Chapter 41

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(Aly's P.O.V)

It's hot, the sheets are sticking to my body but I can't seem to move to shake them off. I hear music, something soft an calming. I try and open my eyes and they are stuck together like I've been sleeping for days. When I do manage to open them I'm in a familiar room, Harry's. I sit up and look around, there is a pile of cloths that have blood covered on them. I then look down at my body and I'm just in my underwear. My arms have grazes on them as my knees do. I let out a cough, my mouth is so dry and I then hear foot steps.

"Oh Honey, your awake." It was Anne. She came in with a smile.

"What happened, how did I get hear?" I asked. I felt confused about why I was hear and why I was all cut and bruised.

"I'm not sure darling, when I got home you were on the door step." She explained. "I was hoping you'd tell me."

"I honestly don't know, one minute I'm running and then the next thing I know I'm waking up here."

"Why were you running?"

"My brother and sister found me, it's really complicated."

"I understand."

"Does Harry know I'm here?"

"I haven't told him but I'm sure Gemma has."

"I feel so bad."

"Well when your up to it, we can go and see him."

"I think I need that, I feel like I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Well 2 days is a long time when you without the one you love and you two are always together."

"I think I need to shower." I said. I was right, I couldn't remember the last time I had one in the last few days.

"Sure thing, I'll leave you to it." Anne gave me a smile and walked out of the room. I slid my legs off of the bed and dangled them down. My shoulder was aching, maybe a bath would make my feel slightly better.


How is it possible for every bone and muscle in your body to hurt this much. Sitting in the car hurt and every time I tried to more I'd hurt some where else. We were almost in Holmes Chapel and I was kind of excited but kind of disappointed at the same time. I kept thinking of Harry and how he is taking this, it's probably a lot better then what I am I can tell you that much. Anne and Robin were talking about something in the front but I was to tired and sore to pay any attention. I look out of the window and watch as the rain rolls it's way across the window and as cars drive passed. The rain is falling heavy and is making it hard for Robin to drive but I have faith he'll get us home on one piece.

From a distance I could see the sign and the closer we got the more I didn't want to go back. Harry wouldn't be himself and he'd worried and angry and I don't think I could handle it.

"I should ring up and see if he's at home." I heard Anne say.

"Wait, why wouldn't he be?" I asked. Anne looked at Robin before she spoke.

"Harry rang up and said that he is being arrested, I'm not sure if it's true because Gemma said he was home when she got there earlier but we'll have to see won't we." Anne explained.

"Don't worry to much dear, everything will be fine." Robin spoke up. I just nodded and leaned against the window as we drove into Holmes Chapel.

The town wasn't as busy as it always has been. it's like something was missing. I watched as we drove past the small shops along the main road and the small houses. It wasn't until we hit Dreamrot Road that it hit me that we were here. It was only one road of really big houses on large blocks.

I didn't even notice when the car stop because everything still seemed to be moving. It wasn't until I heard the car door shit then have mine open. I looked up and there was a worried Harry staring at me. His lips were moving yet I couldn't understand a word he was saying, instead my rolled at the back of my head and all I could see was complete darkness.

(Harry's P.O.V)

I watched as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. It was like a nightmare coming true. I checked her pulse and it was fine, mum was saying she just passed out because she was stressed and tired, so I carried her inside and laid her out on the couch. It had been two days, two long days and I wouldn't even be able to fully have he with me until she wakes up.

"What happen with the cops?" Mum asked. Shit, I had forgotten about them.

"It must have been a joke someone was playing because they haven't come over." I answer.

"Oh ok, where is your sister?"


"Is Liam still here?"

"I think so."

"You don't know much do you?"


"Never mind."

I sat alongside Aly as much as I could. It was hard to get up and pee or get a drink without leaving her. I was getting tired as the night ran out and everyone headed off to bed, but I stayed there. I started on the couch and ended up on the floor. I blankly turned on the tv in hope for some entertainment as I waited for her to wake up. There was a movie on called 'The Holiday' playing and it was sweet how the lady from England held an old an find his house in L.A. It was an interesting movie and quite enjoyable. by the time it finished it was early hours of the morning. I looked up at Aly and she looked very peaceful sleeping. I smiled at the sight and decided to quietly get up and go to the kitchen. I was in need of some coffee. With the only light in the house, I waited for the kettle. I prepared a cup with a spoonful of coffee and two sugars.

"Why are you still awake?" I turned around stunned to see Gemma rubbing her eyes.

"I can't sleep."

"Can't or won't?"

"Won't, I want to make sure she wakes up."

"Oh she will." Gemma smiled as she opened the fridge. I watched as she pulled out the milk and made herself a cup of tea. "What are you watching, besides Aly?"

"Uh, The Holiday just finished." I said. "So nothing, why?"

"Just asking."


"Well do get some sleep, I don't like you when you don't have enough."

"wow, thanks a lot."

"Your welcome, see you in the morning."

"Bye." I called out after Gemma left. I carried my cup back to the lounge and sat back on the floor. There was no sign Aly had moved so I switched channels. Nothing was on but this kids movie. 'Geek Charming' I think it's called. I remember Liam came over and watched it with Gemma a few years back.

It kind of made me laugh, but I blamed it on the whole no sleep thing. I was in a war against my eyelids, they grew heavier by the second and I knew I wasn't going to win. I look up at Aly one last time before giving in. Maybe an hour or two sleep will help waste time.

(Breaking News!!! I feel that this story has a few more chapters left in it, but don't worry I've started another one I think you should check out... the first chapter is up and will continue when I've finished this one :)) it's called Kidnapped For Love and it's a Niall fanfic set in Australia xx )

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