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Samyuktha sat in between her parents while arjun sat next to her mother. Samyuktha felt embarrassed of her situation while arjun looked dull. He did not complain but spoke to his mother in law politely. They came to watch 'the conjuring 2'. It was absolutely rubbish to watch a horror film when she is being haunted by some ghost.

'Let's hope she won't watch the same movie and plan to scare me more'

Sighing she leaned on her seat. The movie was did not register much in her mind. It was blurry to her. After few minutes which she felt as seconds her mother got up answering her phone. She never saw her mother carry her phone to theatre. Arjun quickly took advantage of his opportunity and sat next to her. Her doubts left her for seeing him next to her who boldly took her hand and kissed the back of it. She blushed for his kiss and turned to her father. He was busy watching the movie.

Samyuktha felt something wrong about her situation. Nothing is happening as they would have happened normally. As she was slowly realising of the circumstances.....a rough hand slipped along her slender arm. She noticed the pale and bloody hand which is now on her waist. She took a deep breath as she feared arjun is behaving like in the dream she had few days back.

"Isn't it thrilling yuktha" she heard a young girl's voice speaking to her. She turned to her right to see her best friend smiling at her. The girl who died on her eleventh birthday which made her decide not to show herself on her birthdays is right next to her where her father sat few minutes ago.

"I know you are missing me...." and Sonia hugged her sideways. Samyuktha has no idea how to react to her dead friend. Her presence only scared her.

"So I came to you with him" Sonia told her.

" With whom?" Samyuktha asked Sonia. She pointed towards her left. Samyuktha turned other side which not only made her heart beat more.....she realised she's in a dream...a scary dream.

The man who sat beside her is not arjun. But someone who died because of her....

"Do you miss me baby girl?" Rohan asked her. Blood covered half of his head and his right arm. He is wearing the same red t shirt she saw on her birthday five years back. The boy smiled at her trying to look romantic. It was not romantic for her though.
"I know you are going to say no just to show your anger but believe me I have tried many times to be with you " rohan spoke to her. She swallowed the saliva in her nervousness. She never felt any feelings towards him so his behaviour felt completely odd and uncomfortable for her.

" I am sorry babe..." rohan's hands tightened on her waist and on her right arm causing pain to her. But the pain is nothing compared to her current situation as the boy is leaning towards her to kiss her!

Samyuktha screamed loudly which helped her to come out of her dream. Even her parents knocked her door to know whether she was okay. It is fourth time she screamed in middle of the night. The nightmares continued to frighten her each day. Her parents worried the ghost is planning to do something to their daughter.

"I'm okay mom. I am fine dad" Samyuktha answered her worried parents. They did not get convinced though.

" Why don't you open the door and let us look at you. We can be more sure...." Samyuktha did not listen to her father but walked into the bathroom and stood before the mirror. Her face is dull with dark circles as she did not sleep after the nightmares. She did not bother about them.

But what caught her attention is the red hand print on her wrist. It is the physical evidence that her dream is not just scaring her mentally but it is also getting violent. Why is the ghost getting violent now? In her twenty two years, the ghost never came in front of her or did anything to hurt her. So why is she appearing now? Why did she target her when she generally killed or injured people on her birthday? Why change her routine suddenly? The questions seem to have no answer now.....

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