Chapter 4: A Fun Night Out

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"What are we going to do with her body?" Natalia asked.

"I'll call up one of the men to come get rid of it." I said, while dialing his number.

"Alright, I'll meet you in the living room."

"Okay, hermosa [beautiful]."

As Natalia made her way up the stairs, Danny answered the phone.

*Phone Call*

"What's up, boss?" He asked.

"I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?"

"I need you to hide a body for me."

"Okay, but I'm gonna need you to pay me a little extra."

I rolled my eyes. "How much?"

"Hmm... about $600,000."


"$600,000 for the job, or I won't do it." He said with an attitude.

"How about I do you one better. You get rid of the damn body, and I'll pay you $100,000 like always."

"Nah. I like my idea way better."

I swear he is getting on my last damn nerve. "Listen, pinche estupido [fucking idiot]! You either do the fucking job for the same fucking price as always, or you can say bye to your life, because if you don't... I promise you, you won't have the chance to see sundown. Got it?"

"S—sí señor Garcia [Y—yes Mr. Garcia]." He stuttered.

"Ven a recojer el cuerpo en viente minutos. Y si algún día se te ocurre a traicionar me... pues vamos a tener muchos, y muchos problemas, Danny. Me oíste? [Come pick up the body in twenty minutes. And if one day you decide to betray me... well, we're going to have many, many problems, Danny. Do you hear me?]"

"S—sí señor [Y—yes sir]."

"Adiós [Bye]." I hung up, put my phone in my pocket, and started making my way to the living room. Suddenly, Natalia's standing in the door way.

"Everything okay? I heard you yelling all the way from the living room."

"Yeah," I said as her presence calmed me. "Just Danny wanting more money like always."

"I swear when will that idiot listen?"

"I don't kn—" I was suddenly interrupted by the doorbell.

"Did you invite someone? "

"I invited Alejandro, but he said he wouldn't be here until around six." Me and Natalia made our way back upstairs to the front door, and opened it to see Mateo.

"Fernando!" Mateo yelled, as he opened his arms for a hug.

"Mateo!" I yelled back, accepting the hug, happy to see him.

"Come in, come in." I told him as he started to make his way inside.

"What are you doing here? Did you already finish the deal in Mexico?" I asked.

" Yup. Sold all 400 crates for $1,000,000 just like you told me to." He said.

"That fast, Mateo? Wow... I'm impressed. I barely sent you to Mexico about two weeks ago."

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