Chapter Five

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(Liam's P.O.V)

"When Harry got to mine the day before he wasn't himself, he was angry and he kept saying he didn't want to be around you at this time,"


"Liam open up." I heard Harry's voice as he banged on the door. I climb out of bed and opened the door and let him in. He looked tired and once he was inside he was pacing bak and forth.

"What's up with you?" I asked. Harry looked up at me like he'd seen a ghost.

"It's Aly."

"What about Aly?"

"Well not Aly, her parents."

"Man if you going to tell a story stop stopping mid sentence, look sit down and I'll get you something to drink." I said. Harry nodded and took a spot on the couch while I went to the kitchen and poured him a glass of water.

"Liam I'm sorry about coming over this late but I can't go home, I can't face Aly."

"Ok start from the start, what has happened?"

"Well I went to see my parents after work today, I wanted to tell them about Aly and maybe organise like a dinner or something and I knew usually they'd both be home but only mum was, she wasn't being herself and I knew she was hiding something so I sat her down and told her I wouldn't leave until she told me and so she did," Harry let out a sigh before he continued. "Someone killed my dad man and got away with just a slap on the wrist."

"Shit man, that's fucked up but what does it have to do with Alys parents?"

"Alys dad was the one that killed him and I don't know if I can face Aly."

"Your going to have to though"

"I know, but Aly doesn't know her dad and being around her is just going to make things worse but she's absolutely wonderful, she's everything you could want in a partner but this, this is just, I can't loose her."

(Flashback Over)

"After Harry told me that we went for a drink, we tried to figure out ways to avoid you for a few days but things got messed up after a few dozen drinks." I looked up at Aly and she was biting her nails, I let out a sigh and continued. "From what I can remember we went from the bar to another bar and Harry had spotted your dad, Harry went up to him and started going off, well enough we were kicked out and I told him we should call it a night but for Harry it wasn't over, we waited across the road at a kebab shop until he left the bar and we followed him to his car," I paused, swallowing my words as I try to relive the memory. "Once we knew no one was around Harry walked up to him and started going off and things got so bad Harry had him in a headlock and when I tried to pull him off it some how snapped your fathers neck and we froze, we didnt know what to do so we threw him in the car and drove in one direction, it was a surprise we didn't get pulled over, but once we were well out of town we drove down this gravel road and came across an abandon house, we slept it off and then in the morning spent an hour digging a hole and and putting him in the and we left the car their and walked to the freeway and hitched hiked back into town."

"Is this the reason Harry skipped town for the week?"

"Yea I would say so, you see after that Harry came across a few people who have helped him, you know tell him if the police are suspicious about it or not and well your fathers car has been found and they are assuming he has ditched it being guilty and we are hoping that's all their is to it but we are just going to have to wait and see."

"You know now I get Harry's problem I just don't understand why he couldn't just talk to me about it."

"That would be my problem, Aly I told Harry it should be kept between us unless asked and because no one has asked until now we haven't spoken about it, that's why I wanted Harry to tell you but because of your situation I knew it wouldn't happen and I know things have gotten bad between you but just let me tell you that Harry would be crushed if he lost you."

"Why can't he show it though, Liam I love him or loved him more than anything and he has thrown it away and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here."

"Aly if things get bad I promise I'll be there to help but Harry is my best mate and I can't loose him."

"No Liam you don't want to loose a drug mate, you come over for a joint or two then leave and you never come over for anything else and don't invite us over to yours, Harry has to invite himself."

"You don't know what goes on with us so you have no right."

"Actually I do, you may think I don't know anything but that's where your wrong." Aly shouted. She was getting in my nerves and I needed her to shut up but I didn't know how to except slap her and that's what I did, right across her face. Aly looked up at my, she was heartbroken that I had did the one thing I said I wouldn't.

"Aly wait." I called out but it was to late, she slammed the bedroom door shut and left me in the lounge room, alone.





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