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The joker paced around the club as Harley tossed back a few drinks, becoming more and more intoxicated and angry by the second. "Are you going to tell me what happened, or am I done here?" She says with prominent annoyance in her tone. He rolled his eyes and continued to pace, not answering her question. "You know what? Fuck you." She said through clenched teeth, standing from the bar stool she had been perched on. The jokers face hardened and he grabbed Harley by the collar pinning her to the bar. "What did you just say?" He growled. "I said fuck you." She repeats loudly. The joker easily draws back his hand and strikes her. The sound of his hand connecting with her face filling the bar. Tree fought the urge to help, but he knew he couldn't. Harley stood, unphased by his action.

Blood dropped from the wound, onto the floor. Harley glared at him. The joker growled and pushed her aside. "You don't speak to me that way. You know better." He said harshly. Harley wiped the blood from her face, a bruise already forming on her pale skin. "You don't own me." She said bravely, sparking more rage within the joker.

He turned and gripped her hard, throwing another punch, this one hard enough to send Harley to the floor. "I do own you. I made you!" He screams. Harley looked up at him, into his blue eyes. "You destroyed me." She says through a pained tone. The joker put his hands on his face and growled, pacing quickly. "I don't want to fucking kill you Harley, I don't want to fucking kill you!" He screams. "Maybe you should." She says calmly, slowly picking herself up off the floor. He looked at her, madness in his eyes. "You're nothing without me." She says softly, staring back at him.

The joker shook his head rapidly "no no no, you my dear-" he let out an insane laugh, one that made Harley shiver. "Are nothing without ME!" The joker pulled his gun from his belt, aiming it at Harley. "Boss!" Tree said in panic. "Shut up, or you're next." He growls, not looking from Harley.

Harley shook her head. "Do it." She said calmly. "End this." Her words were empty, emotionless. The joker smiled, a smile Harley had learned to love. She closed her eyes, and the joker pulled the trigger.

Harley let out a sharp scream as the bullet entered her left thigh. "What the fuck J?!" Tree screamed running over to help her as she fell to the ground. "Touch her, and I'll put the next one through her head." The joker mumbles, watching as blood began to stain Harley's pants. She groaned in pain but shook her head in trees direction, silently telling him to leave her. "I want you to suffer." The joker says coldly, kneeling next to her. "I want you to suffer he way I have." He adds.

Harley wanted to badly to yell, to tell him what she's done, what she's been through, but she realized she had taken this too far. He was going to kill her.

Slowly, Harley's mood changed. Her bravery seeming to leave her body with her blood. Tears began to form in her blue eyes, and fell down her bruised cheeks. The jokers lips pulled into a smile. "It hurts doesn't it?" He questions. "Overwhelming pain." He purrs. "Tell me-" he moans "tell me how it feels." Harley glared at him. "It hurts." She says softly. His eyes connected with hers. "But it's nothing compared to what you've done to your daughter." Her tone is calm. The joker trembles with rage, pressing his gun between Harley's eyes. "You'll never see her again." He says harshly. "Do it." She pleads, her tears coming faster now. "I tried but Diablo wouldn't let me go." She sobs. The joker looks at her in confusion. "Diablo?" He questions. "He stopped the bleeding, I begged him to let me go but he stopped the bleeding-" the joker grabs Harley's arm and forces her sleeve back, exposing a long vertical scar. His face hardened, and he stepped back from her. "Go get her cleaned up." He orders Tree, as he quickly leaves the room.
Tree pulls the bullet from Harley's leg, causing her to scream. "Fuck!" She yells. "I know kiddo, I know. Almost done okay?" He tries to comfort her. Harley bites down hard on her lip. "You can't do that again Harley." Tree says lightly. "Do what?" She groans. "Challenge him." He replies. Harley rolls her eyes. "He was going to kill you." Tree says harshly. "Whatever." She mumbles.

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