Chapter 39

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(Aly's P.O.V)

I've been putting off cleaning the house. We had left it a mess when we left and very thing seemed to be everywhere. It's been a wild few months and I don't understand how the roof is still on the apartment. There wasn't even any calls on the answering machine and it seemed strange. I found Harry's stash and made sure to throw that out. It just happened to be to much for one person but I knew no one else would do that. I don't know why I chose to stay here and not anywhere else but maybe this time away from Harry will teach him something, maybe. I keep wanting to ring him and tell him I'm ok, but what would that do. I seem to be back and forth from the bedroom to the lounge room trying to figure out what to do or where to start. I was about to sit down when I heard the door open. I stepped back panicking but relaxed when I saw Anne.

"Hey what are you doing here?" She asks.

"I had to get a few things." I lie. I wasn't sure if I should tell her about what had happened.

"When are you heading back?"

"Uh I'm not sure, I might go in the morning."

"That's when we're going back, did you want to come with us?"

"Uh, yea I just have a few things to do."

"That's fine, we'll leave when your ready."

"Ok." Anne walked to the kitchen and started to clean. I looked around and almost walked in a circle before I went to the bedroom. I packed another round of clothes and tried to put everything in a neatly fashion. Maybe after these few months are finished we can come back or maybe Harry will have a change of heart and want something else.

"Aly have you eaten at all today?" Anne called out. I had to think and realised I hadn't eaten anything since I left.

"Not since last night."

"Oh you silly girl, I'll just whip you up something before I head back to the house."

"Ok, thank you Anne."

"It's no problem."

Anne said that she hadn't spoken to Harry since she left the house and was always at Robins. That's means Harry didn't call her to see where I was or if she could look out for me. The more I though about it the more I hate my self for sticking around. I think I should tell Anne that I'm going to stay a little longer, or as long as I can to figure out whether me and Harry are going to work. I sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands as I tried to figure out what to do.

"Aly?" Anne called out.

"Yea?" I called back but when she didn't answer I walked out and stop dead in my tracks when I saw Jace and Kyte standing at the door.

"Alice, your so grown up." Jace said as he took a seat forward. I stepped back, I hated the name Alice and he knew that.

"It's Aly." I said gritted through my teeth.

"It's been awhile." Jace smiled.

"I'll come back a little later." Anne said as she grabbed her bag. I waved her good bye and looked back at Jace. Kyte was standing behind him, the was so much resemblance between us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We come to see you, your friends weren't much help." Jace answered. "By the way, where is your little boyfriend?"

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"She's still afraid of us." Kyte said. Jace looked back at her then back at me.

"Aha yea she is." Jace laughed. "Now tell me, how are your friends?"

"There fine, no thanks to you."

"Yea well we need to find you, but what was it that we had to tell you?" Jace said. He turned to Kyte. Then back at me a few times trying to think of a lie.

"Mum and Dad are dead." Kyte said. Jace had a smirk on his face.

"Oh yea, now your my problem." Jace laughed. My heart broke into a million pieces. I was just saying, just planning on seeing her again and now, now I had nothing.

"You cant, im 18 and you can't do anything about that."

"Oh yea, you wanna bet." Jace said as he moved forward. I quickly ran back and locked the bedroom door and made sure he couldn't get in before I climb trough the window. I ran to the back of the flats and through an Alley way without looking back. The more my chest burned the more I tried to run. Maybe if I get further enough away I can get a cab or steal a car. As I hit the road I ran onto the street and a car almost hit me. I ran to the drivers side and he rolled down the window.

"Please help me." I cried.

"Get in." He was about 25 and didn't look like a mass murderer so I climbed in the front seat.

"Can you take me to 238 Burgeon Dale Road, Primrose Hill." I said a I tried to catch my breath. I was going straight to Anne's house whether she was there or not. I was always good at running away and hiding and I was just hoping they'd stop after a while.

(Harry's P.O.V)

"Answer the fucking phone." I shout from the kitchen. The was no sudden movement in the house, maybe I was alone. I had been up in the room all day and night. I walk over to the phone and pick it up. "Hello?"

"Hi we are looking for Harry Styles."


"Mr Styles, it has come to our attention that you have breached your regulations."

"What the fuck, what do you mean?"

"A police car is on the way to bring you back to the court house, we have had a complaint for the past few days that there has been non stop shouting coming from you residence as well as se violent contact."

"Violent contact, I've been here since I got here and I swear to fucking god I haven't touched anybody."

"I'm sorry Mr Styles it's just the way it is."

"For fuck sake." I said as I slammed the phone down. I run my hands through my hair as I try to take in what I just heard. Angry starts to build up inside of my and I punch threw the glass door that stands between me and the lounge room. "Fuck." I scream. I pull out my phone and dial mums number as quickly as I can.


"Mum you need to come home like now."

"Why what's happened?"

"I'm being arrested for assault and the cops are on the way."

"Why, what did you do?"

"Nothing, that's the problem."

"Alright, well I'll try and get there as soon as I can." She says, but I knew she would t be here for a few hours. "Have you heard from Aly?"

"No, why?"

"She's in London."

"Is she ok?"

"She's fine, I went by the house and she was there."

"Where is she now?"

"She's still there, I left when some people showed up." She explained and I started to be concerned. "I would say they were her brother and sister because of the resemblance but she never mentioned she had siblings."

"Fuck, mum you need to pick her up."

"Why, what's wrong?"

"She's been running from her family since she was young and they've only just found out she lived in London, mum you have to bring her home."

"Ok, I'll try but promise me you won't do anything stupid."

"I can't promise that."


"Ok, I'll try"

"Ok, I'll see you soon."

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