Playing dead

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The joker ran his thumb across Harley's cheek, wiping the tears from her skin. Sun was slowly filling the large room with its light, allowing him to see how pained she really looked. "Maybe we should come up with something else." He suggests. Harley shakes her head. "I'm not upset because the plan is bad. I'm upset because its the only thing that's going to keep her safe." She says softly, looking up at him as she draws in a deep breath. "Do what you need to do. I'll do whatever you tell me." The joker flashed a toothy grin and pulled her into his arms. "You're wicked, you know that?" He questions her. Harley rolls her eyes. "I'm aware." She says with a wink as he exits the bed.

"Let's rob a bank, or break some loons out of Arkham." He suggests. Harley let's out a laugh. "I think we're a little passed all that street crime stuff Puddin." She says. The joker scoffs. "Nonsense. Do you even know who we are?" He jokes. "Parents." She says as she stands, pulling random clothes onto her naked body. He shrugs his shoulders. "I'd say we're pretty cool parents though." He quickly kisses her passionately before grabbing his gun, sticking it into the waistband of his black pants. "I'm gonna take care of us." He says softly, his eyes with hers before he leaves the room, quickly glancing into Lucy's room before disappearing down the stairs.

Harley ran a hand through her messy hair before slowly making her way to the kitchen. Deadshot sat at the end of the long table reading a book. "You're up early." She says with a yawn. He shook his head and closed his book. "He just said the same thing, y'all plan that shit?" He asks. Harley laughs and starts the coffee pot. "Just in sync I guess." She shrugs and continues to go about making her breakfast. "Where's tree?" She questions. "Haven't seen him." He answers. She nods and sits down at the large table. "You still going through with this?" He questions. She nods. "Have to." She mumbles. "But you don't." He replies. She shrugs. "I don't care. This is the only way we see fit. Its going to happen bullet." Harley lets out a long sigh. "When?" He asks. "Soon." She says softly, looking at her cup of coffee.

Deadshot stands up, removing himself from the room. Harley rolls her eyes and sucks in a deep breath. Tree wanders in from the garage. "Hey." He says gently. "Hey." She says back, looking up at him. "He's informed." Tree says, his voice hardly above a whisper. Harley nods, but says nothing.

The joker slowly walks into the large kitchen, his eyes meeting Trees. "It's done." Tree says harshly. The joker smiles. "Thank you, old friend." Tree nods, giving Harley one last look before he exits the same direction deadshot did.

The joker moves behind Harley, rubbing her shoulders. "It's all going to work out Harley girl." He reassures her. She nods and leans back to make eye contact with him. "I trust you." She whispers. He leans down and presses a hard kiss on her pale lips. "I won't fail you."
Harley sits on the floor of Lucy's room, watching her play with her toys. She tries her best to hold back tears as the child hands her a green block. "Daddy!" She says with a laugh. Harley smiles "you're right! That's the color of daddy's hair huh?" Harley says taking the small green block from her, holding it in her hands. "Looks like daddy in his younger days maybe." The joker mumbles as he enters the room. He positions himself on the floor with Harley, intertwining his hand in hers. "We'll have to leave soon." He says gently. Harley nods. "I know." She whispers, looking up at him. "I love you." He says with a reassuring smile. "I love you.." She whispers as she turns to look at their child once more. "Lucy, we're gonna go for a ride, you wanna come?" The joker asks. "Yeah!" The child shrieks as she jumps into his arms. Harley couldn't help but smile at the exchange. "Tell mama to grab a jacket it's cold" He says as he stands. "It's cold mama!" Lucy giggles. "Alright alright lets get bundled up then." Harley says as they exit the child's room for the last time.
Bruce Wayne sat comfortably in the back of his black Range Rover as his driver drove him through the crowded streets of Gotham City. His mind raced as he watched the citizens crowd around a handful of emergency vehicles. He listened as the driver turned the radio up, the news casters over dramatic voice filling the large car. "Traffic on Conway Avenue has been brought to a half after a fatal vehicle accident, the driver and passenger have been identified as none other than the infamous Joker, and ex Arkham psychiatrist Harleen Quinzel. Both passengers of the accident have been confirmed Dead Upon Arrival. Batman can rest comfortably knowing these villains finally got what was coming to them."

Bruce turned his head away from the scene and looked out the opposite window. "Tragic isn't it sir?" The driver asks. "Tragic." Bruce says softly as a fire engine speeds by.

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