Chapter Eight

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"Maybe you should go and introduce yourself." Kayla said. She had noticed me staring over at the two very attractive guys on the other side of the cafe.

"Are you kidding, someone like me can't be seen with someone like him, he is like sex on a stick."

"Babe, your sexy as he'll, if I was guy I'd date you."

"Your only saying that to make me feel good."

"True but c'mon you only live once right?"

"Maybe after we eat, I just want to admire from a distance."

"Of course you do."

While we enjoyed our meals I couldn't help look over at the two guys. The taller one, brown curly hair with beautiful green eyes had a smile that could melt your heart, he was wearing a shirt that had the sleeve ripped of so you could see his tattoos, they didn't make sense at all. The other one had shorter brown hair, brown eyes and his smile was so adorable, he was wearing a white tee with a sleeveless jean jacket as well as jeans and by the looks of things he also had tattoos. They were a pair of bad boys, just my type. I started picking at my food as i watched the boys from the corner of my eye.

"Obvious much." Kayla said. It had startled me and the next thing i knew my drink fell to the floor.

"Great, now i have to fork out for another drink." I said gabbing the napkins and placing them on the floor.

"Here let me help." I look up at the unfamiliar face and it was him, the one with the green eyes.

"Thanks for that." I said nervously.

"Im Harry."

"Hi, im Aly."

(Flashback Over)

Harry had hold of my arm as he lead me out of the train station and into an alley. The wind had picked up causing a shiver down my spine. I was trying not to put to much pressure on my leg because i knew if i did id be in more pain and Harry would probably drag my by my hair. Once we stopped i leaned against the wall, Harry came up to me with his pocket knife and ripped open my jeans exposing the wound.

"Liam with be here soon, he'll fix you." Harry said. He walked to otherside of the alley and started pacing. There were noises coming from both ends of the aly but nothing seemed to worry Harry. It was weired being back here, it seem different almost abandoned. "He needs to hurry the fuck up." Harry continued looking at his phone and cursing every second because Liam wasnt here.

"Harry i need to go to the hospital." I said as i slide down the wall onto the floor.

"You'll be fine." Harry muttered. I started getting light headed and felt really dizzy. I had lost a fair bit of blood and it was an actual surprise no one noticed. I closed my eyes and let the blackness take over.

(Liam's P.O.V)

"Sorry it took me so long but their were cops asking questions at the train station and i couldnt get away." I said as i spotted Harry in the alley. "Where's Aly?" I ask but then i spot her on the floor. I walked over to her and notice the wound on her leg. "Harry she needs the hospital, she could die."

"I cant go there, like you said they were at the train station, i could get caught." Harry says.

"If you dont get her help ill turn you in myself." I said as i stood up.

"You wouldnt do that."

"Watch me." I pulled out my phone and as i go to dial the emergancy number Harry tackles me to the ground. Harry forces himself on top of me and connects his fist with my jaw, i use all my strength to push him off and lay into him. Each punch represented something, from draging me into his mess, for hitting Aly, it was for everything. But i stopped when i heard Aly cough. I left Harry laying there bloody and went to Alys side.

"Help me." Was all she could say before her eyes closed again. I picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the Alley. I coud spot the police at the train station and headed that way. People were looking but i kept walking.

"Excuse me, i need help." I shouted. The police looked over at me and then once they notice me carrying Aly they ran over.

"What's happened?" One police man asked.

"I walked past the alley over there and this man, well he looked about my age had a knife so i walked over and notice the girl laying on the ground and the man charged at me but i managed to stop him, all though he is probably over there now half dead."

The policeman called into his radio and there was soon an anbulence and a few more police show up. They took Aly away and asked me questions, one included what the man looked like and if i had layed into him why he wasnt still in the alley.

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