Chapter Six

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(Alys P.O.V)

There is so much someone can take and I was stupid enough to stick around and take it. With tears streaming down my face I sit on the edge on the bed with my hands over my face. I know Id ask what went wrong but i did expect this. Harry had killed someone and knowing he is capable made me even more scared. I wanted to get out and leave so many time but knowing that if I had he could of killed me made me treasure my life that much more.

To think I had trusted Liam just shows how pathetic I really am, but maybe if I leave without him knowing I could change my life. I got up wiping my tears and pulled out a small bag from under the bed. I packed as much clothes as I could fit and went to the window. The fly screen was easy to pop off and it was only a metre drop. I threw my bag out first and grabbed a pair of vans and jumped out of the window. It had been weeks since my skin connected with the sun. Because we lived in a small flat building I left throw the back so Liam wouldn't see me if I went around the front.

The train station was the first place I thought of, maybe if I headed north I could see my mum but I new it was a long shot. The sun was in and out behind clouds and the wind was chilling but I kept walking, even though it had been awhile I still knew which direction the train station was. I walked past a few people, they would stare but I ignored them and kept walking.

(Liam's P.O.V)

It had been half hour since I'd slapped Aly and I was feeling guilty. I know Harry had said if she went out of line show her, her place but no one should ever do that. After twiddling my thumbs I walked to the bedroom door and knocked.

"Aly, Aly I'm sorry can you please come out and talk to me." After knocking a few times I assumed she cried herself to sleep so I went back to the lounge and notice my phone was vibrating, Harry was calling.

"Hey man is everything ok." I asked as I answered.

"Fine, at the moment they are still trying to find him, something about him running away some kind of guilt thing and they are trying to find him, I just hope that hole was big enough."

"I'm sure it was and I'm sure we covered out tracks well enough."

"Yea I'm pretty sure as well," Harry said. The was a loud smash which made Harry curse.

"You right man?"

"Yea just dropped a plate, look how's Alys?"

"She's fine, I thinks she asleep."

"Man being away from her isn't as easy as I thought, I know I'm tough in her because of her dad but I think I need help man."

"But if you get help it'll be easy to track you, you can't go on the system."

"Oh shit, I didn't think of that, look I'm going to go and I'll ring back later, just make sure Aly doesn't go anywhere."

"Yea alright man, talk to you soon."

As soon as I hung up the phone I wen back to the door and started knocking. I knocked louder and louder but their was no sound coming from the room. I went to the kitchen and grabbed and knife then back to the door. it was a simple lock so one little nudge with the knife and the door unlocked. I searched the room and the bathroom and there was no sign of Aly.

(Aly's P.O.V)

Waiting for the train was a nightmare. People were swearing and mothers were pushing their kids, it was sad. I sat on the bench, there was another ten minutes for the next train but to me it was the longest ten minutes. I didn't bring anything to entertain me so I made up story's of each people lives that were here.

The old lady standing near a wall, she clutched her bag so tight it was like she was afraid of taking public transport. The middle aged man wore a suit and tie and carrying a briefcase was probably late for an important meeting the way he tapped his feet. The mother with two kids, a girl and a boy was loosing patients because he kids kept fighting and wouldn't get along but by the looks of things she didn't want to make a scene.

When the train did come I was quick to get on, in hope to get away from this place. I knew that once Liam noticed I was gone he'd be after me, not brave enough to tell Harry but then if Harry does come home and I'm not there Liam would be in deep shit. I started feeling guilty and was about to talk myself out of what I was doing but the doors closed and the train was leaving the station.

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