Chapter Fifteen

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Harry never fails to make me cry and its a usual thing for me. Once we said goodbye to his mum i could sense something coming. As soon as we were in the car and out of sight i noticed his jawline clench, he had tighten his grip on the steering wheel and as i was about to speak he turned the music up loud, it was irritating but i ignored the fact that he was angry. It was a ten minute drive to Liam's house and i was worried about the meeting of Harry's ex girlfriend, i wondered if he ever treated her as bad as this but he couldn't have, hes only just been like this for a few months and im stupid enough to still be hear.

Once we wee on Liams street Harry turned of the music and slowed down as we approached Liams house. "Dont pull a little stunt like you did at my mothers hear because i will not tolerate it." Harry said before pulling up on the grass in front of Liams. Once the car stopped Harry got out and i followed soon noticing Anna and Liam coming out the front door.

"This better be worth it." Harry said as Anna gave him a hug. It made me jealous knowing i couldnt even get that from him. Is it to much to ask for something great.

"Oh come on big guy, Anna has made something delicious." Liam laughed. I walked up beside Harry and Liam gave me a reassuring smile. "How are you feeling?" Liam asks. I look at Harry then back at Liam.

"Im doing ok, it was nice of you to have us over." I answer. There was some awkward silence lingering.

"Oh, Aly this is Anna, Anna this is Aly." Liam says as he introduces us, i could tell he was waiting for Harry but Harry just gave me a hateful look and went inside.

"Liam has told me so much about you." Anna says with a welcoming smile.

"All good i hope." I say as we follow the boys inside. Liam had redecorated but giving what i knew about him i'd say Anna got to him.

"So what are you two seeing eachother now?" Harry asks with just disgust in his voice.

"We could just be friends Harry." Liam says as he hands Harry a beer.

"Well are you?"

"Whats with the twenty questions?" Anna asks, Harry just gives her a blank look and takes a scull from his beer. "Harry if it makes you feel better we are just friends." Anna then laughs as she goes into the kitchen.

"Have you got that leg looked at since you left the hospital?" Liam asked.

"No she hasnt, we've been busy." Harry said as he answered me.

"Aly can answer for herself." Liam said with much more power in his voice. Harry looks over at me then takes another swig. "Why dont you take a seat on the couch and have it elevated." Liam said gesturing me towards the couch.

"Thanks Liam." I said giving him a thankful smile. I then watch Harry walk into the kitchen and Liam took a seat next to me.

(Harry's P.O.V)

"What are doing?" I asked Anna as i watched her stir what ever poison she had in the frying pan.

"Cooking dinner, what are you doing?"

"Not what i meant, what gives you the right to come back and crawl up Liams hole."

"Im glad you havent changed Harry, im sure that poor girl really loves you."

"Dont take that tone with me, Anna you need to leave town."

"Tone? Harry i came to make things right because i know i left on bad terms."

"Really? what gave that away, i dont want to see you in this town after tonight."

"Or what Harry?" Anna asked as she closed the gap between us, she was never afraid to stand up to me. "You dont and never have scared me Harry and your threats are a joke to me," Anna continued with a cheeky grim. "What are you still doing with that girl?"

"I love her." I said.

"You dont love her, if you really loved her you wouldnt hurt her." Anna explained as she went back to the fryingpan. "You wouldnt know what love is and im pretty sure when i told you i didnt love you, you said you couldnt love anyway."

"People change."

"People change Harry but you, you've turned into a monster."

"Its really none of your business."

"You've stop taking your meds though havent you?"

"Now that, that is absolutely known of your business." I say as i throw my empty bottle into the sink and grab another from the fridge and walk out to see Liam and Aly on the couch.

"Whats this?" I ask as i walk closer to Aly and Liam.

"Just a friendly conversation Harry." Liam answered. I look over to Aly and it looks like she's ready to cry. "Can we talk?" Liam asks em, i didnt even notice him stand up. Aly looked down at her hands as i followed Liam through the house and out into the backyard.

"Still cant believe your parents gave you this." I say as i admire the backyard. Memories flood back how we'd always hist pool parties when his parents would leave town.

"Harry i thought you said you'd make things better with Aly."

"I am, why what did she say?"

"Aly is broken Harry, you need to do more than try to be able to fix her." Liam explained.

"I know, but i wouldnt know the first thing to do." I said as i lean against the pool fence.

"Maybe you should stay at your mums, give her space because you wont let her go to her mums."

"I cant be away from her though."

"You need to try, maybe go and get a prescription for your meds and start taking them again."

"Why are you trying to help?"

"Because i care for Aly and because i know the real reason Anna is in town." Liam said. I wasnt really paying attention until he mentioned Anna. I despised Anna and knew she would try cause trouble.

"Why is she back in town, i dont buy that act she's pulling."

"Well he story is true, and well she wants you back Harry, she knows i like Aly and want to split you up but i care to much about our friendship for that to happen, i want her gone as much as you do but i dont have the heart to tell her to leave." Liam said as he explained Anna dirty secret, why couldnt she tell me that and how dare she try and ruin everything.

"You need to grow some balls." I snapped as i walked back inside. Anna wasnt in the kitchen as i walked past and when i walked into the dinning area she was setting up the table with Aly standing along the wall.

"Oh Harry there you are, look im so glad you dont hold anythin against me." Anna laughs, i see a smile crack along Alys mouth but she removes it once she notices me looking.

"Yes well im sorry but i have to go and do something, but ill be sure to be back before dessert." I say as i walk towards the door, i notice Aly following behind and turn to face her before opening the front door. "You need to stay here, Liam is going to fix the dressing on your thigh and im sure Anna has prepared something nice but i'll be back." I say explaining what was going on to Aly. She nodded and went to turn away but i grab her wrist and she winced. I pull her towards me and place a kiss on her forhead then head out.




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