Blood red

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Harley bounced Lucy on her knees as she stared blankly at the wall. Deadshot watched her, shaking his head. "Hey, can you snap out of whatever trance you're in?" He questions. Harley doesn't reply. Lucy lets out a thrilled shriek as the joker enters the room, extending her arms. The joker smirks and quickly grabs her, throwing her into the air and catching her. Harley laid on the couch, facing the cushions.

The joker watched with a disappointed look. Deadshot looks at him and shrugs his shoulders as the joker hands Lucy to him. "Harley." The joker says blankly. She doesn't answer. The jokers arms slip under her, lifting her into his arms. She wraps herself around him, her head laying against his chest. "Watch her for a bit." He mumbles to Deadshot as he heads up the stairs with Harley in his arms.

The joker lays Harley on the bed, looking down at her. "Start talking kiddo. What's wrong?" He questions. Harley rolls over, facing the wall. "Harley." He says sternly. Nothing. "Harley." He growls. "I'm going to take Lucy.. and we're going to go." She says blankly. The jokers face hardens. "That's not funny." He hisses. "That's good, because it wasn't a joke." She says sitting up, her cheeks tear stained, eyes blood shot. "Why the fuck are you even considering that?" He questions. "Because Ivy is out there.. working with the man who almost killed us both. The girl you cheated on me with, is planning something with the man you let abuse me-" "watch yourself." The joker growls, his body shaking with rage.

Harley shook her head. "You keep Lucy.. it's me he wants. You take her and you keep her safe." She says, choking on a sob. "I'm not doing that. We're staying together." He says angrily. "He's going to kill us!" She screams.

The joker growls and throws a fist at the wall, busting his knuckles. "I fucked UP!" He screams. "When are you going to fucking forgive me?!" He adds. Harley stares blankly at him as he shakes. "This isn't about what you did. This is about our daughter. Think about Lucy. Our main priority should be keeping her safe Jay." She says.
The joker shakes his head, covering his ears with his hands. "I don't want to hear this shit anymore Harley." He warns. "If you won't take her and keep her safe then Deadshot and Diablo will." She hisses, standing up making her way towards the closed door.

The joker grabs her shoulders, pinning her against the wall under his body. "Listen. For two god damn seconds." He screams. Harley rolls her eyes at him. "You're not going to change my mind. She needs to be away from us. Atleast until we figure this shit out. She's not safe with me around. So either she gets taken somewhere, or I go. I'm not going to let anything happen to our dau-" the jokers lips crash against Harley's mid sentence. His hands cup her face as he pulls her to him, deepening the kiss.

Harley's hands tangle themselves into his hair as he pulls her to the bed, falling with her ontop of him.

His hands rip the fabric of her loose fitting shirt, tossing the scraps across the room as his fingers explore her pale skin, his tongue finding it's way into her mouth.

Harley sits up long enough for his shirt to be slipped of his body, Harley's lips instantly connecting to his neck, earning a low grown of approval from the joker, his hands settling on her hips.

Harley bites on his skin as she makes her way down his body, ripping his gold belt from his pants, tossing it aside, smiling at the sound of the metal buckle hitting the floor. "Harley." He mumbles. She looks to him now, her smile fading. "What?" She asks. "You're right." He whispers. Harley frowns. "Come here." He says softly, pulling her down on him.

"You don't want to?.." she questions. "Not now." He whispers, his hands playing with her faded blue hair. Harley was silent as she rested her head on his tattooed chest. "The boys should take her out of Gotham. Far from Gotham." He mumbles. Harley nods. "We'll kill the bastard Harley. We'll kill him and we'll kill-" he pauses. "Ivy." She finishes. He doesn't say anything. "Do you love her?" She asks. Nothing. Harley pushed herself off of him, staring at him. "Do you love her?" She asks again. "Harley of course not." He growls. "You're fucking lying." She spits.

The joker groans and puts a hand over his face. "How many times did you fuck her, huh? Did you fuck her in our bed? Answer me you fucking asshole!" She screams. The joker rolls his eyes. "Should have just had sex with you." He mumbles. "Fuck yourself. You know what?" She says standing up, grabbing a shirt from the dresser. "You stay here with Luc and the boys, I'm fucking out." She hisses.

