slices an expensive cheese. "You know, it just really bugs me how uncomfortable he gets when my parents get brought up." She says with a sigh. Alfred nods. "He's just trying to protect you Miss Lucy. He wants what's best for you, and-" "when the time comes he'll tell you what you need to know." She mocks him. "I've heard it all before Alfred. I'm 16 for gods sake, I think I'm old enough to handle the truth about my own parents." She huffs. "I said enough." Bruce growls from the doorway. "You know better than to act like that in front of guests Lucy. This rebellious phase you're going through will be the death of me." He says with a sigh. She rolls her eyes and props herself onto the kitchen counter. "I'm sorry uncle Bruce, but you're going to have to tell me what happened sooner or later. I'm not a kid anymore." She says as she looks at him. "You are a kid. And the way you're acting proves that. Can you please just drop it for tonight Lucy? I don't have time for this right now." Bruce says as he exits the kitchen to return to his party.

Lucy shakes her head. "He's literally impossible alfred, I don't know how you've spent so much time with him all these years." "Since before he was your age." He answers with a chuckle. "He acted much like you're acting now when he lost his parents." Alfred says. "Exactly! He lost his parents! So he should know what I'm going through!" She groans dramatically. Alfred let's out a sigh and turns to face her. "Take it easy on Master Bruce, Miss Lucy." He says softly. "He's trying his best for you." Lucy nods. "I know he is. I know I get on his nerves but I deserve to know who my parents were." Lucy hops down from the counter top. "I need some air." She mumbles as she brushes passed him, heading up the stair case.
Lucy sits cross legged on her balcony, a stack of comic books at her side. Her cat lays beside her and lets out a soft meow. "This ones my favorite." Lucy says, pointing to one of her many comics. "The joker and Harley Quinn." She says with a sigh. "Their lives seem so exciting." She closes the comic, and looks up at the stars, losing herself in her thoughts.

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