Chapter Seventeen

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After a few days of hiding out at mums and constantly being on my meds for a few days i decided that going back home was a good idea. I went home and surprised Aly and i think she was happy i had come home in one peice. The house was clean, way to clean and when i called out to her she ran into my arms.

Later that day Liam saidthere was a party a few towns over that we need to goto so after Aly and I got ready we headed over but there was something i had forgotten but i wasnt sure what. When we picked Liam up i didnt expect Anna to still be here but there she was getting into my car in such a small but sexy dress that hugged her body well. I think Aly noticed me starng but she didnt say anything.

I started to get irritated at a few people, Aly was drinking more alcohol then i have ever seen you drink before and i watched as she came back from the toilets, she wasnt herself. It was like she had just wittnessed something and she couldnt shake it off so i decided to ask her.

(Aly's P.O.V)

"What's wrong?" Harry asked. He was frowning at my silence once i joined him on the couch.

"It's nothing, how about another drink." I ask trying to avoid a scene.

"Tell me, now." Harry hissed as i took a drink from the red cup.

"That guy over there threaten me." Was all i had to say before Harry stood up and headed over to the guy i ointed out. Harry and drinking have never worked out but for once i actually didnt want to be the one to stop him, so i continued to still on the couch as a loud commotion broke out. It's like i felt numb and was strapped to the couch, i couldnt move. After a few deep breaths i stood up and Harry had thrown the guy through a window. Anna was standing on the other side of the room shaking her head while looking in my direction while Liam tried to pull Harry off of the guy.

"Aly take him up stairs." Liam says as he pushed Harry in my direction. Harry looks me dead in the eye, giving me a fright. I nod and grab Harry's hand as i head up the stairs. After walking past a few rooms i choose the one that doesnt look like it has a lot of breakable items and sit Harry on the bed. I close the door and Harry reaches over and grabs my wrist, pulling me closer to him.

"This is why i dont do parties." Harry mumbles as he plays with the braclet i decided to wear tonight.

"You have no self control." I say as i pull away. I sit next to him on the bed and look down. His jeans are ripped and his boots look like they're about to fall off.

"That guy threaten you, what else was i meant to do?" Harry asks. His tone is sharp and strong, he places one hand on my thigh and i could feel his eyes on me.

"I dont know Harry, but fighting is never the answer." I say as my voice raises.

"It was one time, maybe if you didnt wear such slutty outfits i wouldnt have to." Harry yells. He stands up and gives me a hateful look before opening the door. Liam was standing their and Harry backs up as Liam walks in. "What the fuck do you want?" Harry yells.

"Well as a friend i came to see if you were ok and to say the cops are on there way so we need to leave." Liam explains looking over at Harry.

"As long as that fuck head isnt down there." Harry swears.

"You can just ignore him, how hard will it be to do that." I say standing up. Harry looks at me with that hatred look and walks out the door. Both Liam and I follow him until he is out the front.

"Oh my god Harry are you ok?" Anna asks as she places a hand on either side of his face.

"Dont act like you care." Harry answers by pushing her away. I walk with Harry and get into his car while Liam and Anna walk behind. "This is your fault." Harry yells as he looks at me. But as i go to speak back Liam and Anna join us and Harry speads off down the street. I hang onto the door handle as he goes around a corner but manages to slow down when a cop car passes us.

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