Chapter 37

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(Aly's P.O.V)

I leaned forward and banged my hand against the car door. The can driver was driving awfully slow, no wonder it was so easy to get one on a sunday. I thought about turning around several times but I couldn't possibly. There wasn't a specific place I was going I just knew I need to get away from Harry. I watched as cars drove past heading in the opposite direction as we headed towards London. The only thing I could think off was hat Liam had said about Jace and Kyte. I know it's been years since I've seen them but they were happy I left and had no reason to to do what they did. As much as I dislike Anna it was wrong of them to do that.


My room is dark, I had shut the door hoping that the world would follow but it never did. There is screaming on the otherside, it was always about me and how of a brat I was. It was never true, Kyte was the one always getting into trouble and blaming it on me. Just because we were identical gave her the thought that she could get away with everything. I'm 8 years old and I feel like the worlds on my shoulder, no 8 year old should feel like this. Jace is 13 and thinks he is the man of the house because dad left us about 3 years ago, well our step dad.

"There you are you piece of shit." Jace walks into my room with rage. I continue to sit on the bed, hoping that nothing bad happens. If mum wasn't here he wouldn't be doing this, but mum had to do her shopping and took Jackson my younger brother with her. "You've been in my room again and don't try and deny it either." Jace walked over and grabbed me by my hair. At 13 he was so much taller then me.

"I-I'm sorry Jace." I stuttered. But it wasn't enough, he pushed me to the floor and started kicking in my side. Tears fell from my eyes as pain ran through my body. At the door I could Kyte with a smirk across her face, some sister she was.

"You worthless piece of shit, no one wants you here." Jace spat. He then walked out of the room, Kyte right behind him and left me there in so much pain. I was lost and didn't know what to do, I had no one.

When I managed to stop crying I grabbed my backpack and stuffed it with clothes and anything I wanted to fit in there. I tied my shoes tight and put on a jumper and grabbed my scarf. Pushing the window open I threw my backpack out the window and slowly tried to climb out. I knew once I left I could never come home and at this point I didn't know what home was. I headed down the street, maybe if I head towards town like when I'd go with mum maybe, just maybe I could find someplace to stay. We lived in the northern part of England, I think mum called this place Bradford but I wasn't really sure because I always remember Jace saying how much he hated Yorkshire. Anyways there was one place I wanted to go, one place I always dreamed about, London.

An eight year old with better things to do then get punched and kicked everyday. I needed a new home, a new family and maybe if I made my way to London I can get that. I didn't have the time or money but maybe someone would be kind enough to lend a helping hand. I made my way to the main roads, cars were driving so fast I didn't know if they would see me but I did my best. I set down on the side of the road and stuck my hand out hoping someone would take putty on a small hopeless child.

"What are you doing out here in this weather?" An old lady pulled her car over and opened the passenger door. I look in the car and see a small girl in the back seat.

"My family doesn't want me, my brother hurts me all the time and my mum is never home." I say. It almost sounded proud that I got away but the old lady didn't look impressed.

"Why don't you jump in, I'm taking Kayla back to her mum and dad and we'll see what we can do." And that's what I did. I grabbed my backpack and climbed into the bak seat next to Kayla.

"What's your name?" Kayla asked.

"I'm Alice but you can call me Aly." I smiled. I never liked the name Alice, it was so strange and reminded me of that fairytale.

"What's that on you face." Kayla asked. I reached up and touched my face. It hurt even at the slightest touch.

"My brother hurt me." I was honest and to these strange people but I was sure that they were nice people and I couldn't wait to meet Kayla's mum and dad.

The drive wasn't very long at all, or maybe it was. Kayla was so nice and it was good to be able to talk to someone without getting hit or called names. We arrived at this very average house, it was blue and had a yellow door. The houses around here were close together, it made no sense. A lady walked out of the house and Kayla ran into her arms and I assumed that was her mum. I got out and walked behind the old lady I now knew as Mary-Anne but Kayla called her grandmother. I stood aside as they kindly welcomed each other. Kayla's mum looked around Kayla's grandmother at me and I didn't know what to do.

"Whats your name sweetie?" She asked.

"I'm Alice, but you can call me Aly." I answered.

"Where are you parents?"

"Mummy works a lot and I haven't seen daddy in a long time."

"Do you have anyone looking after you?"

"My brother and my sister."

"How old is your brother?" This lady wanted to know a lot, it was strange.

"I think he is 13."

"Why don't you come inside and play with Kayla and we'll work something out." She said as she opened the front door. I follow Kayla into her room and she showed me all of her toys. I had never seen so many, I had a doll once that Jace had burnt on the stove.


"Aly honey, this is Steve and he is going to arrange a few things and notify your mum where you are ok." Kayla's mum was standing next to a tall man with a beard.

"I don't think you'll want to do that."

"And whys that?" Steve asks.

"Because she'll be at work or passed out on the couch." I said. Steve and Kayla's mum looked at one an other.

"Why did you run away?" Steve asked.

"Because," I paused as I rolled up my sleeve's. "I get hurt all the time and I don't like it."

"I see." Steve looked at my arms and whispered something to Kayla's mum before saying goodbye.

"You'll be staying here until we can figure things out." Kayla's mum smiled and wondered off to the kitchen. I went back to see what Kayla was doing and she was asleep. I climbed onto the second bed she had in her room and thought maybe I could get a good night sleep without being ripped out of it.

(Flashback Over)

I look up an I'm standing in front of a mirror at the gas station. I wash my face and shake off the memories. It's been so long since I had seen Jace and Kyte but now that I think about it, I took Kayla and my friendship for granted. I look up, disgusted with what I see and walk out and head back to the cab, I wasn't even sure I was able to pay the fair but I kept going. I was another 5 minutes from the flat Harry and I shared an I knew by then I would be able to try and figure out what to do.

(Harry's P.O.V)

"So I go something to spice up this evening." Liam walks in the lounge room with a bag in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other. "Where's Aly?"

"She's gone." I mumbled.

"What do you mean she's gone?"

"She's gone, as in she walked out the front door."

"What did you say to her this time?"

"Me? it was you, you brought up shit about this fuck head Jack or what ever his name is and when I tried to ask her about it she just left." I was yelling and knew that if I kept going I would punch something. I had been numb since she left and I wanted to go after her so bad.

"Well fuck."

"Actually but."

"Do you know where she might of gone?"

"I don't know, maybe back to London."

"Isn't your mum in London?"

"I don't fucking know."

"Well your fucking smart then aren't you."

"Don't fucking start on me cunt."

(Sorry for the language, but here is another update :) also sorry it's taking me so long but I hope you haven't lost interest xx)

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