Chapter 36

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(Liam's P.O.V)

It's been two days, it would have to be. My stomach was growling at the lack of food and water and I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep but I couldn't even do that. You would think someone would reconize me gone but that hasnt hit me yet. I still couldnt get over the fact that Aly had a twin and an older brother, it leads me to believe she is hiding things or just doesnt know herself. I try and call out to Anna but i cant seem to hear, she's probably dead or lost her voice to the point where she cant scream for help. Jace and Kyte havent been in all day and i was starting to worry they wouldnt come back, well that was until i heard a loud bang.

"Fucking slut." I heard someone say. When the fot steps came closer i noticed it was Jace, he was drunk and that could never be a good idea. As Jace stumbled into the room he reached around his back and pulled out a knife, i was half expecing to see a gun. "I wish i could just cut your throat." He mumbles as he walks over. He holds the knife up against my neck and i gulp in fear. But he soon removes it and cuts the rope and uses his other hand to help me up, but i just fall to my knee. "Get the fuck up, dont make me cut your throat." He huffs. I obey and try and stand up, but he only pushes me and i fall forward grabbing the door to hold me up. "Keep walking." He says and thats what i do, i keep walking until we reach the end of the hall way which he then kicks open. Inside the room were two beds and a lifeless Anna, i rush to her side and to my surprise sheis still breathing, barely. "You need to leave before i change my mind." Was the last thing he said before leaving us. It was weird being here for two days just to be let go. I try and pick Anna up bridal style, trying to be as careful as i could be. I slowly walked towards a door that looked like the front door and opened it to see a car. The lights were on and the doors were open so i quickly moved towards it, putting Anna in the back. I jumped in the front and took off. There was half a tank and i didnt even know where i was. I just drove until i hit a busy road, which didnt seem to come. I switched on the radio to see what the lastest news was. Nothing seemed to changed and no one seemed to be talking about Harry.

Wait, Harry. I hit the pedal as i hit a road and drove north, hoping that i was going to right way. It has been two days and i know he isnt going to be happy but im sure after explaining things he'll no what to do, i couldnt say much about Anna who i should really take to the hospital. Hospital, there was one near Harrys and im sure i can just drop her off without being questioned.

When i made it to his town it was quiet, i understand it was a sunday but how weird is it. I headed straight for the hospital where i ran in and shouted for help, nurses ask me some questions but i didnt bother o answer i just told them her name and that i found her on the side of the road and they took her in and looked at her straight away.

(Harry's P.O.V)

"Aly." Called out. I cant believe she was still here, still putting up with my shit. "Aly baby." She was sitting on the couch with a book in her hand, her hair was pushed to one side and she wore a pair of reading glasses. She looked up as i walked into the room and smiled.

"Hey." She put down her book and sat up as i walked over to her side.

"What you reading?"

"City of Bones, the first book in the Mortal Instruments series." She said reading the cover. "Gemma recomened and i thought why not."

"Have you heard from Liam?"

"Not a word, but i do find it strange that he hasnt called for a few days."

"He was meant to hit us up yesterday."

"Im sure he's been busy." Aly always tried to reasure me and most of the time it worked. She was perfect in so many ways it worried me that one day she'll walk away and not look back. I leaned over and kissed her forehead. When i pull back i hear the doorbell ring and knew it had to be the fucking media so i just sat there and looked over at Aly. I gave her a small smile and with a sigh she got up and started walking to the front door. I picked up the book she was reading, there was a half naked man on the cover so i flipped it over and read the blurb. The main characters name is Clary, how boring of a name.

"Hey Aly who was at the door." I ask once hear the door shut. I look up and see Aly with someone behind her, but it wasnt just anyone it was Liam. His face was bruised and blood stain his shirt. "What the fuck happened to you?"

"Got fucking kidnnapped or how ever you want to say it." Liam said as he took a seat on the couch.

"By who?" I ask, he looks at Aly then back at me before looking at the ground. "Aly can you make Liam something to drink please babe."

"Sure." I wait for Aly to walk out of the roo before i look over at Liam.


"Remember that party when you were about to get into a fight, well Jace the guy you were about to fight was pushing Anna for your address and she didnt know so she came to me and i wasnt going to tell her and then the next thing i know ive been tied to a chair in the abandoned house and Anna is no where to be seen and one question after another i find out the strangest thing." Liam explained in such little detail that i was already shocked that he had go through this because of something i did, yet again. "It turns out Jace is Aly's older brother but thats not even the strangest part, Aly has a twin sister."

"Fuck off she does."

"Why would i lie about this, her names is Kyte and she was torturing Anna and making her scream and it was terrible that i couldnt help because it was killing me."

"What?" Liam and I both look up and see Aly, she was shocked.

"They seemed worried about you, and it come to a shock when to Kyte when she found out you are now married." Lim continued. "I mean if i didnt bring that up i dont think i'd be here telling you."

"I havent seen them in like ten years." Aly says. She walked over and sat next to Liam. "How are they?"

"You mean inbetween getting punched and stabbed." Liam spits. I punch his arm and he straightens up. "They are worried about you, they have been since you left."

"I didnt leave on purpose."

"You never told me about that, or that you have a brother and a sister." I say to Aly. She just looks at the ground, a little disapointed that she has to now explain that part of her life. I didnt want to force her into going bak into her past but my having Liam here maybe it was my chance to do so, she had alway kept things to herself and i just didint want this to be something she kept from me.

"Because i had, well have a reason and it's just something i dont want to share."

"But you can share anything with me."

"I know it's just." Aly paused and looked over at Liam who was well and truely into this conversation.

"Im just going to run to the bakery, did you want anything?" Liam asked as he stood up.

"Nah we're right, just try and not to get kiddnapped." I tried to make a joke but it didnt work. I watched as Liam left and then gave Aly y full attention. "You can tell me anything babe, maybe this is what we need."

"What we need, Harry this is what we need, this isnt going to fix us."

"Fix us? What are you talking about."

"Nothing just, im just going to go back to London for the rest of th day, i need some time." Aly said as she got up. I just sat there confused about what had just happened. I was zoning out that i didnt even here her leave until the door slammed shut. I couldnt ran after her without the police coming and it was stupid that my only opption was to sit here and what for her to come back.

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