Chapter 25: One Step Closer

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*Alex's POV*

I woke up from a nap a few minutes ago, and it was not willingly. Camila decided to wake me up by dumping a bucket of ice-cold water on me. After dumping it, she ran down the stairs.

I quickly shot up, with my teeth chattering at how cold the water was.


"Yes?!" She yelled back innocently.

"You better pray I don't catch you!"

"You're not that fast anyways!"

"Wanna bet?!" I began running down the stairs, and towards the living room where she was at.

She stood there calmly, as a smile grew on her lips. "Did you like the water?"

I stared back at her with a slight glare. "No, you got the whole damn bed wet."

"Aww, I thought the water was delicious."

"Want to know what was delicious, though?"


"You." I smirked.

I was expecting her to blush or become shy, but she did the exact opposite. Instead of having some sort of a shocked expression on her face, she smirked.

"Can't say the same." She said while continuing to smirk.

My jaw dropped as I looked at her, shocked by what she had just said.

"Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm gonna go run away now." Camila then quickly ran past me, and out of the living room.

I began chasing her up the stairs, and into the bedroom. Once I finally caught up to her, I pinned her against the wall, with her arms above her head.

"You think you're funny, huh?"

"Yeah. Actually... I know I'm funny." She giggled.

"You are in so much trou—" Before I could even finish my sentence, my phone began to ring. I went towards the dresser and picked it up.

*Phone Call*

"Yes, dear brother?"

"Alex, where are you? It's already six o'clock."

"Um, at my house. Where else would I be?"

"Idiota [idiot]. Did you forget that we're supposed to go with Fernando to this stupid meet up with Vanessa?"

"Shit! I'm on my way."


"Okay, bye."

*Fernando's POV*

"I still hate this."

"Fernando, just suck it up." Mateo said.

"Easy for you to say! She's didn't run her nasty ass finger along your jawline, did she!?"

Alex burst out laughing. "You must feel so lucky, huh?"

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Smartass."

"Sorry to break it to you Fernando, but you have to meet up with Vanessa at the bar in..." Jake pulled his sleeve up and looked down at his watch, then looked back up, "less than twenty minutes

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