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The joker smiled as he woke up, his arm reaching across the bed to find it empty. He opened one eye and the smile melted off his face as he saw Harley asleep in the rocking chair placed in the corner of their large bedroom. She looked uncomfortable, a pained expression on her face. The joker sat up and an excited shriek came from Lucy's crib as she saw her father awake. The joker couldn't help but laugh as he saw her smile. Harley jerked awake and quickly sat up. The joker walked over to her, scooping her out of the chair and into his arms, where she easily clung to him. He smiled to himself. Lucy did the same thing when someone held her. He placed her in their large bed and pulled the covers up around her. "Don't go." She mumbles tiredly as he turns to get the baby. "Sleep darling, I'll be back before you wake up." He says softly as he picks Lucy up.

Harley's eyes were already closed as he turned to look at her. He sighed to himself as he opened the door to their bedroom. Ace let himself in, jumping onto the large bed, laying down next to her. The joker rolled his eyes and left the door open a crack so he could hear if Harley had another nightmare. It had been happening a lot The passed month. The stress and waiting around for the league to pay them back for the little explosion with penguin was messing with her mind. She rarely slept, and when she did, she had terrible dreams.

The joker strolled into the kitchen, Lucy in his arms. Diablo smiled as he saw them. "Good morning princess!" He says happily as the joker puts her in her high chair. "Where's harls?" He asks. The joker grabs a jar of green much from the cabinet, along with a small spoon before sitting in a chair next to Lucy. "Sleeping." The joker says, sadness in his tone. "Bad dreams again?" Diablo says with a sigh? The joker nods. "Nightmares, such a beautiful thing but I'd prefer to have them instead of her. I can't quite appreciate them when she's just telling me the horror of them." The joker shakes his head and smirks as Diablo squirms. He liked freaking him out.

Deadshot strolls into the kitchen, sweaty from his morning run. "Morning little girl." He says, quickly kissing Lucy's head as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. "Another rough one dad?" He teases the joker. J rolls his eyes as he feeds the baby. "I slept like a rock, Harley on the other hand, not so much." He says with a shrug.

Deadshot joins them at the table. "She's a new mom, and there's a super jerk out there threatening to take her kid away. It's just a lot for her." He says. "It's a lot for all of us man." Diablo mumbles.

Harley's screams send the joker instantly darting towards the stairs. Deadshot watches and Lucy turns and looks at him. He laughs and picks up the spoon, picking up where the joker left off.
The joker holds Harley close as her tears fall onto his bare skin. Her cold fingers glide across his inked chest, no words spoken between them. He felt bad, and didn't know how to help her. He knew nothing he said could calm her, it was a battle between her and her own mind.

"I'm terrified puddin." Harley mumbles against his skin. His grip tightened on her. "Harley, nobody is going to take her from us. They can bring all they've got, every super power, every weapon. Nobody is touching her." He says softly. Harley moved to look at him. "We aren't half as strong as they are. We don't have as many people we-" "Harley." The joker says sternly. Harley lays her head Back on his chest, her fingers moving over the tattoos again. She took comfort in his ink, the way his skin felt.

"I love you." He says simply. Harley would never be used to that. It was such a foreign thing for him to say. "I love you." She says back softly.
Bonnie and Clyde laid on the grass next to Lucy as she played with a stick she had found. Deadshot watched her carefully, occasionally pulling it away from her when she'd hit one of the hyenas with it. "Careful kiddo, ain't your average pup." He'd say before handing it back to her.

Boomerang sat on the porch, watching them. It was unusually warm for the time of year, and the jokers men were taking advantage of it, attending to problems with the guard tower the joker had killed boomerang on.

Boomerang sighed as he tried to shake the feeling. Harley and the joker walked onto the porch and Harley smiled as she saw the hyenas with Lucy and Deadshot. "They're so good with her." She says lightly. "They know if they weren't they'd be good throw rugs." The joker says with a smirk, kissing Harley's cheek before she joined them on the grass.

Boomerang stood up, grabbing his half full beer from the table as he turned to head inside. "You don't have to leave kangaroo." The joker says with an annoyed tone. "Gotta run mate. Things to do." He says harshly as he walks inside. The joker rolls his eyes and smiles as Harley puts a flower behind Lucy's ear.
Diablo flipped through the tv channels, Lucy asleep in her play pen. Deadshot skimmed through the paper. "Hmm. Opening a new bank on Park Ave." he says. "What a shame, don't know what's coming." Diablo laughs. Deadshot rolls his eyes. "Probably wait a few weeks before we send boomer to..go to the ATM." He laughs. Diablo shrugs. "He'll probably rob it before it even opens." He mumbles. "Never know where he is half the time anyway. He could be robbing every bank in the city, and not giving any of us anything. He's been so.. weird since you guys got back. Something must have really fucked him up." Deadshot says. Diablo shifts awkwardly on the couch, not saying a word.
Boomerang walks into the large wearhouse superman smiles at him. "Hello old friend." He says kindly. "Yeah yeah mate, lets get on with it." Boomerang mumbles. Superman nods. "It's working then yes? Harley's becoming overly paranoid? Anxious?" Superman questions. "She's a wreck mate what do expect?" He huffs. Superman nods. "Perfect. Just keep it up. You know what to do next?" He questions, handing him two bottles of red and blue ink. Boomerang nods, not saying another word before heading for the door.
Harley carries Lucy to the nursery, talking softly to her. "Such a sleepy girl huh?" She coos. She flips on the lights and begins to tremble. "P-puddin!" She shrieks. The joker is at her side in a matter of seconds. He growls as he studies the large superman logo dripping down the nursery walls. "Go downstairs." The joker orders as he looks at it. "Come on then you bastard." He growls under his breath. "Let the war begin."

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