He quickly gets out of the bed, getting dressed before chasing her down the stairs. "Harley!" He growls. Deadshot and Diablo turn to look at them. "Oh Christ." Diablo mumbles. "Shut up." Deadshot whispers.

Tree enters the room with Lucy. "Harley what's wrong?" He questions. "I need you to pack me a bag. Clothes, few guns, couple thousand dollars. I need the Bugati filled, full tank tree." She says. "For what, exactly?" He asks. "For fucking nothing." The joker growls. "You're not going anywhere!" "Fuck you!" She screams. Diablo shakes his head. "Guys not in front of the kid." He says lightly.

Tree sighs. "Harley you need to just calm down." He says. "Why don't you go fuck yourself huh?!" She screams. Lucy begins to cry as she sees her mother yelling. "All of you can just fuck off!" She pushes the joker aside as she heads for the back door. He grabs her arm and pulls her back. "Don't touch me!" She shrieks. "Harley this is insane!" He hisses as she opens the door. "You're insa-" Harley stops fighting as she looks onto the back deck. Ivy, sitting on the patio swim with a large smile on her face. "Oh hey!" She says with a laugh. "Oh fuck." Deadshot mumbles.

The joker pulls Harley close to him. "Ivy you need to get out of here. Now." He warns. "I wanted to knock, but I heard all the screaming. Figured I'd wait. Didn't want to be rude." She says with a frown. "You're leaving?" She questions Harley. Harley trembles with rage as she stares at her. Unable to find words. "You might want to stick around for this one kiddo." She says with a laugh.

"Now, I don't know how this whole thing works, the whole parenting thing. All I know is what I learned from taking care of that little monster in there while you were being tortured or whatever." She says with a smile. "But, I suppose I'll have to get used to it huh?" She giggles. "Why?" Harley says through clenched teeth. "Because I'm pregnant." Ivy says with a smirk.

Harley's body tensed in the jokers grip. "Harley." He says lightly. She pulled her arm away from him, slowly walking inside the house.

"Are you fucking insane?!" The joker hissed. "Maybe. I know you are." Ivy says with a shrug. Harley walks back into the porch, Lucy in her hands as she walks down the stairs. "Harley what are you doing?" He says in a panic. "You're never going to see us again." She says simply. "Never again." The jokers eyes widened as she spoke. "Ha-" "say goodbye to daddy Lucy." She says, Lucy giggling and smiling as she looked at the joker.

The joker trembled as he stared at the only people he has ever loved. Diablo walked passed him into the yard. "Come on." He said lightly. "Come on babies!" Harley called, the hyenas rushing to her side. "Harley please.." the joker whispered. "Goodbye." Harley  said as she walked, disappearing into the garage.

Ivy shrugged her shoulders. "Lose one, gain one I suppose." She says with a sigh. "I should fucking kill you." He hisses as he runs for the garage.
Diablo straps Lucy into the car seat, the hyenas in the back seat with her. The joker rushes into the garage, tears streaming from his eyes. "Harley you know I-" "go." She says sternly. "I don't want to see you again." She cries. "I don't want to see you ever again!" Her voice was louder now. "How could you?!" She screams. "You fucked up! You really fucked up! I should have let you rot in Arkham! I shouldn't have helped you! But the jokes on me now, huh?!" She cries. "We're done." She says, getting into the passages seat of the car.

The joker looks at Diablo who shakes his head. "I'm sorry. I'll keep her safe." He whispers, getting into the drivers seat.

The engine of the car roars to life, and the joker watches as the love of his life, and his child disappear out of view.
All of you are going to hate me for this butttt this is the end of part two of gangsta! I've been struggling with getting chapters up, due to mental health issues and stress from school. I just need time to get myself together. I'll take a few weeks to really get the next half of this story planned out. I know you're all probably devastated. But remember, this is the end of the part, not the story. Plenty of more to come. Thank you all so much for the love and support on this story! I love you all!

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