Chapter 21

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I sat in the car in the driveay, maybe coming back wasnt the best thing but i had to talk to her. I looked at the time and it had been half hour since i left mums and the sun was going down. I let out a sigh and got out of the car and headed towards the front door. I hesistated to open the door but i knew i had to. Once i walk inside the house is quiet. I close the door and walk towards the bedroom. I was taken back when i reached the kitchen. There was glass and water everywhere, surrounding the lifeless body of Aly. I run to her side and lift her head up to see if she's still breathing and thanks to my surprise she was, barely. I scooped her up bridal style and carefully carried her to the bedroom. I carefully placed her down on the bed and hurried into the bathroom and grabbed a cloth and wet it under the sink. Aly had a small cut on her forhead that i used the cloth to clean it up.

Once i got Aly cleaned up i softly left a small kiss on her forhead before pulling a blanket of her small fragil body. With a small glance i walked out to the kitchen and decided i should clean up the mess, so i grabbed the broom and mop from the laundry. I swept all the glass up and put it in the bin and then mops the floor so there wasnt much water on the ground. When i walked over to the couch i noticed all the coke i had stashed was all over the coffee table. My heart pounded at the thought of Aly doing this but as i looked closer i noticed a few words.

Happy Birthday to me.

Aly never told me when her birthday was, even if she did i dont think i paid enough attention to. A tear rolled down my face and i quickly wiped it away. I picked up my phone and walked out of the house, dialing one number.

"Harry where did you go?" My mother was quick to ask when answering her phone.

"Home, but i need you to meet me at the forum in 10 minutes."

"What for? is everything ok?"

"You know what, send Gemma."

"We'll both come, but what is going on?"

"It's Aly's birthday and i had no clue."

"Oh honey, alright we are leaving right now." My mother said. I hung up the phone and took off down the road. I had to get something for Aly, something that'll make up for everything and prove im not as worthless as she may think. I turned on the radio, maybe there was an update about Aly's father but the horrible traffic had me cussing more than i should. Fuck. It took longer than 10 minutes to get the shop which usually would take me 5 minutes but as soon as i pulled up i saw mum and Gemma waiting by the enterence.

"What do you have in mind?" Gemma asked.

"Something that'll say, im sorry but something that screams happy birthday." I answered. Mum and Gemma looked at eachother and started walking inside. I walked behind them slowly as we headed towards a jewlery shop. "Oh no, something in my budget."

"That's what im here for." Mum laughed.

"Ok, but what's in here that'll make everything ok?"

"Well you love her right?" Gemma asks.

"Of course." I answer.

"Well i know you refuse to get married so we'll start small." Mum said, mostly to her self as she walked up the counter where they had a display of braclets. I watched as she scanned through them all until one caught her eye. "Now from what i know of Aly, this one is something you should start off with." She said pointing to braclet, to me they all looked the same. I nodded and she got the sales clerk to pull it out so she could have a closer looked and her and Gemma fell in love with it.

"Alright can we go now?"

"Not if your sorry, Harry this small gift will only say happy birthday." Gemma said snapping her head in my direction. I let out a sigh and then followed them all through the shop. By the time they were finished in was time for the shop to close and we had accomplished nothing, in my point of view. I put everything in my car and had mum follow me to the flat. I walked in and put everything on the table. I then walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on.

"Harry?" Aly questioned when i walk into the bedroom.

"Yes it's me." I said rushing to her side.

"Why are you here?" Aly asks as she lets out a cough.

"I came home because i forgot my phone and well you were on the floor in the kitchen and it broke my heart, i wanted to make sure you were ok."

"Why do you care?"

"Because i love you." I answer as i kneel down alside the bed.

"No you dont."

"But i do though Aly."

"If you did you wouldnt walk away everytime you say that."

"But im always here."

"But it not good enough, one day your never going to come back."

"Do you really think that little of me?" I ask Aly.

"Yes." She quietly mumbles. I felt my heart break into two. She closed her eyes and rolled over so she no longer had to look at me. I placed the box that held the braclet on the bedside table before I got up and walked out to the kitchen and my mother just looked at me.

"I think it's to late." I said holding back tears. Her lips turned down as she opened up her arms, i walk towards her and wrapped my arms around her. "She's so close, yet so far away."

"What do you want to do?" Mum asked me.

"I think it'd be best if i come home, maybe until i can find somewhere else to stay." I answered pulling away. I grabbed my car keys and my phone from the table and walked out the front door where I got into my car. Tears streamed down my face as I drove off down the street, I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was I had to get away.

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