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Deadshot watched as Harley paced back and forth across the hardwood floor of the living room. The soft pitter-patter of her feet had relaxed Lucy into a sleep, but Harley couldn't be more stressed. "Hey kiddo, just calm down. Come sit." Deadshot attempts, his eyes following her back and forth. She shakes her head and continues to pace. "He was in the house Bullet, he was inside her room!" She hisses. Deadshot puts his hands up in defeat. "Calm down harls." He says with a sigh.

Boomerang stumbles into the room, the smell of stale whiskey fills the room, making Harley Scoff in disgust. "Are you fucking kidding me?" She growls. Boomerang shrugs. "What?" He laughs. Deadshot glares at him, opening his mouth to say something, but cut off by Diablo. "Hey, can I talk to you." He says to Deadshot. Sensing urgency in his tone, Deadshot gets off the couch, glaring at boomerang as he leaves the room with Diablo.

Diablo leads him onto the back porch and sits down on one of the patio chairs. "Wasn't superman." Diablo mumbles. Deadshot raises an eyebrow, "what?" He questions. "Wasn't him. Was boomerang." Diablo says looking up at him now. "Watched him go into the nursery with the ink, when he left I went in, the logo was painted on the wall." Diablo keeps his voice low. Deadshot shakes his head. "So what? Boomerangs just trying to make them more scared than they need to be? Why?" He sits down next to Diablo as Diablo shrugs. "Either that or he's their eyes and ears on the inside." He suggests. Deadshot sighs and looks out across the lawn. "Do we tell them?" He asks. Diablo nods. "I'm not losing my life again if J finds out, and then finds out we knew." Diablo says. Deadshot nods in agreement. "I wouldn't want to be you when you tell him." He laughs. Diablo looks confused. "Me? Why do I have to do it?" He mumbles. "Well you're the one who saw him! Only makes sense." Deadshot says before standing. Diablo sighs. "Rock paper scissors?" Diablo questions, holding up a first to resemble a rock. Deadshot covers diablos hand with his own. "Paper covers rock, good luck buddy." He says before jogging into the house with a laugh. Diablo sighs and nods. "Good luck buddy." He mocks, before following Deadshot into the house.
Diablo took a deep breath before gently knocking on the large office door. "J?" He calls lightly. He listens as the joker growls inside. "It's Import-" "it better be." The joker growls as he opens the door, allowing Diablo in. He looks around the messy room, Harley's name carved hundreds of times into the walls. "I've..i.. have some information." He mumbles. The joker shirked. "Atta boy. What have you got for me then, hmm?" The joker flashed his metal teeth at Diablo, his eyes focused and interested. Diablo nodded at him. "It's about umm.. the art in the nursery." Diablo says nervously, watching as the smirk falls off the jokers face. "Spit it out." He says harshly. Diablo takes a breath and nods. "I'm only doing this because I respect you, and everything you've done for me." Diablo says. The joker rolls his eyes. "Yes yes, the jokers gone soft. Now spit it out." He growls. "It wasn't superman. It was boomer." Diablo says, looking at him. The joker stares at him blankly. "You're sure?" He says through clenched teeth. Diablo nods. "I watched it happen. Saw him walk into the nursery with the ink, went in there after he left and it was on the wall. I don't know why he did it, all I know is he did." Diablo says.

The joker trembles with rage. "Get out." He growls, Diablo not questioning him as he jogs from the room. The joker grabs his pistol and fully loads it, before shoving it into the pocket of his pants, heading for the door.
Harley sleeps on the couch, Deadshot and boomerang sitting awkwardly in the room. Diablo strolls in, nodding his head at Deadshot. The joker walks in, a crazed yet focused look in his eyes. He draws his pistol and shoots boomerang in the knee cap, causing him to scream loudly, pulling Harley and Lucy from their sleep.

Harley sits up in a panic. "Diablo, get Lucy out of here." The joker growls, his pistol still aimed at boomerang. "Puddin what's going on?" Harley questions. "Come here darling." He says sternly, Harley walking to him. He wraps an arm around her, pulling her down on the recliner with him. "Tell her what you did." The joker hisses. Boomerang scowls at him. "I don't know what you're Fucking talking abou-" the joker shoots his other knee cap, causing another ear piercing shriek. "You're out of knees kangaroo, id get talking." Harley mumbles.

Tears fall from his eyes. "I did it for you Harley." He says. "Did what?" She growls, taking the pistol from the joker. He smirks. "Atta girl." He hums. "Did what?!" She screams. "They told me, they'd let you live.. if I gave them the baby, and the joker." He says through his groans. "I didn't mean for anyone to find-" Harley pulls the trigger and shoots him mid-thigh, yet another scream.

Harley walks to him, grabbing him by the neck. "You thought you could just give my family away? HUH?!" She screams, pressing the barrel of the gun into his mouth as tears fall from his eyes. The joker watched in amusement as Harley screamed at him. "Now now darling, let him speak." The joker says, Harley pulling the gun away. "I love you." Boomerang mumbles. Harley slaps him hard across the face. "I don't love you. I fucking hate you. You should have stayed dead. But I'm sure mister J's going to enjoy the second time. I know I'll enjoy watching." She growls as she stands.

"This isn't you darling!" Boomerang screams. "You wanna know what isn't me? A mother. A wife, a psychiatrist. That isn't me. That wasn't what I wanted out of my life. You wanna know what I wanted? I wanted this beautiful life of crime and pain puddins given to me. I wanted to wake up early, and go to bed late running from the clowns who work for the GCPD, I wanted to fuck the joker until I couldn't walk. But I most definitely , never wanted you." She hisses.

The jokers arms snake around her waist as tears fall from her eyes. She pushes him away and gets on her knees next to boomerang. "I love my child, and I love the joker. I wouldn't change a thing. See we're bad people boomer. But you're plain evil. You don't deserve the sweet release of death. We should take you to the woods, and let you fend for yourself. But I'm not going to do that." She says with a nod as she holds the pistol to his head. "I'm sorry." He mumbles before Harley pulls the trigger, blood splitting all over the walls as he falls limp against the floor.

She drops the pistol and sits on the couch. The joker stares at her. "Don't think you've ever been so fucking sexy Harley girl." He smirks, pulling her onto his lap. Her fingers instantly begin to trace his tattooed arms. "I didn't want to do that." She mumbles. He nods. "I know darling. But it had to be done. He was a traitor. Nobody fucks us over." He says harshly. "Send his body to the league. I want them to know we know." She hisses as she presses her fingers against his skin. The joker hums. "I like where your heads at doc." A loud, sadistic laugh fills the mansion halls.
Batman drags in a large wooden crate, "hahahahaha" spray painted red all over the wood. "Looks like we've got ourselves a package." Wonder Woman mumbles as Batman opens it. They stare at boomerangs body, superman shakes his head. "What a shame. Don't think the scars will go away when she brings him back again, do you?" He questions. Batman growls. "Let the poor man stay dead. He doesn't want this." He says. "I don't care what he wants. I care what I want." Superman says, heading for a large metal door.

He punches in a code and the door opens. "Wake up my lovely little lady!" He laughs as he drags out the prisoner. "Got another job for you." He smirks. Batman shakes his head in disappointment as June Moone lay limp on the floor of the warehouse.

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