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A young spunky man sat in a familiar booth in the upper level of the jokers club. His name had been lost since he had joined the jokers crew, and had become known as Kiss Ass, due to his overwhelming need to please the joker. He had taken over the jokers business affairs since him and Harley had gone missing, leaving both his clients, and Gotham city confused. Kiss Ass watched over the club, sitting in the same spot he had for months, but tonight he was especially nervous. The jokers words rang over and over in his head. "Nobody knows where I am, or where I've been. Leave it that way until I say so. This meeting is the most important you've had. Don't let me down." Kiss ass always felt the heavy gaze of the joker, even when he wasn't in the room, or even the same building. Like the gaze of a lion, it's not easily forgotten.

Kiss ass swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "Nervous?" A sweet voice chimes, causing him to look up. A beautiful woman with red hair stood before him, a smirk on her face. "N-no." He mumbles. "Take a seat." The woman chuckles, sitting across from him. "What's wrong with Jay?" She questions. "I'm not here to talk about that I'm-" "you're here to do business. I get that." She rolls her eyes, leaning back against the booth. "I'm not dumb kid. I know he's alive." "You know nothing." He mumbles. A hypnotizing smile creeps on to her lips. "Who do you thinks been with him the passed few months when thah Kryptonian had his girl?" Her words seemed to take his breath away, his heart racing. "He didn't." He thinks to himself. The woman laughs again. "You underestimate him. He's not a good guy, you thought he was capable of love? Wrong." She says, rolling her eyes again. "The only thing the joker is capable of is Sex, and breaking out of nut houses." She stands, looking at the petrified man. "Tell him Ivy didn't feel like doing much business tonight. He knows where to find me." Ivy throws him a wink before heading down the stairs into the crowd at the club.
Tree looked up from his book as K-A walked in from the garage. His face was pale and he looked nervous. "Uh oh." Tree mumbles. "I have to tell you something." K-A stutters. Tree nods. "Alright, tell me something." He says, closing his book. "Jay cheated on Har-" "let me stop you right there." Tree says sternly, standing up. "No, I swear-" "stop." Tree says through clenched teeth. "I know about Ivy." He adds. Kiss ass stares at him blankly. "What?" He says softly. Tree nods, sitting back on the couch. "I've known since the beginning." He mumbles. K-A shakes his head in confusion. "Y-you knew about it? Was he even hurt?!" He shrieks. "If you want to remain alive I suggest you shut up." Tree warns. The boy nods his head and sits down in the chair across from tree.

Tree takes in a deep breath. "He was fine after a few weeks. Met Ivy at the club." He starts. "They started... being involved sexually, once a week, twice a week. Lucy started getting...confused.. the joker stopped seeing her.. after Lucy said her first word. Called Ivy Mom." Tree says sadly. "I think it kinda snapped him out of it.. that's when he decided to go after Harley." Trees voice was heavy, full of sadness as he spoke.
K-A didn't anything. He felt like crying. He hadn't known Harley long but she seemed nice enough, he knew what they had gone through together. "Well we have to tell her." He says finally. "That would seal your death certificate." Tree mumbles. K-A shakes his head. "You're just going to let him get away with this?" He spits. "It's my job." Tree says. K-A stands and storms from the room. Tree shakes his head Ashe hears tires screeching against the garage floor.

Diablo slowly walks into the room, a disapproving look on his face. "How much did you hear?" Tree questions, motioning for him to sit down. "All of it." Diablo says through clenched teeth, ignoring his request. "Look, you just keep this to yourself." Tree says. "She trusts you." Diablo points out. Tree nods. "That's why we need to keep this quiet." Tree pleads. Diablo shakes his head. "Nah. I can't do that man. I'm out of here. And once Harley finds out she will be too." He says angrily. "You really want to do that to her after she just tried to kill herself?" Tree says standing again. "You're all cowards." Diablo says harshly. "Bunch of fucking cowards." He mumbles as he heads for the stairs.

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