Chapter Nineteen

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(Harry's P.O.V)

"I thought you said you'd bring Aly the next time you visit?" Gemma asks as i get out of the car. I slam the door shut. "Bad timing?" She says trying to hold in a laugh. I ignore her and walk in the house and find mum in the study. She is talking to someone on the phone. "She is trying to figure out what to do with you, you really have let yourself down since i left."

"Just drop it." I spit. I then walk to the kitchen and pull out a can of coke from the fridge and crack it open.

"How is she, Aly i mean?" Gemma asks as she takes a seat on one of the stools.

"Fine." I grit through my teeth.

"Fine? What did she do this time? i mean what did you do?"

"Im not talking to you about this, its none of your business." I say before walking to my old bedroom. Mum hadnt changed it since i left so it was still the same, black walls with a blood red feature wall and the blown up pictue of an old bridge i had take. The bed that i never used to want to leave sat against the window and my closet was still full of clothes. I sit on the edge on the bed and lay back looking at the ceiling where i had installed a mirror for those nights.

"I've been meaning to redecorate but ive been extremly busy." I hear my mother say. I sit up and she walks towards me and takes a seat next to me.

"Im glad you didnt." I mumble. "Any news?"

"Well they have just assumed he has left the country, but when his car was found they wanted to start a search but wittnesses say he was seen in ireland so lets just take each day as it comes." My mother says. She wraps an arm around my shoulder and i lean my head on her shoulder. The room is silent for a few minutes with just the sound of us breathing. I can hear the tv down the hall and let out a sigh.

"It'll be ok, right?" I ask my mum.

"It'll be fine honey, if it ever comes to it we have the best lawyer and your good at lying." She answers trying to make a joke.

"Not helping." I say as i stand up and make my way to my bathroom.

"Why didnt you bring Aly, Gemma really would like to meet her." My mother says stopping me in my tracks. I let out a sigh annoyed that they would ask.

"Long story, let me chuck a piss and i'll tell you." I said before going into the bathroom. I closed the door and took a leak before washing my hands and face. I looked dead tired, which i was but after calming myself i walked out and headed towards the study where i knew my mother would be, and i was right.

"What's bothering you honey." My mother asks as i walk in. I throw myself on the couch and she takes the single seat across from me.

"For a while every now and then i'd get this same dream and it haunts me every second of the day but i avent admitted until now."I say as i start to explain my dream. My mum just nods her head and i continue. "I hate the feeling that i've killed someone and bein around Aly is a constant reminder but i cant leave her, she cant leave me and its just one huge nightmare, i love Aly and i have told her but she hasnt said it back and i feel because she knows what i can do that she'll leave me and i wont be able to stop her."

"Honey you cant keep blamming yourself, he was a bad man and it happens but as for Aly maybe the best thing is for you to let her go and if she comes back then you'll know its meant to be." My mother says. I didnt know whether she was right or trying to save me from hurting someone else.

"I've hurt Aly more than i ever imagined i would and i cant take it back, i think she is scared to leave." I say. I felt a tear leave my eye and wiped it away quickly.

"Well your on your meds now," My mother says, i nod. "Just sit her down and tell her if she wants to leave she can."

"I tried that, last night after the party." I say but i stop as i remember what happened at the party. I dont even know if they guy was ok, i was to pissed to even ask.

"What happened at the party?"

"This guy threatened Aly and i got pissed, even more when they all thought i was drinking."

"You didnt get into a fight did you?" My mother asked. I just sat there in silence. "Harry i would think that you'd learn, one punch and you could have killed him."

"I know mum, dont you think i know that." I yell. I stand up in frustration and storm out of her office or whatever you call it.

(Liam's P.O.V)

The house is quiet. It's a good quiet, i was able to sleep in and not worry about having anyone here. I roll over and check the time and its well into the afternoon. I roll out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a leak and to wash my face. A massive headache lingered so i searched for some kind of pain killer and found some in the botton draw. I walk out with them to the kitchen and notice the place is a mess, but i ignore it and pore a glass of water to help swollow the pills. As i go to walk back to the bedroom my phone goes off so i walk over to the table and notice a new message from Harry.

Harry: Hey Li, can you please come over, -A

Harry must have left his phone at home or was to lazy to text me himself. I text back saying i'll be there soon and go back to the bedroom and pull out fresh pair of jeans and a plain white clean t-shirt. I search around for my keys and finally find them on the ground near the front door. I lock the house and make my way to my car and notice a note taped to the window.

Tell you friend he's dead!

A threat made towards Harry was never good, but after last night this one was a little believable and it actually send a shiver down my spine. I get into the car and take off down the road and head towards Harrys. What was i going to tell him, or maybe it'd be better not to and let him take what he deserves.

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