New Year, New fear

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Deadshot watched Lucy as she played with one of the hyenas ears, causing the occasional whimper from the strong animal. Diablo stumbled in, rubbing his neck. "They keep you up last night too?" Deadshot questions. "Who could get any sleep with that shit." He mumbles. Deadshot shrugs. "I thought they were cool. I assumed they made up." Diablo says, sitting next to deadshot on the large couch. "Could you forgive him if you were her? I don't say I blame her." Deadshot sighs. Diablo shrugs his shoulders. "They should quit all the fighting though man. It's not good for luc-" Diablo is cut off by Harley's high pitched screaming from upstairs. "Come on kiddo. Lets go outside." Deadshot says with annoyance as she picks up the baby. "Come on Bonnie." He calls to the hyena as he heads for the back door.

Diablo listens as Harley screams at the joker from the second story

"You think I'm just going to have sex with you?!" Harley screams as she slams her firsts against the jokers chest. He rolls his eyes and growls. "You're such a pain in the ass Harley!" He hisses. "Bet you were a pain in her ass huh?! Huh you fuckin asshole!" She screams. The joker slams her body against the wall and stares angrily at her. "You watch yourself." He warns. "What you gonna do Jay? Kill me? Oh maybe you should tell superman to come pick me up!" She spits. The joker slaps her hard across the face, regretting his decision the second his hand connects to her cheek.

Harley's eyes water in response to the sting in her cheek. "Ha-" "fuck you." Her voice cracks as she storms from the room.

The joker falls back against the bed with a sigh. "God help me." He groans as he listens to Harley storm down the stairs.

Diablo turns his head "morning ha- what the fuck happened?" He questions as he looks at the already forming bruise on Harley's face. Harley stomps into the kitchen and tree looks up from his work. "Oh shit." He groans as he sees her. "He really went that far?" He asks. "Clearly!" She screams as she grabs a knife from the drawer. "Woah woah what are you doing?!" He screams. "Making a mother fucking sandwich is that okay with you?!" She screams. Tree raises his eyebrows as she slams bread onto the counter, causing the loaf to fold together.

Diablo watches from the living room, feeling bad for tree to be in the same room as her. "Harley let me-" "I can make my own food I'm not fucking helpless." She interrupts as she takes a bite out of the poorly made sandwich. Tree nods and watches her.

The joker enters the kitchen. His face hardening as he observes the bruise. "Oh fuck everyone hide your faces!" Harley says sarcastically. "Cut the shit." He growls. "Fuck off." She tests. The joker glares at her, his eyes narrowing. "Watch yourself kid." He warns. "Fuck. Off." She says with a smile. The jokers heart pounds in his chest. "Go get dressed. We've got business." He mumbles, deciding just to drop it. "Why don't you call your girlfriend to go-" the joker lifts Harley, throwing her over his shoulder before heading back up the stairs, Harley screaming and punching his back the whole way.

The joker slams her down on the bed, pinning her under his own body.  She tries to push him off, but is unsuccessful. She sighs in defeat. "Should bite your fuckin nose off." She mumbles. "Shut up. Stop fighting me. If I wanted her I'd be with her." He says. "Then why aren't you?" She shouts. "Because I don't want her! I want you." His voice sounded pained. Harley felt her heart breaking for him, as it often did. She knew she owed him nothing. Yet she was always so quick to try and fix him.

Tears stung at her eyes as she looked up at his pale face. "Don't cry." He says. She shakes her head and tears pour from her blue eyes. The joker rolls off of her, pulling her body on top of his. Her face pressed against his chest as his strong arms wrapped around her slim waist. "I didn't want to hit you. You know I didn't." He whispers. "Then why did you?" She cries.

He thought about it for a moment. But he knew nothing he said was going to justify hurting her. "I let my tempter get the best of me." He says simply. "I can't keep doing this Jay." She says sitting up. The jokers arms release her. "It's going to work itself out Kid." The joker says, looking up at her. "Maybe I should take Lucy and go-" "no." He says harshly. "Harley I know I've fucked up, but I'm nothing..." he trails off. "I'm nothing without you and Luc." He says softly.

They sit in silence for what seems like forever before she finally speaks. "I just don't understand why you did it." She whispers. The joker shook his head. "Because I'm insane." He says seriously. "My brain tells me to do bad things, and I listen." He mumbles. "I didn't need her. I had more than what I needed with you. Sex, love, the baby. I had it all. I just.. something told me to let you go. Something told me what I did to you in Arkham wasn't right. And...maybe I was trying to fix it." He says, looking up at the ceiling. "But you broke it." She whispers.

The joker nods. "I know I did." He says lightly, taking her hand in his. "I just need you to trust me." He says. Harley looks at him. "I gave up everything for you. I had a job. I was intelligent-" "you are intelligent." He corrects. "What I did in Arkham was wrong Harley. I manipulated you because I was scared. You made me feel something. I wasn't used to feeling cared for." He stutters. "The times I spent in Quinzels office made me feel somewhat.. normal." He sighs. "Why do you say quinzel, as if I'm not her?" She questions. "Because you're not her anymore Harley. That girls dead. Harleen Quinzel is dead." He says emotionlessly.

Harley stared blankly at him. "But you fell in love with her." She whispers. He shakes his head. "No. I fell in love with the way she made me feel. When she was willing to die and be reborn into this crazy fucked up life I have. That's who I fell in love with." He says taking Harley's face into his hands. "I'm in love with you Harley Quinn." He growls, as if it was painful for him to say. And it was. She knew that. She knew it took every ounce of him to show that he loved her. But he did love her.

Harley let out a weak moan as she ached for his lips on hers. "Say it." He whispered, his lips nearly touching hers. "Please." She says breathlessly before his lips crashed passionately to hers.

He pulled away moments later, leaving her wanting more. "Go on darling. Gotham needs to know the king and Queen of this city are still around." He smirks as he pushes her towards the door, watching her prance down the hallway.
The jokers infamous laugh filled the crowded streets of Gotham City. His purple Lamborghini sped in and out of traffic, Harley at his side as the car turned a sharp corner. He looked at her as she looked out the window. She looked stunning. She always did to him. Even when she was crying, or throwing a fit. She was stunning.

Harley turned her head, looking at him. He quickly turned his eyes back towards the road. A smile crept onto her lips, but she said nothing. "Uh oh." She mumbles. "Huh?" He questions. "Batsy." She says pointing behind them. The joker glanced in his rear view, the batmobile following close behind. "Well darling, lets see what the bats been up to huh?" He says, pulling into an abandoned ship yard. Killing the engine to his Lamborghini.

The batmobile shuts off, and the bat steps out. "Come on Harl." The joker mumbles as he opens his door, Harley doing the same.

"Bat!" The joker says with a smirk. "What a pleasure!" He adds. Batman stares at the pair. "I've got some information I thought you'd want to know." He says, his raspy voice making Harley giggle.

"Oh?" The joker questions, leaning against the car. "Supermans back in town. Clark Kent went back to work at the paper. Watch your backs." He says harshly. The joker tenses at his words. "Thanks for sharing Bats." Harley says lightly. "I want you to get the kid out. Have deadshot or Diablo take her out of Gotham. If he can't get his hands on Harley he'll go after the baby. Just a hunch but a strong one." The bat says. The joker nods. "Anything else?" He questions. "Yeah." He mumbles. "He's not working alone." He says blankly. "Do you know who?" Harley questions. He nods. "The red head." He says, Harley feels her heart sink as she stares at the bat, rain beginning to fall, covering Gotham in darkness.

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