Chapter 27: Surprise...

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Recap: "Listen, I don't have time to play these games, Vanessa."

"Glad to see we're on the same page." Just as I was about to call in for back up, Vanessa pulled out a gun, cocked it back, and pointed it right to my forehead.

"Any last words, Garcia?" She smirked.

Damn, she really is stupid.

"I'm guessing you don't have any last words?" She smirked.

"No, I actually do." I quickly kicked the gun out of her hands, causing it to slide across the room. She began going after it, until I pushed her to the ground, quickly took out my gun, and pointed it towards her.

"You see, I don't plan to die anytime soon, but you on the other hand... well, let me just ask you. Do you have any last words?"

She began laughing while she had her elbows propping her up on the ground. "You're all complete amateurs."

Suddenly she swept her foot under mine, making me to fall to the ground. She got up and went towards her gun, but I held onto her leg, in which she fell to the ground once more.

"Let go of me, asshole!" Suddenly I felt her foot make contact with my face.

"You fucking bitch!" I yelled out. I got up and threw her against the wall.

"You know? I usually don't fight girls, but with you, I'm sure I can make an exception."

"Oh, I'm so fucking honored." She swung to my face, I ducked quickly, but she swung again, and her fist made contact with my face.

I began chuckling as I spit some blood out. "You're really pushing my patience, Vanessa." I said coldly.

"That's great!" She said sarcastically, then kicked me in the stomach, in which I moved back.

"Alright. You wanna fight, because I'm not afraid to fight back." I glared at her. Anger ran throughout my body from the kicks and punches she threw at me.

"Like you can actually hit." She laughed.

"Want me to prove it?" I asked coldly, warning her to not annoy me any further.

"Bring it." She grinned.

I ran towards her and kicked her just above mid thigh. She fell to the ground and once again, swung her leg under my feet. Before she got the chance to make me fall again, I jumped.

I pulled out my gun and pointed it towards her. Just as I was about to pull the trigger, she kicked it out of my hands, and got up in an instant.

"You gotta be faster than that, Fernando."

"What the fuck are you?! Flash!?"

She began laughing. "Fernando... I'm a Petrov. How else do you think my brother killed your parents in an instant?" She continued laughing.

I'm getting sick and tired on how all of them bring up my parents death. Every chance they get, they bring it up. They're mocking me, making me remember how Nikolai's the one at fault for my parents death, and I've had it. I'm done.

I began circling Vanessa. "That's all you and your brothers are good at, huh? Killing innocent people, murdering my parents, bringing up their death every fucking chance you guys get."

"Wow, you're finally right for once. You must feel accomplished."

As I was still behind her, I pulled out my knife, quickly pressed it up against the front of her neck, and whispered in her ear. "If that means I get to slit your throat, then I guess I do feel accomplished."

*Meanwhile with Alex*

I decided to just stay quiet, so I wouldn't distract Fernando. I put my mic on mute, so he wouldn't hear me if I accidently said something. Every time I heard him cuss or grunt, I sat on the edge of my seat, hoping he didn't get hurt too badly, because Natalia would seriously murder me.

"If that means I get to slit your throat, then I guess I do feel accomplished" I heard Fernando say through the earpiece.

Shit, Fernando's had it now.

Suddenly, I heard someone walk into Fernando's living room behind me. I took my gun out, quickly turned around, then pointed it at them... until I realized who exactly it was.



"Um, hey... how have you been?" I asked, but I didn't receive an answer back, instead I received a glare.

I'm going to be in so much trouble...

*Back to Fernando's POV*

"Well, what are you waiting for? Slit my throat already."

"Gladly." However, I should have seen this coming. Just before I was able to sink the knife into her throat, she elbowed me in the stomach, twisted my arm behind me, and took the blade out of my hand, before throwing me to the ground.

I began laughing while I sat on the floor with my back against the wall. "You just don't give up, do you?"

"I guess not. I mean, I am Ivan's sister after all," She said while still holding the knife in her hand. "Now, I think we've both had enough of this, haven't we?"

"Would you look at that, you're finally right for once."

She came over towards me and placed the knife near my cheek.

"It's a shame that pretty face of yours will soon have a small scar..." Vanessa said while fake pouting.

"What?" Before I could react, I yelled out in pain, as she pressed the knife into the side of my face. Immediately, I kicked her away, she dropped the knife, and fell to the floor.

"THAT'S ENOUGH! You're right, I believe this has gone on for far too long." I grabbed the pistol off the ground, went towards her, and pointed it to her.

"Good luck in hell, bitch." Before she could react, I shot her right in the head, then her body went limp. Blood began to ooze from her forehead, and onto the floor.

Thank god that's over and done with. Now, time to get out of here.
I finally arrived back to my place. Once I walked in, I called out for Alex. I made my way towards the living room to see if he was still there.

"Alex, you still in here?" I question, but when I looked further more to my right, I saw an all too familiar face...


"Surprise..." She said while staring at me with no emotion, but deep down I knew she was pissed.



What will happen next?

What will the Russian Mafia do once they find out Vanessa's dead?

And how will things go for Fernando?

Comment, vote, and let me know what you guys thought!😊

Love ya guys, until next chapter!💕


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